diana's journal

Chantal said:
that's good to hear ^^
i just went shopping for new shoes, and i fount them :D
black allstars with red on the inside, and black skulls in the red xD
Aaaww, thanks, hon... :)
Allstars!! Yaaay! They so rock! :thumbsup:
Hmmm, are they maybe like this ones?
Damn, I too need the new ones...but I don't know which ones...well...we'll see... ;)
crazy robster said:
Hey Di! It's been a while!! How are ya?
Hey, Jojo! :)
Yeah, I know...I'm jist fine, thanks...and you?
I missed you, hon... :confused:
*huge hug for my little sunshine*

Anyway...Yesterday haven't got asked at Slovene...this bitch is so stupid...she said she's going to ask me but nooo...she simply didn't do it... :mad: However, now I have to study for Monday... :confused:

Yesterday was ****! I had training and fell of again! That little bitch withdrew before an obstacle...damn, I was mad at her! :mad:
The consequences of this fall are my swollen right buttock and ankle...bleeee...my bot hurts! *cries*
I'm seriously worried about how am I gonna ride tomorrow on the competition...I mean...damn...it's gonna be painful...

Hmmm, I really need to change my sig and ava...you people don't like it a lot...he he... :p Well, you're gonna enjoy soon... :rolleyes:

Edit: Oh, I forgot to tell you that I'm going out today...I'm planing to do some drinking...black vodka and stuff... :p When I'll come home in the middle of the night, I'll just get ready and go on...I'm having a competition...damn, I don't know, if I'm gonna make it...hmmm...well, I hope I will... :p
Awwwww my sweet Di I've missed you too, really! I'm doing OK...
But you? You fell off the horse? Damn, I hope you get well soon!
I hope to see you around more often...
Have fun and take care!!! :thumbsup:

*tackle hugs*
Jojo :D
hmm :S hope you get better from falling off the horse ;)
and well...I dunno what the sig was at time you wrote this, but your current one looks great
Jojo...thanks, hon...*huggles* :) I'm already better... ;)

Frib...first of all...thank you for dropping by in my journal!*dances and then hugs you* :D
Second...thanks for thinking my sig looks great... :thumbsup:

Jeez...aawwww, thanks, darling...*hugs back*


Yesterday went out...drank a bit...black vodka mixed with apple juice... :p But couldn't frink it too much cuz I'm not used to it...haven't been drinking for a long time...
However, then we went to that club...and my bf was soooo freaking drunk..I mean really drunk! He can't even remember what has he said to me...lol...he was a bit depressed too...just strange...
I came home at 4.20 am...didn't go to sleep cuz I had to go again at 5.45 am...so I just got ready for competition...and this is the BIG surprise...
First cometition I rode/jumped without penal points...the height: 1 meter...
Second competiton I WON!!! :D The height: 1.10 meter...number of competitors: 34...
I was the only one that rode both parts of this competition without penal points... :thumbsup: I was sooooo happy...and still am, of course... :p Randi, my hon, was jumping really well but she was very fast! I was so afraid while jumping...at the end of it, when I funished and got out of the competiton-place, I was soooo short winded...it was funny...I was just glad that I made it...and when the announcer said I took over the guidance..such a great feeling! Damn...this was the first time I won...I was 3rd twice, though... :rolleyes:
Anyway, a very good day for me! :D
Tomorrow I'm again going to the competition...this time only one...1.10 meter height...Wish me luck! :)
Sygy said:
black vodka? hmm nit heard of that!!!

well im so happy to here about ur horse riding thing!!!!!!!!!1 YAY
Aaawwww, thanks, Syg! *huggles*
Hmmm, "nit"? What does that mean?

Edit: Ok, now I know...thanks to Jeez... :p
Yeah, you don't know black vodka?!? It's like one of the best kinds of vodka...at least for me... ;)