Chainerreturns Journal

When Judgement day comes you''' find me standing on top of the biggest pile of dead Christians holding the Decapitated head of Christ ,you'll find me there....
We shouldnt really tell people what not to to believe in coz thats just doing what alot of Chrisitans do,push thier Religion and beliefs onto us.Us telling them what isnt true is the same,so who cares if they believe there is god or no god,its a free world let them believe what they want,the bible doesnt have to be true,Christians dont base thier beliefs on words from the bible but by faith.Have good faith.
woodyloveslinkin said:
ur so mean.
lol this chick called ann i pissed her off by saying god doesnt exist and the bible is full of ****. lol. its cos its true.
LMAO!!!its funny how ppl get pissed off when you say things like that.....damn...still laughing about it...
stupidsoul1 said:
im not telling her what to believe...
people always push christianity on to me..i am christian T__T just because i listen to metal and like black some how doesnt make me one

who knows what im going on about, but like dont diss god oki....he didnt do anything to you.
and im no telling you what not to.
anyways i went ova to Sarahs yesterday,her best freind Anthea was there and we watched "house of 1000 coprses"(fifth time for me):),Anthea was pretty interested in it,lol! while Sarah was just like '"thats it im turning it off", after like skipping a whole chunk of the movie, we went ova to Kat's house(my sister!) ,we just talked and sat down in her backyard. it was alright..but half the time was spent trying to calm Sarah down and make her stop crying,i tried to teach Kat "smells like Teens spirit" (So easy to paly!), she knows what to do but not how to play(needs practice),then it was like time to leave after pulling off a few solo,there were many group hugs while we waited for Sarahs mum to pick us up.
Then it was like me n Sarah in her room lying next to each other until it was time to leave :(. i love her dearly.