diana's journal

Well, I saw them having sex for a couple of times, yes...it's a completely normal thing... ;)
And yes, they have a huge...khm...but...I think it's not that bad for a mare...well, the first time must be painful but...then...I don't think so... :thumbsup:

Oh well, nothing important happened lately...School is freaking boring...Today I had classes from 8 am till 3 pm... :(
Oh, yesterday I went to town with Miha...we just cycled a bit and talk... It was actually very nice...I felt great and kinda happy...don't know why, though, but anytime I'm with him I again feel this hope...but, I mustn't think about that! :p

I have some pics of competition... First pic is of that competition in our club...
me & randi_01
Next 3 ones are from the last one...when I was 3rd...
me & randi_02
me & randi_03
me & randi_04
The last one is so funny...lol... :D

Anyway, I'll go now...later I'll go riding...have to cycle there... :confused:
Thanks you all!! <3 ya! :)

Jojo...I've missed you too!! Vevy much...*enormous hugs back*
Hope you're doin good yourself too... :D
Chanty...glad you're back...*huggles*
Well, I don't know...you'll have to try really hard...lol... :p

Sooo, yesterday was Friday and I went out in the evening. We were just hanging at the park, drinkin a bit and ****... We, my school-mate Mojca and I, had a bottle of rum and coca-cola to mix...yup, we wanted to get drunk. As you probably know, I usually don't drink alcohol so cuz of that even freaking rum wasn't really drinkable to me... :( Damn, I'm the hopeless case.
But, anyway, I drank some of it...3 glasses or something...and I was a bit drunk...just a bit...It felt pretty good. :)

After that we went to that club where we always go...this was at about 1 am...It was pretty good, had some fun dancing and stuff...really nice...
Ha ha, the funny time was when one 24-year-old guy started to flirt with me...lol...I was dancing and talking a bit to him, there were a few kisses...just for fun... :eek: And after about 20 minutes I finally got rid of him. :p Ha ha, he was so funny to me, lol, I can't stop laughing! For like about 5 times he told me how sexy I am and even compared me with one blonde chick and said he would never replace me with her...LOL!! I was just laughing at him...crazy ****, I tell you... He asked me to go for an drink with him today or something and I was just like: "Well, I don't think so...". It would be much better if he was an attracting man...but he wasn't...meh, who even cares... I hope I'll never see him again! :thumbsup:

However, I came home at about 4 am...and that was it...that's all...
That's so funny...to watch you and that guy must have been so much fun...It's cool that you had a nice evening...
Ha ha, just imagine...older guy, smaller than me, he don't really know how to dance...LOL...damn, it was funny... But the hardest thing is to get rid of a guy in the nice way...that's what I'm always trying to do in these situations. So I just said to him that this has no deep meaning in my opinion and stuff...ha ha...lol... :p
Hahaha oh Di my sweet how many times have I told you that you and I are alike in many respects? I'll say it again... First we both fall in love and the feeling is always intense and hurts...awwwww...second I usually have the same problem with guys. Those that start flirting with me are, for the most part, (I'll put it politely) really odd looking and I just have to find a way to turn them down in a "nice way" well, rejection is never nice to be honest but what can we poor girls do, right? We can't just sit there and put up with their crap just because we don't wanna hurt them...;) Anyway, I'm glad that at least you had fun!!! Take care whatever you do!!! *hugs*
He he, oh yeah...guess we really are alike... :D
But if I think the other way...why should we really be that nice? I mean, you see this guy for the first time and stuff...heh...funny thing...our personalities...meh... ;)
Take care you too! *hugs back* :)