Cutting...A serious issue.

i was on a major downer the other night and took my old blade (i'm not getting rid of it, kinda has memories, yes i'm weird like that) and went to slash my arms up..... but i couldn't do it, i used to do it all the time, but now i just can't, just didn't see the point, whats it gonna do? take away my pain? no, just cause me a bit more superficial pain, is it gonna solve my problems? nope, just cause awkward questions and stains on my carpet. there really is no point in cutting yourself, it doesn't help, if anything it makes things worse
basically my username gives it away that i am a cutter and have been a cutter for almost a year now, but recently somehow i think it was that i hadn't slept in about 4days (i have really bad problems sleeping) and i went to a friends house and started to finally fall asleep and she knew if i was tired i would blab and i did but i didn't tell her anything unless she asked and i thought i could trust her but i couldnt and then like 3 weeks ago we were in biology class and different methods of dying came up (just to let you know i do go to a Christian school, but i am forced to go against my will)anyways, death methods came up and then my teacher said "as long as a person doesn't cutt an artery..... blah blah blah"(i only heard that part my friend Sarah (the girl i told ) basically stopped the class by saying my name repeatedly trying to get my attention and by the first time she said my name i was pissed and the last time she said my name i interupted her with a "yeah i know shut up!" and then i looked up and the entire class was looking at me and everytime im around her and we need to cut some paper or cut open a letter or package she always says "yeah, just let 'manda do it, ... she is a pro at cutting after all." and last time she said it right infront of my dad omg she pisses me off, well anyways everyone found out, my family, my friends, my crush, EVERYONE and she told them all or so they all have been telling me!
well i just wanted to let you know your not alone at first i knew why i was cuting but now its just when i get mad which is starting to be daily well g2g been 2-3 days no sleep gotta at least try or you'll pass out and end up in the hospital and then everyone will think you taking druggs or something(that also happened to me but thats a different story) -*night*-
Cutting is easier than quiting and you saw that from Degrassi and the girl was Elli ang how she gets away with wearing long sleeves all the time gets me i tried and everyone asked me why ... i just said "fashion statement" and sarah being a big cry baby said "yeah i'm sure of that one. God 'manda do you ever tell the truth?" then i slapped her yeah i got demeritts but who cares it felt really good
crimsoncutts13 said:
basically my username gives it away that i am a cutter and have been a cutter for almost a year now, but recently somehow i think it was that i hadn't slept in about 4days (i have really bad problems sleeping) and i went to a friends house and started to finally fall asleep and she knew if i was tired i would blab and i did but i didn't tell her anything unless she asked and i thought i could trust her but i couldnt and then like 3 weeks ago we were in biology class and different methods of dying came up (just to let you know i do go to a Christian school, but i am forced to go against my will)anyways, death methods came up and then my teacher said "as long as a person doesn't cutt an artery..... blah blah blah"(i only heard that part my friend Sarah (the girl i told ) basically stopped the class by saying my name repeatedly trying to get my attention and by the first time she said my name i was pissed and the last time she said my name i interupted her with a "yeah i know shut up!" and then i looked up and the entire class was looking at me and everytime im around her and we need to cut some paper or cut open a letter or package she always says "yeah, just let 'manda do it, ... she is a pro at cutting after all." and last time she said it right infront of my dad omg she pisses me off, well anyways everyone found out, my family, my friends, my crush, EVERYONE and she told them all or so they all have been telling me!
well i just wanted to let you know your not alone at first i knew why i was cuting but now its just when i get mad which is starting to be daily well g2g been 2-3 days no sleep gotta at least try or you'll pass out and end up in the hospital and then everyone will think you taking druggs or something(that also happened to me but thats a different story) -*night*-

awww that is really sad....

*hugs crimsoncutt13*
it kinda was, but..... I GOT TO SLAP THAT BITCH and she cried and when i went to the principals office and they asked me why i was ther i just laughed and said "i hit sarah cuz she was bothering me again and i couldnt controll my anger and so i slapped her" and the secretary laughed and said "lets just give you 5 demerits and not tell the principal" oooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh god i giggled all the way back to class and now sarah is scared of me!!! and i like it like that
crimsoncutts13 said:
it kinda was, but..... I GOT TO SLAP THAT BITCH and she cried and when i went to the principals office and they asked me why i was ther i just laughed and said "i hit sarah cuz she was bothering me again and i couldnt controll my anger and so i slapped her" and the secretary laughed and said "lets just give you 5 demerits and not tell the principal" oooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh god i giggled all the way back to class and now sarah is scared of me!!! and i like it like that

wow.........are you a guy?

but yes grrrr i think about cutting but i don't because fo breakinthe habit