Azem's journal

What reminds you of me

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Hahaha im feeling vurry ambitious. I think i might go outside and congregate with people. Something I don't normally do. Mainly becuase IM going to hang with nick and see if Mellisa will come out. >.< My nose stopped bleeding. It's so cold down here though. Hmpf. I need to party today I really do. Azem is feeling liberated. but before I do anything I must go down and get something to eat. Azem is feeling hungery.
Yo man i got a freestyle thing that sounds pimped ass

we were flowing to the remember the name instrumental im tellu we were wildin out. It was crazy on my sig thoes word is what we had as our hook we repeat it twice. I should like record this stuff professionally.
it kinda reminds me of that Diddy song..i don't know why...that's how i hear it in my head...the one that goes something like: The P, The D, The I, The D, The D, The Y..P. Diddy, P. Diddy... it's not a diss or anything though :) you freestyle a lot? are you a rapper-person? now i'm asking you wanna become a proffesional rapper? is that your life-long dream? if not...then what is? (i tend to ask a lot of questions...if it gets annoying, i'll stop)
writer of what...? poetry? stories? scientific facts or something of the like? lyrics? if it's stories and/or poems; what kind do you write? like realistic? fantasy? :)
Lol, well I like writing fiction. Genre, well i've tended to write more of a demonic horror action type. But i did write one that was very sad. its called 9.11. Um i do like writing the occasional po3ms and lyrics Azem, do you let people read your stories and peoms and stuff? or is it like 'private'? is it your passion in life...writing? or maybe music..or movies..? what's your passion? (you seem like an interesting person...hence why i'm asking all of this)
Well im glad to answer.
Well heres the basis.

I've written several stories on Lpf. Ppl have veiwed them. Some stuff are more personal and I dont release them. I constantly always have this beat going through my head. I dont know. Liek i come up with one little sample and the rest goes into sink. I have so many ideas in my head its crazy. I have such a wild imagination. Ive been told i am like an excellent actor. I can captivate anyone with my skills. I love writing action stories becuase i invison such great scenes in my head that could be in movies. Hence why I listen to music so much. It helps me develop fight scences and such. My passion is to change the world. I want to be great. I want to be sombody that everybody knows. Im still young but I have so much ideas its crazy. Im like a little kids with an aspiring imagination. I just want to captivate an audiance. I wanna be somebody that when kids mention my names its like oh damn that guy is awesome

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