Azem's journal

What reminds you of me

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XrockinfreakX said:
Limewire has spyware and all that stuffs.
ive had limewire for a year and gotten to spyware

search on google for a ripper, chances are you dont ahve the right hardware for it

remember: google is your friend
Well, today was a lost cuase. I mean I spoke to Shani and that was good but everything else. I woke up early and did my chores in Hopes I'd get to see something from Fort Minor. But I got screwed and saw nothing. And then to top that I had more chores to do. BUt hey who cares? My moms making Burritos so thats cool. I went jogging with my dad. I could only run 2 laps with out stopping as oppossed to my usual three and a half without stopping. I ran a total of 5 laps and walked maybe a lil bit more than one full lap. I did a total of 6 mehing laps...opposed to my 7 and a half within 20 minutes. I can do 2 miles within 25-20 minutes, when im well condtioned. Today I only did 6 in 35 so i sucked. But oh well. Im just a blob that needs conditiong. The ill be a conditioned blob that can run 2 miles in the required 25.
Megan called yesterday, supposedly just to talk. But she dropped hints I should call Jessica. *Phat Chance* I hate calling people. I tried talking to jess on Aim, but no! She said she'd stop talking to me so that she doesnt pester me. :rolleyes: So, next time Megan calls, I'll just tell her I tried but she didnt wanna talk. Anyways, school is starting soon. Kinda nervous, no new news on my fight. But yeah.

Interest Fakt about Azem: Azem is Half Trinidadian, 1 quater mexican, and 1 quater Spanish. :thumbsup:

Sarah im good you? Eh, things are allright.

Love Peace And Gonads
Thoes Damn Kids and Thier Woosh!
I hate excersing. In fact the only reason i could see myself exercising bymyself is for a sport. But when I go with my dad I kinda wanna do good. As time goes on you get better. Most ppl think im slow. But when My feet create friction with the ground I do pretty decent. Im not a super fast runner But i can hold my own.
im also very competitive, but nobody ever passes me the ball in sport so im f*** this ****! meh cant wait for hpe next year we get to do golf and heaps of cross country! love cross country cuz i dont have to relly on any but me..
meh.. i hate team sports, thats why i do track... you win for yourself... not your team, lol so you feel better when you get ribons, because you know YOU earned them
Ac/Dc, I guess your point is pretty true. But I love playing American Basket and American Football. Specially Football, becuase when your tackling the **** out of some one it feels so good.

Fi, Always good to see/talk to a fello Trini even if its like really distant in your bloodline lol. I'm not 'Really Fit' lol, I just exercise alot. I dont have a six pack*Cries*..One day Hamid...One day...

Well, I guess I'm no longer aloud to sleep till 1.oo. I have to wake up by 12.oo, which is gay. But my dad said I have to get used to waking up EARLY for school, next week Ill have to start going to bed early and ****. BLEH. It's major gayness but oh well. I guess if it's for learning its ok right? No. Anyways, Jess was asking me if she should date a Georgia Boy long distance she met off the Internet. I said no. And then she was like why do you care? That pissed me off, becuase its like shes implying that I have a 'feeling' for her. But meh, whatever. I get my pics today/tonight. Well, I should. I scan them and put em up for you guys later tonight or tommorow depends on when I can. Well thats all for now. If you see XrockinFreakX tell her Azem loves her.

Interesting Fakt on That One Kid Named Azem: Azem's Real Name is Hamid, Not Azem. Despite the Muslim Hamid is Catholic. :eek: Intersting. :eek:

Love Peace And Gonads
Hey You! Put That Woosh Away Son!

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