diana's journal

Why not? Horses are great and proud and beautiful but I am a bit...clumsy you know and the first horse I rode almost dropped me so I don't think I'll dare do it again...hahaha!! It's OK I admire people who can do it and I love seeing pictures of you on a horse! Post more if you can! *huggles*
diana said:
He he...thanks, Jojo...*hugs back*
And, yeah...riding horses...you know...horses were always my first love and passion...I don't know from where that comes but...I can't help it... :rolleyes:
Anyway...hope you're alright... :thumbsup:

i chear your passoin !!! and you know it :D

how are you doing girlie?
Jojo...he he...well...thanks, darling...and I will post some pics when I'll get them... :thumbsup:

Chantal...yeah, I know... :p
I'm doing fine...but I'm in school...and I have to study Sociology cuz I'll probably be asked today...and I haven't study a lot...lol...how tipical for me... :rolleyes:
And how are you?
Yeah...I have to study it...but I have to study Slovene too...literature to be exact...I hate it and it's very hard for me to study it... :( I hope I'm gonna manage it...and after that...it'll be over for me...yay!*dances around* :D
Chantal said:
hey diana,
i'm home again ^^
soon i will be going to the city and find a dutch dictionary..
how are you doing today?
I'm fine, thanks...and you?
Thanks for dropping by...*hugs* :D


Time to update...
Emmm...I haven't told you that I had/have some problems with myself, my feelings...and...I don't know...everything...
I even felt nothing to my bf...for like 2 weeks...it was really strange...
However...now I'm feeling much better cuz I met bf yesterday and as soon as I saw him I was like...in such a good mood...I just smiled and...I wasn't sad anymore like before...that's when I realised that I still love him... :)
We talked the day before about me...I just had to tell him what's going on...how I feel...he's a bit worried but...I think it'll be better soon... :thumbsup:
I'm glad that I have him...damn...
But, it's funny...I mean...I'm confused cuz it's clear that he loves me more than I love him...and this is frightening me, I think...don't know why, though...most of the girls would like that...I don't...hmmm...I'm complicated...
Meh...Now it's all good... :thumbsup:

So, today...I'm gonna go riding...then I'm gonna study Slovene...bleh...and then I'll come here in the eve... :D

Anyway, that's it for now...Take care, you guys!
diana said:
But, it's funny...I mean...I'm confused cuz it's clear that he loves me more than I love him...and this is frightening me, I think...don't know why, though...most of the girls would like that...I don't...hmmm...I'm complicated...
You're not the first.. :)