Azem's journal

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Hi Azem. Hahaha, I wasn't tricked by that because I read the ones before that. OK, that was lame...
I haven't been in here for awhile so I'd figure I'd say Hola, como estas? Sorry, I just finished taking a test in Spanish, and now I have sayings running through my head at the moment. Hasta Luego! :) OK, I'll cut that out now. Later!
Lmfao, No im not banned. It's just a theme im going with. Anyways yep Img glad everyone came to my Home to see why. Shows you care. Anyways enough about me being banned. Is Vash leaving Lpf?

Today was fairly decent enough to be classfied as good. I went to Guidance and got a bus pass so my dad no longer will be driving me to school. Which has its ups and downs. But non the less Im fine with it. Um, lemme think. Well, i went to first period and just kinda chilled and talk a lil, and did some work. -_- The I went to PE. I saw Kyle and we chilled. Our Gym Teacher went over the rules and regulations and then gave us locks. We went to the locker and chose our lockers. I picked out the wall locker because its bigger. Kyle did to. The gym is ****ing hot just to let you know. Uh, then when we went back we had to stand up and tell them two thing about our self. I told them my name is Hamid, I'm Mexican and I like To DJ and Scratch.>.< Well then I went to Algebra. I made my usual jokes and My usual clever answers that help us advance in our study of Algebra and Graphs. I should have tooken Geometry. Anyways,I just kinda chilled and copied answers becuase effort, I use it as least as possible. And the fact that I did'nt know what X equaled in one of the equatins. Um, after that I went to Espanol. I learned My ABC's and some other crap. To damn easy. I tried talking to Amanda, but I was always busy or something. Mr Enfield then issued us our locker. Mine was still rboken so he got me a new one. But he gave me the wrong combination to another locker. So my bookbag is stuck in another locker and I have to wait till tommorow to get it fixed. So all the time i was waiting for him to reissue the locker I kinda missed out on talking to everyone. But when I did make it in there, I tried talkin to this girl who sits next to me. But shes kinda quiet I guess. I was like I like ur pencils. She was like, "Huh? Thanks" and that was that. -_-

NEXT WAS HONORS AMERICAN GOVERN-DAMN-MENT. Good stuff. I cracked an assload of jokes. THen went to lunch. Chad was kinda pissed becuase Richard Fonz wuldnt leave his GF alone. We sat outside and ate for a while. He told me how rich pisses him off. So when richard stephanie and some other dudes came out I made fun of richard for him. Lol. Anyways Chad told me he was like why does everytime that chick(Amanda) pass you like look at her. I was like I dunno I just felt like it. He was like dude, shes kinda geekish dont you think? I was like how so? He said becuase she reads like an ass load of anime. I was like lol, I read them to whate are you saying? He was like yeah but she knows like every single damn anime thingy ****(Which is true). I was like but what are you getting at. He said he think im gunna ask her out(Which isnt really true) The he was like her pant are always kinda flat. He was like she doenst have a nice ass(......No Comment......) But He did say the rest of her is fine. He just thinks shes not really the type of person Id usually ldate. I was like whatever dude lol. I kinda talked to her The second half of History. But eh I guess it was good. I tried to find something to talk about, but eh ruined that. Azem Is No Good At Small Talk. That has been proven twice now. Well after history is our lovely, EARTH SCIENCE WITH MS WESLESKI! *Crowd Cheers: Yay!* Well the dude behind me 's name is Richard. But I call him 'Dick' For short. Im like Hey dick! Whatsup Dick! I was like a semi smart ass during class. It was kinda boring but whatever. And Brandy, like didn't do her homework and I was like why didnt you just write it down real quick. She was like I forgot, i was like u coulda done it wen she asked for it. She was like okay Gosh Santa! I was like OH EM GEE! How did she know that! She was like Stephanie told me! When you two were going out! Gawd! I wa slike OOOOK, The it was art ..that was boring and then i came home.

Another thing Stephanie in History was Like I love you! I just gave ehr the thumbs up. Kinda cold I suppose but whatever.

But yeah today Azem Is Sportting A long blue tshirt. A red Meatwad Wristban and a Korn one. Im wearing baggy blue Shirt, baggy ass black black and sexy white addidas... And my hair was spiked in the yeah

Love peace Gonads
Woosh, Not Available in Canada or Norway.

Random F@K7:Azem Likes Country, And Has A Life Outside of LPF.
Dark Angel said:
Hi Azem. Hahaha, I wasn't tricked by that because I read the ones before that. OK, that was lame...
I haven't been in here for awhile so I'd figure I'd say Hola, como estas? Sorry, I just finished taking a test in Spanish, and now I have sayings running through my head at the moment. Hasta Luego! :) OK, I'll cut that out now. Later!
Muy Bioen Gracias. ¿Y tu?
OK, I haven't learned the second one, so I'm going to guess what that says.
Estoy mas o menos. How do you say ' I'm bad with Spanish?' Soy mal Espanol? lol, give me a break, this is my first year with it.
Ah, my mom took a Spanish class last year, she was going for another degree, so she helps me a bit with the pronounciation. (OK, I know that isn't spelled right) but I still get some things wrong. Hopefully, by the end of the school year, I'll be able to hold a decent conversation.

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