diana's journal

Awww my sweet, sorry I haven't been in here lately but I haven't been in the forums in general so...you know... yeah, I guess you're going through a tough period honey but don't sweat it. We're all like that more or less and I understand how you feel... Especially about school. It's gonna be fine, I swear I was exactly like you on my last year at school and then gradually everything was settled. Take care!! *hugs*
diana said:
Foxx...this was something I was going to do...I really understand him and I know that he can't be with me in a relationship right now...Only time will tell us what's gonna happen... Thanks, hon! *hugs*
Jojo...yeah, we discussed about something like that...I guess we all agree what to do, he he...even Sarah... :D Thanks, you guys! *huggles*

God damn right !!
Fi...thanks! I'm gonna need it! :p
Jojo...thanks, my sweet...*squeeze hugs* I know everyone must go through this...well, those who are in school, lol... :p Meh...**** it! :eek: I'm gonna survive...I hope... ;)
Thanks for stooping by!
Syg...emmm...gymnasium is actually a high school...we call it like that... :thumbsup:
*hugs* No problem dear, I hope you're OK... and yes I know, actually we in Greece call Junior High School "gymnasio" that's why gymnasium made sense to me but I think in English they use this word to refer to the gym (the place we go to work out) hense Sygy got confused... There's always a good opportunity to find out something useful about each other's language in these forums right? lol
He he...yeah, Jojo, you're right...but I think that gymnasium is used international, though...but, who cares... :p Actually, the slovenian word is "gimnazija" so, yeah... :thumbsup:


So, yeah...I had to wake up at 6.45 am...at 7.30 am I went to school with bike...damn, it was cold...about 9°C... We started school at 8 am... First we had 2 hours with our class teacher and then 3 hours of lessons, lol...damn, they're such bitches! :mad: SO, I was in school till 12.20 pm...then we went to park...I drank one beer...well, kinda beer... Went to the library at about 1.30 pm and then went home...and now I'm here... :p

Plans for today...
- wait for my mum to come home...then go riding at about 4 pm...
- get home at about 6 or 6.30 pm...take a shower...
- go to town and on the train...it leaves at 7.23 pm...go to Laško...
- concert should begin at like around 8 pm...it's a metal/hardcore one...hope it's gonna be cool
- at 11.50 pm go to the last train back to Celje
- had some great time in town at the club where I usually go... :thumbsup:

Oh, on the concert I'm going with Miha...but there will be my friend too...which is actually not such a bad thing...well, we'll see...

However, it should be interesting tonight! :D
I really do hope you have a great time at the concert my sweetie!!! I want you to have fun and be happy and not let anyhting bring you down, cause it's not worth it, OK my sweet? Looking forward to hearing about your impression of the concert! *hugs* :D

So, yesterday was great! :D
The concert started around 9 pm...The Austrian band came later cuz they couldn't find the place...that's what they said, though... Here's the poster... The first who were on stage were Human Host Body...they were pretty good...I liked them... The second were In The Crossfire...pretty good...a bit different than the first ones but nice... And the 3rd were Killing Option...the guy I know sings in that band...damn, they were great! They were incredible...loved it! Here's their myspace site if anyone is interested to hear them... Rok is such an awesome person...after the show he went up to everyone and asked them if it was good and stuff...so nice... :)
The last one were Jakuzi's Attempt but I guess they were acting too "high" cuz they needed almost an whole hour to get on stage...I couldn't see them cuz I had the train to catch... Meh, ****in Austrians...I wouldn't stand to listen to german anyway...bleh...whatever...

We (Miha & I) came back to Celje at around midnight and just went home...so I didn't go to that club...but, it's okay... I walk Miha home and then call taxi to get me home... That's how I got home at 12.45 am...pretty soon...haven't planned that to happen...but, whatever... :p

Oh, and I forgot to tell you, that I told Miha yesterday that I'm gonna step out a bit for now...Idk, but I think that's the right thing to do... Plus, I decided to not care and bother about him that much anymore cuz there's no use... I'll just wait for him if he wanted to have something more with me...but now we're just friends even though I like him very much...

Meh, this all sucks as hell...it's ****ed up...
Seems like a nice evening...and about that thing with Miha...I think you made the right decission...
Glad you had a nice evening my sweet... About Miha...Meh, I hate it when guys do that, I just hate it!!! They like making us suffer, don't they? You made the right decision. Just make sure you don't lose your inner peace honey it's not worth it, believe me... *hugs*
Thanks you both! I really enjoyed myself...has in a very good mood...just smiling, you know... :D
Well, yeah...I think I've made a right decision but...I'm afraid I can't help myself for still liking him too much...I really can't...it's tough...and the hardest fact is that I don't know what's gonna happen...if it's worth waiting...cuz I guess I'm kinda waiting for him...but on the other hand I realise that he won't do anything... ****, I want to forget about everything but I can't...it's really ****ed up!
Damn... I've been through this... Same exact situation... I liked the guy so much that I thought I would lose my sanity if he didn't love me back... But he didn't. And it wasn't worth it as I discovered later... Love yourself for what you are and pity those who can't see the treasure you're hiding inside...That's what I realised and that's what made me feel better and get over it... Love ya girl! *hugs*
Awww, girl, you're really too sweet...*hugs back* *wipes the tear*
Yeah, you're right...but it's just too hard...I want to achieve that state but only time can tell what's gonna happen... But, enough about this...don't wanna be sad again today... :D

Agassi won the 2nd round against the 21 year-old guy, I think or something like that...damn, it was a hard game...lasted almost 4 hours! I've watched only for the last hour...when it was the most exciting...actually I watched the repetition but I didn't know who won... Woooo, Agassi really is a freakin legend! *dances* :D
diana said:
Awww, girl, you're really too sweet...*hugs back* *wipes the tear*
Yeah, you're right...but it's just too hard...I want to achieve that state but only time can tell what's gonna happen... But, enough about this...don't wanna be sad again today... :D

Agassi won the 2nd round against the 21 year-old guy, I think or something like that...damn, it was a hard game...lasted almost 4 hours! I've watched only for the last hour...when it was the most exciting...actually I watched the repetition but I didn't know who won... Woooo, Agassi really is a freakin legend! *dances* :D

I watched it, too..it was awesome...he plays again today...against that German guy...gonna be a great match again...Agassi will win....I hope..
It's raining in New York right now...hopefully they play