Brandon's Journal


New member
Well school was supposed to start today but we got a snowday! How perfect is that!? And to make things better it just started snowing again haha. Its been a while since we got snow in Lex, a decent one at least, has to be a good 7 years since we had an awesome snow.

Anywho its a short entry but for those of you who want to see my new years incedent here ya go!


New member
Haha glad everyone likes the vid, im working on a whole thing we did all night, they are not super funny but I dunno haha.


New member
Well the past couple of days have sucked.

Yesterday, right before work I hear my brother come in and say "Hey Brandon? You need to come look at your car" I go out to find out that my mom backed into my front end. Which is gonna cause about 2 grand to fix, luckily her insurance is paying! But it kinda made me mad cause I mean its my car that I worked and paid for to get.

So today im driving my poor damaged car back home after a night of skating, I have Madeliene next to me in the passenger seat, and were just talkin. I go into a turnabout thing (I call it, basially a S type turn) and my car just jumps sideways, tis wet, but Ive never felt my car do that, it felt as if something broke in the front suspention. Well im in a 4 wheel slide straight torward a pole, I try to correct,a nd I get it pointed in the direction of my slide but im thinking "If I keep this up we are gonna nail the pole" So I lightly turn it to the left but nothing happened and I ram the curb at about 25 mph...

Ok so now my suspension if effed up, I have to turn left to go staight now and I think the axel is bent. My car shakes a a higer speed. So yeah I know im gonna get an earful tommrow, and it wasnt even my fault I hit a slick spot or somethin broke, either one, thing is I was goin below the speed limit cause it was raining... :( I felt sorry for my friend she was kinda shaken up, but hey I got away from that pole. Luckily I made it to ehr house and made it back to mine with no more problems, but yeah..**** repairs..repairs..repairs, i dont know if this germany trip is gonna happen if I have to pay outmy **** for it to be fixed...



Active Members
Luckily you didn't have a serious accident

stuff like that sucks.

I hope you can get that car fixed.

^yeah I agree with Jeezy!!

ah this sucks I know it from my bro he also has to repair loads of stuff on his car and its not easy if you don't have money :( sucks full time :(

Hope you can fix it and maybe make some deal with your parents or somthing that they help you out :)

cheer up bro!! :friends:




New member
Well looks like I may get things fixed, I found that I bent my wheel. Wow go me. I took it off today looked around then looked at the wheel which was ina bowed shape, and I kinda looked and went yup thats why...

Oh and that cover we did we updated it, its fun..I mean, im gonna come up with original lyrics for it eventually but for the time being im using Bleed it Out, Faint just to substitute so yeah..haha. It will be in the Other Artist section under "From the Inside" even tho thats my old band name...grr I hate it aha.



Active Members
Well looks like I may get things fixed, I found that I bent my wheel. Wow go me. I took it off today looked around then looked at the wheel which was ina bowed shape, and I kinda looked and went yup thats why...
Oh and that cover we did we updated it, its fun..I mean, im gonna come up with original lyrics for it eventually but for the time being im using Bleed it Out, Faint just to substitute so yeah..haha. It will be in the Other Artist section under "From the Inside" even tho thats my old band name...grr I hate it aha.
I could change the thread title for you



New member
Ok just got the official word that my car is totalled, frame is bent so that classifies it as totalled. I can get it fixed but theres no way, i could end up spending 2 grand on that which is way too much for me. And the damage on the car is another 2 grans so im looking after all the extras payin around 5,000 for the damages and my car was 5000...

*** its sad, Im such a careful driver, not a grandma or anything, I have my occasional races here and there, but other than that im not a speed demon on the road.



New member
Well im not sure.. I have a limited amount of money right now, so i think I may get it fixed. My grandma, my dad, and my mom are all gonna help me out on this which Im really gonna need haha


New member
Well im not sure.. I have a limited amount of money right now, so i think I may get it fixed. My grandma, my dad, and my mom are all gonna help me out on this which Im really gonna need haha
Isn´t it better to buy an other car instead of paying for the damages?

Or is that more expensive?



New member
Well I got an estimate and its gonna be cheaper just to fix my car was $5,000 and the repaor for absolutly everything is $1,712, so I think im gonna do it but im gonna be paying forever jeeze!
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