Chainerreturns Journal not sure about the indian movie..why an indian movie? why waste money watching something that we arent probaly gona understand?,well according to fiona we arent gona understand it.except maybe you and fiona,so ill proably be jst laughing at it throught th whole way coz i'll have no idea whts going on.
jst sometimes your not,like when i piss you off,you start saying these crazy things and doing them,which i dont like. but the rest of the time im with you,your pretty positive.
i love you this much _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
lol sif that would help ill more intersted in Sarah then the movie!

Anyways Sarah slept ova here last night and it was awesome!!! oh how i love her..she was in my arms the whole night,i couldnt really sleep coz i was so excitied!! i woke up to sarahs face,yes! that was great! that was some quality time spent with her.
its always the same:the leaving part was hard,i feel so alone once she goes....