diana's journal

My Di my sweet!!!!! *squeeze hugs* You look so gorgeous in those pics, and Randi too of course!!! As for your evening with Miha... Go go go girl!!! I see you get along pretty well with him, I hope every time you meet will be better and better for you!!! Much love *mmmuuuaaaaahhhh* Jojo ;)

OMFG!! :eek: What a catastrophe! :( Basketball, Slovenia : China - 77 : 78 .
We were leading almost for the whole game but like in the last second one China boy hit for 3 points, *******! Uhhh, I'm so angry... :mad: Now we have to wait for the Italy and Puerto Rico to play and if Italy won then we are going to the eighth final...damn...Idk... :(
Anyway, I woke up at 7 am just to watch this ****...meeeh, who cares...
Thanks you all guys! *hugs* :)
Yeah, Syg...I know what you're saying...you are just a little evil bitch, right? Lol... :p I <3 ya too...*tackle hugs*

Anyway...Italy won for one point against Puerto Rico so we got through! :D We're 3rd in group D, I think... :thumbsup: Now hope for the best for the future, he he... ;)