Book Of Matt

Hehe I remember when I used to make cheesecake at school and tell Matt and he was all like ooo-err. haha.
And when he told me to take my (now ex) boyfriend to Marks and Spencers on our second date, taking it up a notch from Asda on our first... hahah.

Good ole Matty :]
i got a letter from Matt, basically, he had too get rid of hs internet and there is stuff that is happening in his life. Im not going into his personal bussiness here but he had messages for all of you which i will upload and shizz later when i have mucho time bc to be frank he sent me a cd with loads of stuff on it.
Matt is ok my darling is ok!! THANK GOD!!! I'm literally crying now!!! Jesus my prayers were heard!!! Thanks for all the help guys and thanks to you too Sygy for sending him the letter!! God what a relief!!! :D
as i said to jojo, im trying to get it aworking but i just cant!!! itlike wont open, i can see the thumb nail but when i click it is does nothing. :( meh, but i do promise to have it done by tommorrow, why matt just couldnt go to an internet cafe as do this, seeing as they only cost 1 pound per hour, totallly astonishes me. anywho
I replied to your mail Sygy but I'm saying it here too: I GOT IT! Awww Matty's letter... he's so sweet I really missed him... It's all good!! Yay he will be back really soon! I can't wait!!! Love you Mattie!!! <3
he'll be back?...that's cool...he hasn't been on here since page 12 in his journal...which is kinda crazy...