diana's journal

Well, what should I say to you?
In the past I often felt like the only smart thing to do is just simply to kill or hurt myself...but I get through it...and you will too, I'm sure!!
Soooooo, never do anything stupid, allright??! Please...

Aren't there any more chances that could get you in school?? I'm sure that you'll get there...maybe not that easy but, if you'll try very hard...failure is not an option... And another thing_you must never give up!!!

No matter what other ppl say, you aren't stupid!!! Remember that!!! Those, who are tellin you that, are stupid, ok?

And, you're welcome...it's not a problem for me to listen to a person...I like that, actually...so, if anytime you want to talk bout anything...you can always count on me, ok? Never doubt bout that...*hug*
08. Feb; 8.08 am
OMFG, it's 8 am and I already woke up...and have breakfast too...can't believe it... :rolleyes:
Anyway, I'm gonna go and play tarok on the internet right now, cuz I haven't play it for a while now...sooooo...I guess, ttyl, mates... :D

4.15 pm
OK, I studied History for more than 2 hours today...
And now again I have to go...
Now I was so bored for 3 hours...can't believe it...bleeee...
I'll come back later to check you out... :p
Take care and be good...
hey i see you were listening to Vanish the other day by A Perfect Circle. Just saying that if you need to know a bit more about them or maybe even lots, you know the girl with that a perfect circle sig to come to. My journal is aways open for talks about music, especially a perfect circle.
Well, i know basically everything about them, individually and as a group wise. I have all their albums, and right now I am listening to "The Noose" about them. Which appears on the same album as Vanish does .. The 13th Step.

lov ya!
woody: Hey!
Well, thank you for that offer!
If I would like to get to know A Perfect Circle better, I''l let you know... :thumbsup:
First, I have to listen to them a little more to know if I like them... :rolleyes:
Anyway, glad you stopped by...
Hope I'll see you here again...in the future... :p
Have a nice time...*

09.Feb; 4.25 pm...
...I'm not feeling so good lately...I got cold...and my throat hurts...hate this!! :mad:
Anyway, I was in school...was asked Enterprice (don't know if it's a right word...) and got grade 2...bleeee...Hate this subject!!
Oh, test at History...4 pages...I think I'm gonna fail it... :confused:

Now I'm at home and waitin for my mum...she has to take me in "riding club"...

Anyway, I'm in a little bad mood so I rather go now...

Take care and be good... *hugs*
I am sure ,that you will not fail it . Believe me.Somebody like you can´t fail something .Have a good time . ( I hope ,that I know meaning of word " fail" .Dictionary doesn´t mistake ).I am sorry .I wrote in private message "dictoniary" .I am sorry . Right :dictionary.I hope you understood me.
aloneme: Hello!
Hey, believe me, I can fail! Someone like me, especially...someone who's sooo lazy...and so on...bla, bla... :p
Oh, not a problem cuz of the word "dictionary"...I understood it... :thumbsup:
Ttyl... ;)
Hey Diana!
eeek being sick sux ><
I hope you dont have headaches =/
Sorry about the grade hon, but no body is great at everything!
good luck with history and try to think positive ^^
*hugs tightly*
get well soon
take care
Hello, Sammi!
Yeah, I know...it reallly sucks...
But today I'm much better...finally! :D
I didn't have headaches...actually, I have them very rarely...thank "god"... :rolleyes:
Meh, History stinks anyway...but I don't wanna think positive cuz probably I'd be disappointed...sooo...I'm rather pessimistic...and if good think happen I'm much more happy... :thumbsup:
And how are you?
*hugs* Take care...

11.Feb; 1.25 pm
Yesterday, I went out in the evening...finally met with my bf_after a whole week... ;) However, I haven't been outside for long...only till 10.30 pm...it was too cold... :rolleyes:
Today, I'll just be at home...being here sometimes...chat on msn...
I'll watch Olimpic Games_of course, ski jumping... :p
Nothin else special to say to you...
Take care and be good...
OoOh I saw the olympics start yesterday. Sweden is soooo gonna win the golds baby XD
lol I think like that too when it comes to grade but sometimes it's good to say to yourself that everything will be ok. Even if sometimes that's not the way things work out :rolleyes: :p
I'm just fine. Having girly problems *sigh*
hope things are fine with you
take care
12.Feb; 11.03 am
Today I'll have to do something for school_it would be nice...
In the afternoon I'll watch ski jumping again...hope our guys will do it great...
For gold...hmmm...my favourites are Ahonen, maybe Ljoekelsoey...but, who cares?! :rolleyes:
Anyway, nothin special today, again...I just hope I won't have to go riding...I have no will for it...

Take care and be good... *hugs*
Of course I love riding horses!! I just wouldn't like it today... :rolleyes:
Anyway, I didn't have to go, I guess...well, my trainer hasn't call...
Oh, our ski jumpers so sucked!! I don't know what happened to them! They were just expecting to much, I guess...Only one - Primož Peterka - get into finals...:( And it was a small ski jump...next week it's gonna be big and our guys are usually better on bigger ones...soooo...hope for better results on next one... :thumbsup:
But I'm happy that the Norwegian won_Lars Bystol...second was Finn Matti Hautamaki, and third again Norwegian Roar Ljokelsoj. Great that Scandinavians are on the top...better than others Europeans... :p
Anyway...I'm boring you with this...

Take care and ttyl...Bye!
omg I cant understand how you can remember all thos names! lol
naww hon, you're never boring ;)
well better luck to them next time!
thanx hon!
Tyyl <3
Well, actually, I had to look them up while I was writing that... :p
I knew them just approximate...but to spell them...well...not really... :rolleyes:
Hmmm, maybe I'm not boring to you...but for others...not that sure...
Anyway...glad that at least you think that way... :p

Be good...ttyl...*hugs*
haha lol dont worry. If you mean by others in LPF, then it took time for me to make friends here too. Actually, it wasn't that easy at all o_O
oh ok..norwegian name are easy but wow finnish is almost impossible lol
ttyl indeed ^^
heya again! i dont know much about you cos you've really been in the shadows with me in my books for some reason i dont know why though. but i read your journal and i am finding out that you are a awesome person