Azem's journal

What reminds you of me

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Kay, today was the first day of school. So, I wen't to my homeroom early and got my summer homework. Then I went out to the lobby and just kinda sat around and chilled. Finnaly alot of ppl starting. I saw one of my friends Kyle so I talked to him and showed him where guidence was. The I went back and Anthony showed. I talked to him, then the lobby started getting full. The gir, Stephanie, showed up. I gave her a hug then me,her and wienhold congregated. I found out her and him had D lunch with me so i was like cool. Then Victoria, you know her as Megan, came around and I made her hug Anthony. Lol that was funny. Um, and then Steven came and I tlaked to him briefly then he left with Anthony to their homeroom. So I went ahead walked to my homeroom.

Home Room
I saw this kid named Zach in my class. We kinda knew each other from Gym last year so I sat by him. Denzel came in and he and this other kid i dunno were the only black guys. Denzel was like this room is filled with white ppl.
I also saw this girl Amanda, who I'll talk more about later. She's in my honors courses and in my Spanish class. Well, I had seen her last year and thought she was pretty, but I never bothered to talk to her, becuase that's just how it was.

1st Period English: TeXaS!
SO! I found out Jessica Curby was in my class. I had a crush on her last year and she had red and purple streak. But, Like i didn't seem to like her as much as I previously did. But oh well. I kinda grew familiar with my other classmates. Amanda kinda smiled at me but yeah. I got everybody calling me Texas. Thats that.

2nd Purr'd, In the Gym
Well, I went into the gym and we sat there and the teacher told us the whole rrule and regulations **** blah blah blah. The only person I really know there is Kyle. So that was kinda boring. And my lasss bunches up with the mentally disabled kids, so there in my gym class. Nothing special there.

3rd Class O Day

I went down into the algebra and was but in the third row to sit next to Jamie Miller. It was alright becuase I knew her from last year. What was weird is that my algebra class has a few 11th and 10th graders. But yeah I also have Austin Poist in my class which is good cuz we are like buddies. And Kyrysten Farracci, who was in my class last year, was there aswell. Well, I answered a question and got a purple pencil as an award. Woot!

Okay the rest is kinda blurr i dont remember which came after so ill just explain it all.

Ok well I went to the history room and found out I wasn't supposed to go there yet and that i was supposed to go to spanish. Spanish seems like it'll be cool. It wont be as boring as Algebra is promising to be. Well, I went my Honors American Government class and got a pretty seat. I sit across from Josie and shes cool. Um, and celicia sits next to me. I dont know her all to well, but shes pretty nice. She has that Black girl mentallity, but she nice and simple. I get along with alotta black girls. That's a good advantage trust me. Well, Amanda seemed kinda interested in me. :D She was liek hey can I see your shedule(everyone knows ppl only look at your shedule to see if your in any classes with them) she was like cool and handed it back. After life she was like next time we go to spanish you gotta walk with me. I was liek sounds cool. And she smiled at me a couple times. Well I went to lunch sat with chad...on our way outa lunch me and chad held hands...LMFAO. Um, Chad told me to slap the **** out Gir's ass and squeeze naturally I did. Becuase, I just do. She doesnt mind I just find it funny. -_-
Um i went through the rest of my classes and enjoyed myself. I missed Shani. I like wrote Hamid <3's Shanizzle on my arm. And yeah. I bought me A new pair of Lugz and Some Shell TOes Addidas that are very sexy. BUt yeah that was my day.

love peace and gonads
Woosh Your way past school

Random Fact:Azem indulges is pervy things. Its what he does dmanit.
Well ill just point out some highlights. Im the offical class clown...woot. I got in trouble for giving anthony a titty twister.. Amanda and I didnt really talk much she just said hi texas. and i talked about yu yu hakasho wit her for a breif bit....Um, english teacher is a bitch. I made a new frien her name is camile...i found out shes Bi....Um Carly kneed me in the ball this morning...Ouch....Uhhh gawd wat else...Austin called me a smart ass cuz i kept on raising my hand during algebra..and i asked if i could get a purple pencil if I brought a box of tissue but she sed no....damn her. Um I looked very fashionable in my long black tee and baggy blue jeans with my sexual addidas rockin....I missed shani alot....Stephani has been flirting or trying to flirt with me alot...but im stickin with Shani becuase shes so damn awsum and special...she the apple in my eye....well i actualy dont have an apple in my eye but we can pretend right?

love peace and gonads
Woosh, The Only Drug That Illegal In Mexico
azemkamikaze03 said:
Well ill just point out some highlights. Im the offical class clown...woot. I got in trouble for giving anthony a titty twister..

love peace and gonads
Woosh, The Only Drug That Illegal In Mexico

:p im a class clown too.

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