diana's journal

Well, I don't know why should I step aside...but I'm fully aware that I have to take it easy...believe me, I know...and I'm trying ot take it easy...and I'm giving him some time...I know he needs it...hope he'll start to love me eventually...if not...well...life is life...**** it...
Well...she cheated on him...and then she was asking him to be together again while she was with another! She's just a stupid, stupid bitch! ANd they were together for like a year and a half... Now he just want a break and he just kinda wants us to go on easy...he doesn't want to be in any relationship right now... That's on short cuz I have to go now... See ya tomorrow! And...thanks, Foxx! *hugs*
Well Diana, here is what i think

1-She cheated on him, so he can't trust her.
2-He was in a semi-long-term relationship so he is gonna want time to get over it. a year and a half is a long time. Give him some time and he'll come around.
3-Be there for him. Show him that you care about him, but you'll wait for him to be okay with himself first before wanting to go into anything major.
4-Comfort him....self-explainitory.

Thats my advice, but its only good advice if you take it.
I agree with Foxxy and I think this is pretty much what I advised you to do during our MSN convo my dear... He is disappointed and he needs time.. Just be there for him and he'll grow to love you in time...;) Well said Foxxy!!! :thumbsup:
Foxx...this was something I was going to do...I really understand him and I know that he can't be with me in a relationship right now...Only time will tell us what's gonna happen... Thanks, hon! *hugs*
Jojo...yeah, we discussed about something like that...I guess we all agree what to do, he he...even Sarah... :D Thanks, you guys! *huggles*

Okay, this is not good! Damn, I feel so...eerrrr...I don't even know how I feel or how should I feel! :confused:
So, I was kinda talkin to Miha on MSN...then he said that his ex sent him sms askin if he can teach her some stuff cuz she bought new bmx...I think we all know what she wants to achieve, right? I told him and he doesn't know what he's gonna do...and now I'm very confused...I'm threatened now...at least I have this feeling... Man, damn, I try so hard not to really care about anything but...it's so hard...cuz deep inside I still hope that maybe one day we're gonna be together, you know...And now that ****in bitch is destroying everything! She's destroying me! I think that Miha could be capable of going back to her...he loves her...it's just a matter of his will if he's gonna resist it or not... I don't know...I guess I have to forget about feelings I feel for Miha...or I'm gonna get insane... **** EVERYTHING!!!

Anyway, in the evening we might go cycling a bit...at least that's what he said...I hope I'll get the ride to get to his place...my bike is still there...

Oh, and on Friday I'm probably going to the local hardcore concert...4 bands for only 2,5 $...well, and I'm gonna spend just as much for the train in both directions... I'm goin with Miha...and there's gonna be my school-mate too...and some known people... The main reason why I wanna go is cuz I know one guy that's a singer at one band called Killing Option...you can find them on myspace, if your interested... ;) So, I want to see/hear him scream, lol...But no, really, he invited me so I have to go, right? :p
i dont mean to be harsh but snap the **** out of it!!!!!
she not 'destroying' u! ur 'destroying' urself by giving that bitch enough though to make you feel so shitty! seriously she loses if u simple dont care and get on with ur life avec milha!!!!! STOP THINKING ABOUT HER!!!!
I am sad when you are sad. I´d like to give you advice but I´ve never been in situation like this.So i am very sorry for it.Maybe you should ask him...hmmm...i don´t know...if he will love you more then like a friend.I really don´t know...I am very sorry...and...if you don´t understand me so i am sorry...it is very hard to tell you my ideas for me.But i know it will be better...and you will be glad with your love.Everything will be great. Wish you luck.
Boris...yeah, I know what you mean...thanks, hon! I really appreciate it...but...nope, I won't ask him...he's already confused enough without me bothering him...and I can't do that... I think we talked about everything enough back then... And yeah, that's what I'm always saying, right? It's gonna be better...and it's really gonna be! I just have to believe it and be patient...I know...
Oh, and don't be sad cuz of me...please...I know that you have enough worries cuz of yourself...don't worry about me...ok? It's gonna be okay...*squeeze hugs*

Yeash, again an update, lol... :p
Well, my uncle gave me a lift to Miha's place at around 7.45 pm...then I've got my bike and we went cycling a bit...just to the town and through the town and then back...it took us almost the whole hour, though...we were slow...just on easy... :) After that we just sit on the bunch behind his block and talk a bit...not for too long...it is very cold outside...I didn't know it's gonna be that cold...when I cycled home I could see my breath...damn... However, again, nothing happened...but he was definately in a better mood than the last time...and for the whole day I felt like **** but now I feel a bit better...but man, I really need zo stop bothering...and I will, I promise you...and myself...

Today was nothing special...I was bored as **** till 5 pm...then I went on training with my bike...had training...was jumping...Randi is a bit bitchy lately...she's very lively and she is galloping towards an obstacle like crazy...but this would be all fine cuz she was always doin that...but lately she's very fumbling so the obstacle often fall...damn, I'm so angry cuz of that! :mad: I'm kinda disappopinted...I still hope she's gonna jump good on Sunday, though...

Anyway, tomorrow is the first day of school! Yeah, on Friday, lol... This year the school minister made some novelties...the main one is that now we'll have only 2 semesters...cuz before we had 3...3 x 3 months...now it's gonna be 2 x 4,5 months... It sounds a bit better but we'll see... Damn, I'm goin to the final year at gymnasium...I'm freakin scared! And I still don't know to which college I'm gonna go...damn it! :(
Meh...I'm gonna survive...like I always did... :p