Man ya should go haha I was about to so the same thing!
Anywhoo im about to attend Morgans graduation in about a week and a half Sat May 24th, my ex GF and really close friend. I decided to write her a letter even though im coming I sent this, do ya guys think its good?
Morgan! Holy cow Your about to graduate! Im sure your aware. Lets see..we met I think in 2002, remember those days!? I know you miss them, the constant note giving, secretly following around days of middle school. Now here we are, grown up (kinda) and about to take another step. 6 Years seems like is flown by, and im glad were friends and I hope it stays that way for another billion! ...or however much longer we live!
You may be 232 miles away but your still one of my closest friends and no distance can break that, Congrats girl!
And I had a jam session witht he old Flight by Midnight, we decided to let our old guitarist join us since hes moving in a couple weeks. We decided to throw him on our next live show on the 30th..nobody knows thats going so shh! haha and the song were performing is a song that i havent listened to in a while..Where'd You Go (BBB Mix). Its gonna be interesting!