diana's journal

aloneme: Heeey!!
Well, it's like that...LOL I think means something like "laugh out loud", that's what it was said to me...XD I think is just one of smilies like :D or something like that...anyway, I'm not using "XD"... And, you're welcome... :D I'm glad to see you here, in my journal...thank you... :p

By_My-$elf: Hello!
Yeah, yesterday wasn't a bad day, I guess...
Gettting high...you mean with marihuana... :p
Well, I've never tried this stuff before but...it could happen someday and actually I'm thinkin bout that...just for fun...to see what my reaction would be... :D When/If I'll try it, I'll tell you... :thumbsup:

02.Februar; 3.20 pm
Today...well, nothing special again...just went to school...it was boring...lucky for me, I didn't get any grade... :p
Today, I have to study Sociology_test tomorrow...
In bout an hour I'll go riding...haven't been there till Sunday...so, it's about time, don't you think... :D
Oh, yesterday, our handball players lost against Germany!! I'm so angry...they've lost all their chances to get to the semifinal... Anyway, today they'll be playin against Spain, just fight for fifth place - and for this I'm sure they're gonna lose it... :confused: Such an embarrassment for Slovenia!! :(

Anyway, have a nice time and ttyl... Pa-pa! :D
Well, it's like that...Slovenia is very strong in handball...2 years ago they were second on European Championship, I think...now...they suck like hell!! It's also coaches fault cuz he's new here and...yeah...it's not good, i guess...he sucks, actually! :mad:
After this championship will be "club-championship" in which our team, from my town (Celje), won!! So, we hope for a better game and result on this one... :thumbsup:
Anyway, now (it's 9.10 pm) they're playing against Spain and the result right now is 27 : 34 for Spain (51 min)...our team is soooo gonna lose it! :(
Oh, and sorry to all of you who aren't interested in handball... :rolleyes:
LOL yeash man I Like it some were meant not to do it like it gets them sick or freaked out and some never do it again those kinda ppl were never meant to do it and to tollerate it in their lungs
Well, yeah, of course ppl reactions on that **** vary..that's why I'm curious what would happen to me...But, there's another thing...I'm a little bit scared too...why? Cuz MAYBE, if I'll try it and I'll like it, then I'll just want to smoke it more and more...and that wouldn't be good...We all know it's not good...soooooo...yeah...but, anyway, I think I'm gonna try it one day... :p
03.Feb; 3.05 pm
Today, I was in a very good mood till we took a test at Sociology...after it, I was so...down...and I'm still a little bit...moody, I guess...Why? Well, I haven't studied enough...test was pretty hard sooo...I think I'm gonna fail it...which, on the other hand, isn't so bad cuz I can "repair" it easily...it's just a shame... :confused:
Anyway, I'm goin riding in bout 20 min...then come home...and at 8 pm gone in town...Today is the day when I'll get drunk_according to "plans"... :p I just can't wait till bout midnight...just to go dancing and stuff...wohooo...it's gonna be wild... :D

Have a nice time...ttyl... Pa-pa!
aloneme: Hey!
Well, thank you, if you really think so... :p
I don't know what to say...don't know with what I deserved this...
Anyway, I'm happy you're droping by over and over... :D
Take care... *hug*

04.Feb; 1.40 pm
Today I woke up at 12.30 pm...Came home at 5 am... :p
Hmmm, well, it was pretty crazy...actually it was nuts... ;)
I was drinkin but I wasn't drunk... :confused:
- 3x black vodka + apple juice
- 4x vodka + juice
- 1x stock
Pretty much, don't you think? And I wasn't drunk!! It's a curse! :rolleyes:
I had so little energy that I was able to dance for just about 2 hours...well, it's not that little, actually, if I think about it... :p
Oh, yesterday my bf had birthday...now he's 20...OMFG, I'm dating 20-year-old-guy!Oh, well...nothing to do about it... :D

Today, I'm just gonna go riding, soon, then come home and hang on internet, i guess...so, hope to ttyl, mates... :p

Take care and be good... *hugs to you all*
lol! I dont get drunk either!
I mean, I sometimes start to have that nice warm feeling but other than that..nothing!
oh well, it's good the way it is I guess :p
ttyl hon
Sammi: Hey!
It's like that...When I was drunk first and second time I was crazy! One time I was laughing like hell, next time crying...and stuff like that...lol...
but at that time I was drinkin wine...now I think it's disgusting and I can't stand it...maybe too cuz I was throwin up...bleee... :eek:
Anyway, I like to get really drunk once in near future... :p

aloneme: Hello!
Heh, I'd say...After all, you're still just 15... ;)
Well, my parents don't know that I'm sometimes drinkin and smokin...
My mum would kill me, special if she would found about smoking...and I must say, that I smoke just at Fridays - and not allways...

By_My-$elf: Well, hello there!
Glad to see you around here... :D
I'm ok, I think...actually, nothing's wrong at the moment so I'm feelin pretty good, I guess... ;)
Oh, in that case, you just stick to your weed and everything is gonna be just fine... :p :D
Ttyl, I hope... *hug*

Hmmm, just one more thing_what's your name anyway? Cuz I hate to call you by_my-self all the time...and I think that I read your name somewhere before...not sure...
Anyway, take care and be good... :D

05.Feb; 4.15 pm
Nothing special today...I'm bored most of the time...
I thought about startin to study History but...I don't know...maybe I will...Only if I'll get really, really bored... :p
However, I have nothin else to say...

Take care... Ajde!
It´s OK.Here ,in Slovakia,people start to drink alcohol and smoke in 14.I have lots of mates who drink and smoke.I don´t think it is bad .Of course no ,when somebody drink every day.Smoking- it´s okay.I did NOT change my mind ,that you are cool.You are the most cool girl ,which I know.Hello there in Slovenia.Have a fun!
aloneme: Serbus! [our slang greeting :D ]
Heh, well, I think it's the same at any place in this world...Here too ppl start smokin & drinkin at the age of 14, 15...I avoided that ****...started havin fun just bout 5 months ago...I mean, goin out at Fridays and stay out till 4 or 5 am... :eek: It's great...you can really free your mind for at least that few hours...weeks are just too hard...
I'm glad that you think I'm ok... :D You're very nice guy too, but I can tell just for as long as I know you... ;)
Hmmm, I wanted to ask you what your name is? :p
Anyway, take care and ttyl... *hug*

06.Feb; 3.10 pm...
...Today I woke up at 5.30 am...and I was ****ed up like hell...hate this early wakin up... :mad:
Then I went to school and had 2 hours of Economics, 1 hour of Slovenian and 1 hour of Math...We had our new teacher for Math for the first time! I think she's ok... ;)
Then we went watching a thing that suppsed to be dance... :rolleyes: But, if they looked like hell! They don't know how to dance at all... :eek:

Emmm, I have to go now...be back in bout 3 hours... :p
Take care and be good till then... :D