diana's journal

misery said:
XD I know how it is, haha.
Thanks for your understanding, mate... :D

I think now I'm ready...I'm just chatin to Miha on msn and that kinda brought me ot life, lol...it's 9 am, btw... :p
So yesterday we had a competition...Urban (my trainer and Randi's owner) was jumping with one horse called Durmitor and with Randi...well...one competition he won with Durmitor and at the same he destroyed Randi! Damn, I was angry... :mad: Well, how did he destroy her? Emmm, he haven't riden her for like 2 months so he isn't used to her and...he was just saying that she's nuts, that she didn't knew she's so crazy...bla, bla, bla...he just didn't let her to run on...you know what I mean? He was pulling her on reins and stuff...it wasn't good...so that's why 2 obstacles fell and on one she refuses to jump for one time...I was just like: "OMFG! He is gonna destroy her!"...However, it was my turn just after his jumping and it was so hard to ride her...she was scared for her mouth cuz she was in a little pain, she was nervous, hard to guide...just awful...3 obstacles fell...I was so disappointed that I decided taht I'm going on another competition next Sunday and maybe in 2 weeks on a final one...my plan was that this yesterday's competition is gonna be my last this year but...it was too bad and I have to try to make it better...right?
That's it...I guess...

Aawwww, today it's gonna be such a lovely day...sun is shining outside....hope it's gonna last all day... :) And it would be perfect seeing Miha today... ;) Doubt taht's gonna happen,though...but, it's gonnna get better...let's say...lol... I've noticed taht I'm in a much better mood since Miha came on MSN...damn, I'm crazy... :eek:
That's too bad. But it's good that you want to go out on a strong note, that shows determination :)

Haha, and you're not crazy for being in a better mood just from talking with Miha :p I can relate that feeling.. it's odd how just talking to one special person can lighten your spirits so much :D

Anywho.. take care, hope you get to see Miha today XD
Hey Di...have you watched basketball?....poor you...I was like: Damn...they should have won...
Jeezy said:
Hey Di...have you watched basketball?....poor you...I was like: Damn...they should have won...
Hey, Jeez!
Nope, haven't watched it...had competition, you know...and yeah, I heard they won cuz of shots for 3 points...damn...but, anyway, our guys kinda didn't deserve to get far anyway...I guess...
And how's your team doin?
They are in the Quarter Finals now...and have to play against the USA...that's gonna be hard...