Book Of Matt

Fribs honey we worry and it's natural because Matt has been away from LPF AND all forms of chat (MSN, AIM and so on) for almost two months and no one has heard anything about him... It's natural...when you care for somebody you fear for the worst... especially when you know that nothing can keep them away from the internet for more than a week!! All I wanna know is that he is ok. Nothing more...:)
Black_Angel said:
Yeah I guess I could write him a letter or something... it's worth a try.

Jojo Pmed me with the idea of trying to get hold of a phone number, but I've just been googling and so far no luck. However, I decided to type his house number/street into google, and it came up with a load of property sites :| But when I clicked on the link it didn't say anthing about his house being up for sale or anything...I dunno, google's confusing me o.o

So I'm saying he may have moved house, according to my unreliable google results.

you could have just phoned up inquires. if he is registered, which most ppl are, and u give them an accurate address, which u have, they will give u his number.

so alison, call something like 118 118 and give them the address so they can computer search it.
Mmyeah well I dunno whether it'd be easier just to write to the address, cause calling up someones house randomly is a bit weird :| And I'm not good with phones and what if his mum aanswers or something haha I'd die o.o
However with a letter it's easier to get down what you wanted to say and it's I dunno, easier in a way.
but with a letter it takes so long.. and chances are ull never get a reply... phone is fast... and just ask if you can speak to matt... it cant be that hard i mean the peron that picks up will never know who you are.. if the person ses it is matt just say "WTF DUDE COME TO LPF" and hang up :p
maybe we should just not care anymore....he's probably watching us and laughs his ass off....

*waves to Matt*
Haha exactly that's why I'm abit hesitant about doing something, incase I look like a right idiot.

But if you guys really want me to call/write then I guess I could...... I dunno larr.
Watching us? How? He can't read his journal unless he logs on LPF and as far as I know he hasn't logged on since Nov 20! I think it's natural to worry isn't it? An internet addict hasn't been on the internet for 2 months... Sorry guys I have started to panic and if anyone wants to laugh at me that's ok...if Matt is ok and all this panic is unfounded than I'll admit it in front of everybody..."Guys I am a hysteric moron!" Calling to see if someone is alright is not stupid, nor something to be ashamed shows care and concern, that's the way I see it...