Azem's journal

What reminds you of me

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I LOVE YOU SHANI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*breathes*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*falls down becuase of newly discovered asthma problems and dies.* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aww thats so cute...why was ur rule not to date her 0_o? oh well thats cool ur both going out, good luck to u both^^
well just came to say hi *waves* sorry my posts dont seem to be as interesting (*cough* and as weird) as the ones u leave in my journal <3
Where have you been for the past (1,2,3,4,5,6) Week! Wait FL. Whatsup? How was the trip? How was life? Hows the wife and kids?

Anyways, I have/had 500+ files worth of music. I had 150 movie/short vid files. 200 diffrent images, banners, and sigs, I had made. 25 diffrent memoirs(like short stories I never posted on lpf) 2 huge stories. One being The Lpf Convict, the other Outrage. I had 20 differnt programs. And An assload of Google's best porn. Well, ever since my cpu crashed my dad's been using windows xp pro. But he cant activate it. so every month we reinstall it. Well after the second month he decided that it was to much.
So he wanted to install an older verion windows 2000, but he couldnt. So he decided he would erase the whole harddrive.(.........) So all my 500+ files worth of music, 150 movie/short vid files, 200 diffrent images, banners, and sigs, I had made, 25 diffrent memoirs(like short stories I never posted on lpf) 2 huge stories. One being The Lpf Convict, the other Outrage, 20 differnt programs. And An assload of Google's best porn. all went down the drain into internal deletion. So now. Im stuck. All my songs. All my lp remixes. Everything is gone. GONE!!! GONE!!! DAMNIT!!!

love peace and gonads
woosh at your command

interesting faktoid aboot azem: Azem loves to smack, group, feel, slap, hug, rub, and massage females asses.
Lol, Heartlp you crack me up. Justyna, trust me im darker. Uh shani i am the exass grabber unfortunately. Havent grabbed an ass in over a week. -__- Chad makes fun of me for it lol.

Well, I was going to go to the Homecoming Dance but Im not. Only becuase All my friends are going with thier g/fs or escorts, and I obvioulsy cant. I got asked by two ppl today. Kinda boosted myself of esteem but I told sorry I cant go. Um, my arms are sore from lifting weights yesterday. I have very poor upper body strength. But my leg straingth is great. I can get up about 250 with them. Amazing yet I run so damn slow. *_* Eh today man I was like caught in a web that i couldnt get outa. Ok, get this. I was in science and Dick was like your gay. I was like how i have a gf unlike u man. He was like uh yeah sure. He was like ok, well I dare you to go up to any girl and tell her shes lookin pretty today. *_____________________* i WAS DUDE I HAVE A GF. he was like so. And i was like damint man i aint down like that. BUt i didnt wanna be a straight up *****. So i didnt mean it in a loving way but just as a compliment. Well i scanned the room. Theres about 3 or 4 fine girls This one chick Carrie(SP) she doesnt talk much and not at all to me...cept maybe once...i think...well anyways shes like in line for one of the hottest chicks ive seen at EHS. well i went and said um hey u look pretty today. she liked lifted her right eye brow and kinda smiled she was like ohkay thankyou? i was heh, dick and lamar dared me to do it. She was like ok. Well yeah um stephanie kept constanly poking me in the side. and my ribs were sore. I was like ahh. I tried finding her lil 'button' so i could poke her but noooo. Damn, im sore. Uh i got a 28/40 on my algebra quiz which is a 70 percent. She totaly showed no mercy.-_- Um lets see um me a chad stold some money from this purse we found. Uhhh me and this one guy who i dont know his name but we talk on the bus descussed why we thought ***** was *****, and who took it in the ass and who took it in the mouth. And we were talking about how alota white girls dont have fat asses like black girls or hispanic ones. but that some do. And how he wants to tap this one bitches ass. i told him he should becuase she probably doesnt shave and what not. So yeah. Yesterday i went to basketball practice and worked my ass off. Damn man im afraid to go back on monday lo. anyways. ill get back at chall word to ya mutha.

This is ten purcent luck and 90 percent skill a 100 percent reason to remember the woosh.

An interesting fact based on the memoirs of one Azem: Azem has a southern slang and talks alot of gangsta ****.

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