diana's journal

He he, guys, I'm back and I survived, lol...haven't fallen off...I enjoyed my riding... :thumbsup:
And yeah, I just saw that nomination and I was like:" Wow, wtf?!?"...but I'm very happy!! :D Thanks for the vote Matty...*huggles* :)
Sorry for double post but I don't really care...it's my journal! :D


Soooo, big news...at least for me... :p
Emmm, in the late afternoon I decided to send Miha a message on mobile phone...my school-mate said I could...he he... ;) However, I sent him something like that:

"Hey! What's up? Where are you hidding all the time? Hope everything is ok...Haven't seen you in a while...Anyway, I'm just checkin if you're alright and I hope I don't bother you too much...Papa..."
I just though he won't reply...I simply didn't dare to hope he would...but HE DID!! I was like OMG, he replied, he replied...I was sooo happy! :D :D :D His mesage was (first the original):

"Ne ne sploh ne težiš, jutr popoudan pridem domu. Ma ful je blo pestro avto nam je crknu na poti pa je pol šou iz servisa na servis=\ Ti razložim ko pridem home"

Now, I'll translate that for you...
"No no you don't bother me at all, I'll get home tomorrow afternoon. Mah, it was very varying...on the road our car broke down and it went from the service to service=\ I'll explain it all to you when I come home."
Yeah, so, that's it...I can't tell you how happy I was...damn...I'm in love for sure... :eek:

Well...nothing much happened after that...I just went riding and it was ok...my trainer was there too, riding one horse for a change, lol...he's preparing him for a competition in jumping...and I must say the horse and my trainer adjust pretty well... :thumbsup: However, tomorrow I'm gonna probably have training...and then go to the competition on Friday and Sunday...this time I hope weather will hold on... :)

Yeah, that's it...take care! :thumbsup:
Go go go go Di!!! Don't you worry girl, things with Miha are gonna be just fine! As I told you last night during our convo he's smply very cautious cause he's been hurt... Be a little patient alright? *squeeze hugs* :D
Thenks for dropping by...I think it's your first time in here...welcome! :) Oh, what's your name? I wanna know it cuz I think this letters sucks...I don't want to call you like that... ;)
Fi...yeah, I know...love is almost everything! Thanks! :) *hugs*
Matty...he he, thanks...I hope you're right... ;) *hugs*
Jojo...yeah, I know...I think I'm still gonna wait for his step...Idk...I think that's the smartest thing to do...but, you know, we'll see what's gonna happen, right? Thanks for your advices, hon! *squeeze hugs* :)

This morning I woke up, ate pizza which tasted very disgusting... :( I almost threw up...then I was online for about half an hour when my trainer gave me a call. He said we could have training today in about an hour so I went with bike... Jumping was fun, Randi did a great job...she was a good girl... ;) Then I called my grandpa to give me a lift home...yeah, he's a sweet one...so I left my bike at the riding-club and enjoy my grandpa's drive...lol... :rolleyes:
O lady di u know i is always right u silleh girl, and if it turnes out to be untrue u probably mis-interprited what I said so yea im always right :D