ChesterSings is back =)

Cyro said:
Amazing, thats def a rep, even tho i prolly have most of whats there if not all :p
You repped him for forgetting and then remembering his FTP password. Super.

Warner's Just gonna crack down on you, dude, Chris is probably pissed that you shoved it in his face, and tell them on you.... then you'll be in poo poo.
shut the **** up lmao

I didnt forget the password, Taylor did. its not his fault. accidents happen. so chill. im not shoving anything in chris, mark or dereks face. I respect LPA.
i seriously cant wait til the "featuring" section is up. i look at the artists who hav joined LP on stage and i jus cant help but shiver a little ^^
FireHawk said:
us at the forums have been waiting for another CS uprise like we use to have it looks like it might happen :)

I sure hope so... I really need to go back there... I'm a mod for god sakes. I was a member at CSF long before LPF... although I love this place too, CSF is where the Cyro started!
New link for the forums check siggy!
and mark i love u! thx for ur help man!!

also thx to the hardcore/new fans of LP. for the fans just getting into LP and wanna get deep my site is a great way to find out how kick ass they really are! and for the already hardcore fans, there is always something poping up that is new and rare so keep checking the site!

love u guys! lol i promiss i wouldnt cry =)

ALSO all the remixers out there, im now opening FTPs/subdomains to yall. So if you know html or know how to design a site you will be able to do your thing. So please contact me thro AIM my screenname is

and please dont plan to use this for anything illegal. this is also strickly for LP/FM fans only. hit me up all remixers! :thumbsup:

Vash_the_Stampede said:
Only remixers?
Lol, I'll swing by sometime.

it could apply to other people, still open to suggestions!

also updated the Site added some more songs. There rest Mark will have to upload if he ever does,, seens more busy with other things :confused:

keep checkin back for updates