Book Of Matt

Hopefully nothing's wrong and he's okay... LPF should publish a book: The Mystery of the Missing Matt

Not really, but i do wish he replies
Hey everyone, Jojo told me about Matt, I hope you can find -some- way to contact him.. I tried searching The Guardian's webby for any news on people missing/accidents.. but Jojo already did that..

Hope you can contact him somehow!!
I hope at least he replies to Sygy's letter. Damn I miss him so much... *tear* God let him be ok. That's all I need to know! And thanks for trying to help too Len honey! :)
Peterdea said:
that would be quite cool. but maybe from now on ppl should only post here if they have an idea or some news or something, it's be a lot easier to keep up that way!
or maybe not...we should keep it active till he finally returns.... :p

actually I don't even care