Cezza_3's Journal

x_Hybrid_Angel_x said:
Atm = at the moment. O...i dnt actually know what 10th grade is but cool anyway lol. :) You start back in August?

yep, i got out the second week in june and go back the last week in august. ugh 9 months in school. 10th grade is the second year in high school. you start in kindergarten when you are 5 then you start elementry school which are ages 5/6 to 10/11, then you start middle school from ages 11 till 14 then its high school till ur 17 or 18 then off to college for how ever long it takes to get a certian degree.
lol ok. took me about....a long time to work that out but yeah youre the year below me.
OMG i am sooooooooooooooooooo ****in pissed off!!! My "mate" Laura just completely ****ed up our holiday. She told us we could get a lift with her and we would get the train back. it is now about 11 hours until we are meant to go on holiday and she chooses now to tell us that there is no room in the car and that we will have to get the train there...which will cost a ****ing fortune so now were not going. Grrrrr, i could actually kill her!
Hey there! Haven't seen you around here but I just saw that you was from England and I am too heh ;) Where abouts are you? I'm in Manchester lol. Good ole weather eh ^.^ wow you're actually going to be on Tv? I have bbc lol, let me know when it's on tv and I'll check it out! I hope the operation didn't hurt too much! I love drawing too! Well take care!
x_Hybrid_Angel_x said:
lol ok. took me about....a long time to work that out but yeah youre the year below me.
OMG i am sooooooooooooooooooo ****in pissed off!!! My "mate" Laura just completely ****ed up our holiday. She told us we could get a lift with her and we would get the train back. it is now about 11 hours until we are meant to go on holiday and she chooses now to tell us that there is no room in the car and that we will have to get the train there...which will cost a ****ing fortune so now were not going. Grrrrr, i could actually kill her!

wow that sucks. i would be pissed if my friend called me the day before we were suppposed to be somewhere and told me i didnt have a ride, o man no one would be safe. A train or a metro to get there?
Lol howdy.
I live in a small town near Bristol. I dont think you would know it, its pretty pointless and unheard of lol. Yeah the producer/director is supposed to be ringing me today to tell me when its on so ill let you know. I cant actually remember much 'cause i was all high on morphine lol.
A train. We had the tickets back booked and everything so now we have to pay for them because it was too late to cancel them. If we had got the train down it would have cost £30 (i duno how much that is in dollars) and she just expected us to have that much money just hangin around that we could just get the train with! And we're also pissed about the fact that she didnt tell us herself...she got her mates bf to text us instead. Its all good though. We had a non Newquay party last night for everyone who couldnt go (its a tradition thing that when you leave school the whole year goes on holiday to Newquay) but there was only four of us there lol. We got apsolutley ****ed. heehee.
Thats really sad. Its all over the news here, im in washington D.C. now, i woke up this morning and i was like whoa what happened. thats good ur friends dad is alright, its bad but atleast it hasnt gotten as bad as 9/11, that was bad. well have a good day.

I had a rather interesting night lol. I went to the pub and was drinking WKD vodka (im 15 nd you have to be 18 to drink here) when the police raided lol. We were all just sat there talking and whatever when these 6 feds came in and searched the whole of the pub for this guy called elf (nick name lol). He hid under a table and was obviously found, was funny when we were all sat there trying not to laugh as the cops were looking for him lol. Dunno what hes done though.
You should of seen some of the people there run when the feds came in...i dont live in the poshest of areas and raids re quite common lol. Everyone seemed to think they were after them.
x_Hybrid_Angel_x said:
I had a rather interesting night lol. I went to the pub and was drinking WKD vodka (im 15 nd you have to be 18 to drink here) when the police raided lol. We were all just sat there talking and whatever when these 6 feds came in and searched the whole of the pub for this guy called elf (nick name lol). He hid under a table and was obviously found, was funny when we were all sat there trying not to laugh as the cops were looking for him lol. Dunno what hes done though.
You should of seen some of the people there run when the feds came in...i dont live in the poshest of areas and raids re quite common lol. Everyone seemed to think they were after them.

wow u can be 18 to drink, here its 21 to drink. it sounds really funny.