Chainerreturns Journal

yeh that really sucks...gee i hope my parents dont kick me out when im 18, hope her mum asks her to come back soon,

anywayz im gona start jogging in the moring now,ill turn on the comp and start downloading stuff bcoz thats when im allowed to download stuff without it being added to the limit, then when ive opened all the programs im gona go out and start jogging around the block, hopefully when i come back it'll be done just eat breakfast and get changed and go to school .
it hard to jog at 5:30 in the morning its still way too dark,i hate like jogging in the dark coz im afriad of tripping over the uneven pavements or worse stepping on **** or something. on saturday..i saw was exciting! it felt like as if it was the first time i was goin over to her place.i was there early so like around 10:30am, anyways we went to towers and it was okay..i put on make up and stuff,heheh that was fun.she got embrassed but whats to be embrassed about??eheheh,it must of been bad for fiona coz she kinda look the other way everytime we were making out,hahaah,the hardest part was leaving, i dont know..i just dont think i can ever get enough of sarah.(oh how i love her)