Cutting...A serious issue.

you're telling me, i have to drop class cuz i cant afford books and i have a sick mom.

while other kids live at home for free and theire parents pay for all of their college.

so depressing............................. but nothing to go slicing my arms up about.
I know how it is to cut yourself, so you can always talk to me. I'm also not saying that you must stop, just like Roxy. I can't stop either. I hope you can all work things out!

just a few days ago i started cuttin myself and its become a habit. my friends doesnt believe that i do but i dont want to show her the marks cuz then she'll prolly tell some one or my parents and nobody know but me. everyday at skool i'll take my pen and make marks where i'll cut myself and after skool i cut where i mark. i'm not eatin as much as i used to either. so now my life is all screwed up.
just a few days ago i started cuttin myself and its become a habit. my friends doesnt believe that i do but i dont want to show her the marks cuz then she'll prolly tell some one or my parents and nobody knows but me. everyday at skool i'll take my pen and make marks where i'll cut myself and after skool i cut where i mark. i'm not eatin as much as i used to either. so now my life is all screwed up.
I have been bad :(

I didn't cut but I scratch myself really badly
:( *sigh*
I blamed it on my rabbit that she made it and just scratch it open and stuff when some's aks about it....
awww.. it bad to cut:( i saw two scars on 1 of my mum wrist and i said wats tha and she said when she was a teen and a lil depress she cut, but only twices and she stop cuz she said it was point less, so in stead she start drawing and painting more
cuz the compass(i'm guessin) was that thing they use in math and it has that really sharp point at the end and pencils r sharp too. i saw it on TV this girl cut herself with that.
darklinkinpark said:
...and pencils r sharp too. i saw it on TV this girl cut herself with that.

My friend was sitting in class and this guy walked in and stabbed him in the neck with a sharp pencil and then ran out, he had to go to the hospital.