a cascade in progress - things you just wouldn't say to Ash Wensdee:

"Jay Kaner" <skinup@will.com> wrote in message
> "Mick" <ujkki@kk.com> wrote in message
> news:26co1u.tqe.17.4@news.alt.net...
>> Puck wrote:
>>> " Grant" <Grant@Mcleod40.fsnet.co.ku.com> wrote in
>>> news:sO6dnYMoN7dE61fVnZ2dnUVZ8sLinZ2d@pipex.net:
>>>> "Puck" <pourluh@googlemail.com> wrote in message
>>>> news:Xns9B17A1936D87Dwotevz@
>>>>> Mick <ujkki@kk.com> wrote in news:26ag3n.o1i.19.1@news.alt.net:
>>>>>> Puck wrote:
>>>>>>> Mick <ujkki@kk.com> wrote in news:26aerm.hu2.19.4@news.alt.net:
>>>>>>>> Puck wrote:
>>>>>>>>> 1. Are those laughter lines?
>>>>>>>> 2. Has anyone seen the nails for the cross?
>>>>>>> There's always one. And it's always you.
>>>>>>> And I ****ing love this place. I love that we're all ****. LOL.
>>>>>> 3. ban me from cascades!!!!!!!!!!
>>>>> **** that, love. Without your contribution my eyes would be much less
>>>>> wet.
>>>> Poor Micky never had much success with women!
>>> Don't you start on Micky. I might have to get cross.

>> Yeah! **** off Frasier, we all know your missus was a mail order Russian.

> LOL... He can't afford 'Russian'. Is missus is Papua New Guinean.

If you two continue to take the piss I will have to go postal on you and
reply with at least 7 paragraphs telling you how it is, laying ground rules,
and threatening to never read any of you post again in my entire life,
now I know you don't want that!

Oh and to set the record straight about my wife, she is neither Russian nor
Papua New Guinean she is Taiwanese's and she came in a brown paper wrapped
box with a foot pump.

"Puck" <pourluh@googlemail.com> wrote in message
> "Jay Kaner" <skinup@will.com> wrote in
> news:9gMyk.57017$E41.30225@text.news.virginmedia.com:
>> "Steve Leyland" <steveREMOVEDOTINVALIDTOREPLY@meow.org.invalid> wrote
>> in message news:gafrcp$ft2$1@blackhelicopter.databasix.com...
>>> Once upon a time in a magickal land far far away the being called Jay
>>> Kaner
>>> stirred from its deep slumber and pronounced to usenet:
>>> : " Grant" <Grant@Mcleod40.fsnet.co.ku.com> wrote in message
>>> : news:276dnYEoBsnEJVfVnZ2dneKdnZydnZ2d@pipex.net...
>>> : :
>>> : : "Puck" <pourluh@googlemail.com> wrote in message
>>> : : news:Xns9B17CF0D82A9Fwotevz@
>>> : : : " Grant" <Grant@Mcleod40.fsnet.co.ku.com> wrote in
>>> : : : news:WaqdncAghK9ALVfV4p2dnAA@pipex.net:
>>> : : :
>>> : : : :
>>> : : : : "Puck" <pourluh@googlemail.com> wrote in message
>>> : : : : news:Xns9B17BB1975033wotevz@
>>> : : : : : USArulz <usarulz@righton.net> wrote in news:Cwwyk.93$be.85
>>> : : : : : @nlpi061.nbdc.sbc.com:
>>> : : : : :
>>> : : : : : : Puck wrote:
>>> : : : : : : : USArulz <usarulz@righton.net> wrote in
>>> : : : : : : : news:zVvyk.122$Ws1.95 @nlpi064.nbdc.sbc.com:
>>> : : : : : : :
>>> : : : : : : : : Grant wrote:
>>> : : : : : : : : : "Puck" <pourluh@googlemail.com> wrote in message
>>> : : : : : : : : : news:Xns9B17A16FED411wotevz@
>>> : : : : : : : : : : " Grant" <Grant@Mcleod40.fsnet.co.ku.com>
>>> : : : : : : : : : : wrote in news:gbmdnbLs-
>>> : : : : : : : : : : rjm8VfVnZ2dneKdnZydnZ2d@pipex.net:
>>> : : : : : : : : : :
>>> : : : : : : : : : : : "Puck" <pourluh@googlemail.com> wrote in
>>> : : : : : : : : : : : message
>>> : : : : : : : : : : : news:Xns9B1798FED118Fwotevz@
>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 1. Are those
>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : laughter lines?
>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 2. Life's great
>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :isn't : : : : : : : : : it.
>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 3. We're off to a great
>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : party, are you coming?
>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 4. Nice to meet you!
>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 5. I bet you can't spell
>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : gang****ed.
>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 6. Oh yeah, you do have a
>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : point.
>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 7. I'd like to be your friend!
>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 8. That seven-paragraph post was
>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :a : : : ****ing winner.
>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 9. Free charcoal!
>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 10.LOL!
>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 11.Its been a pleasure.
>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 12.If I had a penny for every time you've
>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : : : used that line, I'd be homeless.
>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : : 13. Come over the steaks are on the BBQ.
>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : :
>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : 14. Care to dance?
>>> : : : : : : : : : : : 15. Has anyone seen the nails for the cross?
>>> : : : : : : : : : : 16. Alan Hope has left you for another woman.
>>> : : : : : : : : : :
>>> : : : : : : : : : 17.You look hot in that sarong!
>>> : : : : : : : : :
>>> : : : : : : : : :
>>> : : : : : : : : 18. It's the New York Times, asking for you...
>>> : : : : : : : 19. And they want pictures!
>>> : : : : : : 20. And to know to whom to make out the blank check.
>>> : : : : : 21. And where to send the courtesy limo.
>>> : : : : :
>>> : : : : 22.I really enjoyed that.
>>> : : : 23. I think you should take this newsgroup business more
>>> : : : seriously.
>>> : : :
>>> : : 24.I can tell you don't take any of this seriously.
>>> : 25. Would you babysit the kids...Ah, hang on, no, sorry, that's
>>> : Gary Glitter innit.
>>> 26. Has slang for "tekkin it up teh gary glitter" been revised due to
>>> recent events?

>> 27. No. Sadly, none of zen, dave or ash wensdee rhymes with anything
>> to do with yer arse, unlike gary glitter which rhymes beautifully with
>> 'shitter'. The nearest
>> is dave zhitter which, to be honest, isn't that good.

> 28. Advertising your blog in your sig is a great idea.

29.You really are a level and balanced guy.
" Grant" <Grant@Mcleod40.fsnet.co.ku.com> wrote in message
> "Jay Kaner" <skinup@will.com> wrote in message
> news:1BMyk.57025$E41.43862@text.news.virginmedia.com...
>> "Mick" <ujkki@kk.com> wrote in message
>> news:26co1u.tqe.17.4@news.alt.net...
>>> Puck wrote:
>>>> " Grant" <Grant@Mcleod40.fsnet.co.ku.com> wrote in
>>>> news:sO6dnYMoN7dE61fVnZ2dnUVZ8sLinZ2d@pipex.net:
>>>>> "Puck" <pourluh@googlemail.com> wrote in message
>>>>> news:Xns9B17A1936D87Dwotevz@
>>>>>> Mick <ujkki@kk.com> wrote in news:26ag3n.o1i.19.1@news.alt.net:
>>>>>>> Puck wrote:
>>>>>>>> Mick <ujkki@kk.com> wrote in news:26aerm.hu2.19.4@news.alt.net:
>>>>>>>>> Puck wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> 1. Are those laughter lines?
>>>>>>>>> 2. Has anyone seen the nails for the cross?
>>>>>>>> There's always one. And it's always you.
>>>>>>>> And I ****ing love this place. I love that we're all ****. LOL.
>>>>>>> 3. ban me from cascades!!!!!!!!!!
>>>>>> **** that, love. Without your contribution my eyes would be much
>>>>>> less wet.
>>>>> Poor Micky never had much success with women!
>>>> Don't you start on Micky. I might have to get cross.
>>> Yeah! **** off Frasier, we all know your missus was a mail order
>>> Russian.

>> LOL... He can't afford 'Russian'. Is missus is Papua New Guinean.

> If you two continue to take the piss I will have to go postal on you and
> reply with at least 7 paragraphs telling you how it is, laying ground
> rules, and threatening to never read any of you post again in my entire
> life,
> now I know you don't want that!

> Oh and to set the record straight about my wife, she is neither Russian
> nor Papua New Guinean she is Taiwanese's and she came in a brown paper
> wrapped box with a foot pump.

> HTHs

As much as the foot pump does for you and yer love life.
Puck <pourluh@googlemail.com> was an ugly child, and now the world
must suffer, like this:

>1. Are those laughter lines?

2. Says Ms. Full o' ****in' Fun.


I'm John McCain and Big Oil approves this message.
http://gollyg.blogspot.com -- bullshit you can trust

Ash Wensdee
"Ash Wensdee" <ash@wensdee.com> wrote in message
> Puck <pourluh@googlemail.com> was an ugly child, and now the world
> must suffer, like this:
>>1. Are those laughter lines?

> 2. Says Ms. Full o' ****in' Fun.

3. Says Mr. Full o' ****in' ****.
"Ash Wensdee" <ash@wensdee.com> wrote in message
> Puck <pourluh@googlemail.com> was an ugly child, and now the world
> must suffer, like this:
>>1. Are those laughter lines?

> 2. Says Ms. Full o' ****in' Fun.

Oi Dave that's "Miss" to you, you ****, oh and she is full of fun. You see
she can actually laugh at her self.
"Jay Kaner" <skinup@will.com> was an ugly child, and now the world
must suffer, like this:

>"Ash Wensdee" <ash@wensdee.com> wrote in message
>> Puck <pourluh@googlemail.com> was an ugly child, and now the world
>> must suffer, like this:
>>>1. Are those laughter lines?

>> 2. Says Ms. Full o' ****in' Fun.

>3. Says Mr. Full o' ****in' ****.

You forgot to include content before your byline.


I'm John McCain and Big Oil approves this message.
http://gollyg.blogspot.com -- bullshit you can trust

Ash Wensdee
"Ash Wensdee" <ash@wensdee.com> wrote in message
> "Jay Kaner" <skinup@will.com> was an ugly child, and now the world
> must suffer, like this:
>>"Ash Wensdee" <ash@wensdee.com> wrote in message
>>> Puck <pourluh@googlemail.com> was an ugly child, and now the world
>>> must suffer, like this:
>>>>1. Are those laughter lines?
>>> 2. Says Ms. Full o' ****in' Fun.

>>3. Says Mr. Full o' ****in' ****.

> You forgot to include content before your byline.

You don't say. Forgot to include content before byline, eh.

I can't believe I forgot to include content before byline!

How much content before byline did I forget to include?

Can y'give me a percentage. Doesn't have to be totally accurate.

Ballpark figure will do. + or - 4%.
On 14 Sep, 01:37, Ash Wensdee <a...@wensdee.com> wrote:
> ?Puck <pour...@googlemail.com> was an ugly child,

I was a Pears Soap kid. Did I ever tell you that? I'm a much more
ugly adult.

> and now the world
> must suffer, like this:
> >1. ?Are those laughter lines? ?

> 2. Says Ms.

If you ever call me Ms again, I will killfile your arse quicker than
you can say, "suck me off, Hopey" geddit? And the thing about me,
****y, is that I am true to my word.

Well, except when I say I'll never talk to you again. Then I'm
totally lying, obv.

T-H-E cure for insomnia you can trust

> Full o' ****in' Fun.
> --
> I'm John McCain and Big Oil approves this message.http://gollyg.blogspot.com-- bullshit you can trust
> Ash Wensdee
" Grant" <Grant@Mcleod40.fsnet.co.ku.com> wrote in

> "Ash Wensdee" <ash@wensdee.com> wrote in message
> news:94noc4ho04nte7mji1l709tbtckfgft3al@4ax.com...
>> Puck <pourluh@googlemail.com> was an ugly child, and now the world
>> must suffer, like this:
>>>1. Are those laughter lines?

>> 2. Says Ms. Full o' ****in' Fun.

> Oi Dave that's "Miss" to you, you ****, oh and she is full of fun. You
> see she can actually laugh at her self.

**** knows I've got enough material.
"Jay Kaner" <skinup@will.com> was an ugly child, and now the world
must suffer, like this:

>"Ash Wensdee" <ash@wensdee.com> wrote in message
>> "Jay Kaner" <skinup@will.com> was an ugly child, and now the world
>> must suffer, like this:
>>>"Ash Wensdee" <ash@wensdee.com> wrote in message
>>>> Puck <pourluh@googlemail.com> was an ugly child, and now the world
>>>> must suffer, like this:
>>>>>1. Are those laughter lines?
>>>> 2. Says Ms. Full o' ****in' Fun.
>>>3. Says Mr. Full o' ****in' ****.

>> You forgot to include content before your byline.

>You don't say. Forgot to include content before byline, eh.
>I can't believe I forgot to include content before byline!
>How much content before byline did I forget to include?
>Can y'give me a percentage. Doesn't have to be totally accurate.
>Ballpark figure will do. + or - 4%.

This is the screamingly funny humour you're renowned for, right?t


I'm John McCain and Big Oil approves this message.
http://gollyg.blogspot.com -- bullshit you can trust

Ash Wensdee
Puck <pourluh@googlemail.com> was an ugly child, and now the world
must suffer, like this:

>On 14 Sep, 01:37, Ash Wensdee <a...@wensdee.com> wrote:
>> ?Puck <pour...@googlemail.com> was an ugly child,

>I was a Pears Soap kid. Did I ever tell you that? I'm a much more
>ugly adult.
>> and now the world
>> must suffer, like this:
>> >1. ?Are those laughter lines? ?

>> 2. Says Ms.

>If you ever call me Ms again, I will killfile your arse quicker than
>you can say, "suck me off, Hopey" geddit? And the thing about me,
>****y, is that I am true to my word.
>Well, except when I say I'll never talk to you again. Then I'm
>totally lying, obv.

Okay Ms ****wit, you got it.


I'm John McCain and Big Oil approves this message.
http://gollyg.blogspot.com -- bullshit you can trust

Ash Wensdee
"Ash Wensdee" <ash@wensdee.com> wrote in message
> "Jay Kaner" <skinup@will.com> was an ugly child, and now the world
> must suffer, like this:
>>"Ash Wensdee" <ash@wensdee.com> wrote in message
>>> "Jay Kaner" <skinup@will.com> was an ugly child, and now the world
>>> must suffer, like this:
>>>>"Ash Wensdee" <ash@wensdee.com> wrote in message
>>>>> Puck <pourluh@googlemail.com> was an ugly child, and now the world
>>>>> must suffer, like this:
>>>>>>1. Are those laughter lines?
>>>>> 2. Says Ms. Full o' ****in' Fun.
>>>>3. Says Mr. Full o' ****in' ****.
>>> You forgot to include content before your byline.

>>You don't say. Forgot to include content before byline, eh.
>>I can't believe I forgot to include content before byline!
>>How much content before byline did I forget to include?
>>Can y'give me a percentage. Doesn't have to be totally accurate.
>>Ballpark figure will do. + or - 4%.

> This is the screamingly funny humour you're renowned for, right?t


That, davey boy, was sarcasm.

If you remember, we were discussing humour in the 'apologies' thread.
....Which you've been avoiding like the plague ever since.

Why have you been avoiding the 'apologies' thread like the plague ever
since, eh?

And before you ask, that was neither humour nor sarcasm. It was a question.
"Jay Kaner" <skinup@will.com> was an ugly child, and now the world
must suffer, like this:

>"Ash Wensdee" <ash@wensdee.com> wrote in message
>> "Jay Kaner" <skinup@will.com> was an ugly child, and now the world
>> must suffer, like this:
>>>"Ash Wensdee" <ash@wensdee.com> wrote in message
>>>> "Jay Kaner" <skinup@will.com> was an ugly child, and now the world
>>>> must suffer, like this:
>>>>>"Ash Wensdee" <ash@wensdee.com> wrote in message
>>>>>> Puck <pourluh@googlemail.com> was an ugly child, and now the world
>>>>>> must suffer, like this:
>>>>>>>1. Are those laughter lines?
>>>>>> 2. Says Ms. Full o' ****in' Fun.
>>>>>3. Says Mr. Full o' ****in' ****.
>>>> You forgot to include content before your byline.
>>>You don't say. Forgot to include content before byline, eh.
>>>I can't believe I forgot to include content before byline!
>>>How much content before byline did I forget to include?
>>>Can y'give me a percentage. Doesn't have to be totally accurate.
>>>Ballpark figure will do. + or - 4%.

>> This is the screamingly funny humour you're renowned for, right?t

>That, davey boy, was sarcasm.

Was it? Thanks for explaining.

Note that I won't tolerate your using my name. Ash, Zen, ****tard, all
fine. Davey no. Show some respect, ****.

Do it again, join Gunter in Siberia. Okay?

>If you remember, we were discussing humour in the 'apologies' thread.
>...Which you've been avoiding like the plague ever since.
>Why have you been avoiding the 'apologies' thread like the plague ever
>since, eh?

I see a long chain of names of boring posters and I think **** that.
That's pretty standard for me.

>And before you ask, that was neither humour nor sarcasm. It was a question.

Is this like a quiz? Do I get a prize if I answer enough questions


I'm John McCain and Big Oil approves this message.
http://gollyg.blogspot.com -- bullshit you can trust

Ash Wensdee
"Ash Wensdee" <ash@wensdee.com> wrote in message
> "Jay Kaner" <skinup@will.com> was an ugly child, and now the world
> must suffer, like this:
>>"Ash Wensdee" <ash@wensdee.com> wrote in message
>>> "Jay Kaner" <skinup@will.com> was an ugly child, and now the world
>>> must suffer, like this:
>>>>"Ash Wensdee" <ash@wensdee.com> wrote in message
>>>>> "Jay Kaner" <skinup@will.com> was an ugly child, and now the world
>>>>> must suffer, like this:
>>>>>>"Ash Wensdee" <ash@wensdee.com> wrote in message
>>>>>>> Puck <pourluh@googlemail.com> was an ugly child, and now the world
>>>>>>> must suffer, like this:
>>>>>>>>1. Are those laughter lines?
>>>>>>> 2. Says Ms. Full o' ****in' Fun.
>>>>>>3. Says Mr. Full o' ****in' ****.
>>>>> You forgot to include content before your byline.
>>>>You don't say. Forgot to include content before byline, eh.
>>>>I can't believe I forgot to include content before byline!
>>>>How much content before byline did I forget to include?
>>>>Can y'give me a percentage. Doesn't have to be totally accurate.
>>>>Ballpark figure will do. + or - 4%.
>>> This is the screamingly funny humour you're renowned for, right?t

>>That, davey boy, was sarcasm.

> Was it? Thanks for explaining.
> Note that I won't tolerate your using my name. Ash, Zen, ****tard, all
> fine. Davey no. Show some respect, ****.

Respect on Usenet what a complete laughing stock you are making off
yourself, if you were not serious it could be considered funny but you are
actually being serious.

>>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 1. Are those
>>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : laughter lines?
>>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 2. Life's great
>>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :isn't : : : : : : : : : it.
>>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 3. We're off to a great
>>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : party, are you coming?
>>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 4. Nice to meet you!
>>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 5. I bet you can't spell
>>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : gang****ed.
>>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 6. Oh yeah, you do have a
>>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : point.
>>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 7. I'd like to be your friend!
>>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 8. That seven-paragraph post was
>>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :a : : : ****ing winner.
>>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 9. Free charcoal!
>>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 10.LOL!
>>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 11.Its been a pleasure.
>>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 12.If I had a penny for every time you've
>>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : : : used that line, I'd be homeless.
>>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
>>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : : 13. Come over the steaks are on the BBQ.
>>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : :
>>>> : : : : : : : : : : : : 14. Care to dance?
>>>> : : : : : : : : : : : 15. Has anyone seen the nails for the cross?
>>>> : : : : : : : : : : 16. Alan Hope has left you for another woman.
>>>> : : : : : : : : : :
>>>> : : : : : : : : : 17.You look hot in that sarong!
>>>> : : : : : : : : :
>>>> : : : : : : : : :
>>>> : : : : : : : : 18. It's the New York Times, asking for you...
>>>> : : : : : : : 19. And they want pictures!
>>>> : : : : : : 20. And to know to whom to make out the blank check.
>>>> : : : : : 21. And where to send the courtesy limo.
>>>> : : : : :
>>>> : : : : 22.I really enjoyed that.
>>>> : : : 23. I think you should take this newsgroup business more
>>>> : : : seriously.
>>>> : : :
>>>> : : 24.I can tell you don't take any of this seriously.
>>>> : 25. Would you babysit the kids...Ah, hang on, no, sorry, that's
>>>> : Gary Glitter innit.
>>>> 26. Has slang for "tekkin it up teh gary glitter" been revised due to
>>>> recent events?
>>> 27. No. Sadly, none of zen, dave or ash wensdee rhymes with anything
>>> to do with yer arse, unlike gary glitter which rhymes beautifully with
>>> 'shitter'. The nearest
>>> is dave zhitter which, to be honest, isn't that good.

>> 28. Advertising your blog in your sig is a great idea.

> 29.You really are a level and balanced guy.

30.Please stop ignoring me.
Jay Kaner wrote:
> "Mick" <ujkki@kk.com> wrote in message news:26co1u.tqe.17.4@news.alt.net...
>> Puck wrote:
>>> " Grant" <Grant@Mcleod40.fsnet.co.ku.com> wrote in
>>> news:sO6dnYMoN7dE61fVnZ2dnUVZ8sLinZ2d@pipex.net:
>>>> "Puck" <pourluh@googlemail.com> wrote in message
>>>> news:Xns9B17A1936D87Dwotevz@
>>>>> Mick <ujkki@kk.com> wrote in news:26ag3n.o1i.19.1@news.alt.net:
>>>>>> Puck wrote:
>>>>>>> Mick <ujkki@kk.com> wrote in news:26aerm.hu2.19.4@news.alt.net:
>>>>>>>> Puck wrote:
>>>>>>>>> 1. Are those laughter lines?
>>>>>>>> 2. Has anyone seen the nails for the cross?
>>>>>>> There's always one. And it's always you.
>>>>>>> And I ****ing love this place. I love that we're all ****. LOL.
>>>>>> 3. ban me from cascades!!!!!!!!!!
>>>>> **** that, love. Without your contribution my eyes would be much
>>>>> less wet.
>>>> Poor Micky never had much success with women!
>>> Don't you start on Micky. I might have to get cross.

>> Yeah! **** off Frasier, we all know your missus was a mail order Russian.

> LOL... He can't afford 'Russian'. Is missus is Papua New Guinean.

One of those pygmy ****ers?
Mick <ujkki@kk.com> wrote in news:26ivgt.45s.19.1@news.alt.net:

> Jay Kaner wrote:
>> "Mick" <ujkki@kk.com> wrote in message
>> news:26co1u.tqe.17.4@news.alt.net...
>>> Puck wrote:
>>>> " Grant" <Grant@Mcleod40.fsnet.co.ku.com> wrote in
>>>> news:sO6dnYMoN7dE61fVnZ2dnUVZ8sLinZ2d@pipex.net:
>>>>> "Puck" <pourluh@googlemail.com> wrote in message
>>>>> news:Xns9B17A1936D87Dwotevz@
>>>>>> Mick <ujkki@kk.com> wrote in news:26ag3n.o1i.19.1@news.alt.net:
>>>>>>> Puck wrote:
>>>>>>>> Mick <ujkki@kk.com> wrote in news:26aerm.hu2.19.4@news.alt.net:
>>>>>>>>> Puck wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> 1. Are those laughter lines?
>>>>>>>>> 2. Has anyone seen the nails for the cross?
>>>>>>>> There's always one. And it's always you.
>>>>>>>> And I ****ing love this place. I love that we're all ****.
>>>>>>>> LOL.
>>>>>>> 3. ban me from cascades!!!!!!!!!!
>>>>>> **** that, love. Without your contribution my eyes would be much
>>>>>> less wet.
>>>>> Poor Micky never had much success with women!
>>>> Don't you start on Micky. I might have to get cross.
>>> Yeah! **** off Frasier, we all know your missus was a mail order
>>> Russian.

>> LOL... He can't afford 'Russian'. Is missus is Papua New Guinean.

> One of those pygmy ****ers?

To be fair, I don't think Grant's a Pygmy.
Ash Wensdee <ash@wensdee.com> wrote in

> Puck <pourluh@googlemail.com> was an ugly child, and now the world
> must suffer, like this:
>>On 14 Sep, 01:37, Ash Wensdee <a...@wensdee.com> wrote:
>>> ?Puck <pour...@googlemail.com> was an ugly child,

>>I was a Pears Soap kid. Did I ever tell you that? I'm a much more
>>ugly adult.
>>> and now the world
>>> must suffer, like this:
>>> >1. ?Are those laughter lines? ?
>>> 2. Says Ms.

>>If you ever call me Ms again, I will killfile your arse quicker than
>>you can say, "suck me off, Hopey" geddit? And the thing about me,
>>****y, is that I am true to my word.
>>Well, except when I say I'll never talk to you again. Then I'm
>>totally lying, obv.

> Okay Ms ****wit, you got it.

"Puck" <pourluh@googlemail.com> wrote in message
> Mick <ujkki@kk.com> wrote in news:26ivgt.45s.19.1@news.alt.net:
>> Jay Kaner wrote:
>>> "Mick" <ujkki@kk.com> wrote in message
>>> news:26co1u.tqe.17.4@news.alt.net...
>>>> Puck wrote:
>>>>> " Grant" <Grant@Mcleod40.fsnet.co.ku.com> wrote in
>>>>> news:sO6dnYMoN7dE61fVnZ2dnUVZ8sLinZ2d@pipex.net:
>>>>>> "Puck" <pourluh@googlemail.com> wrote in message
>>>>>> news:Xns9B17A1936D87Dwotevz@
>>>>>>> Mick <ujkki@kk.com> wrote in news:26ag3n.o1i.19.1@news.alt.net:
>>>>>>>> Puck wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Mick <ujkki@kk.com> wrote in news:26aerm.hu2.19.4@news.alt.net:
>>>>>>>>>> Puck wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Are those laughter lines?
>>>>>>>>>> 2. Has anyone seen the nails for the cross?
>>>>>>>>> There's always one. And it's always you.
>>>>>>>>> And I ****ing love this place. I love that we're all ****.
>>>>>>>>> LOL.
>>>>>>>> 3. ban me from cascades!!!!!!!!!!
>>>>>>> **** that, love. Without your contribution my eyes would be much
>>>>>>> less wet.
>>>>>> Poor Micky never had much success with women!
>>>>> Don't you start on Micky. I might have to get cross.
>>>> Yeah! **** off Frasier, we all know your missus was a mail order
>>>> Russian.
>>> LOL... He can't afford 'Russian'. Is missus is Papua New Guinean.

>> One of those pygmy ****ers?

> To be fair, I don't think Grant's a Pygmy.

I'm not but I don't mind short birds!