Chainerreturns Journal

no then i wouldnt have spent that 6 hrs playing computer games which was better than going out n wasting money with you bloody azns, haha just kiding, you guy are alright.
have you asked your mum if u can come over. btw honey, becks giving birth and im at my grandmas till sunday.
so call me on my mobile and i'll give you my grandmas number.
and you of to get off at TAFE which is a couple of stops after stockland if your coming.
love you honey.
damnit i was suppose to see sarah today but its gona be next week instead,i miss her, but now instead of seeing her im home studing and playing comptuer games.this sucks.
sry i just dont really want to write in my journal anymore.

stuffs been happeening like at our school our vice principal made us wrtie out the rules of expectation its about a page and a half long,he made us write it out 3 times for the whole lunch time,(that dick), so all we did for lunch was write out some school's expectation thing(asshole!!!)
,all because after recess we left the top yard (lunch and assembly area) full of rubbish which i didnt think it was that full of rubbish,so after recess he called the whole school for an assembly and made the teachers check each yr groups area and whoever's year groups area was full of rubbish they were to write out the expectation thing all lunch time,yr7 got left off esaily,yr 8 got pulled back,yr 9 got pulled back too, until finally they check our area(yr10).

NO!! they didnt even check our area and he just automatically told us to stay he really pissed everyone off,most hated man off the year right now at our school.

ive got an axe to grind and a meat bag to mutilate.

woot! im seeing sarah on saturday we are gona do something....dont know what yet...movies or something? heard it was a double date thing (or did she say 2 couples date thing?)
,like me n her plus her freind kat and mike(her bf)