diana's journal

Sarah...ha ha...well, nothing too much...but you'll see if you keep on reading... ;)
Chanty...I'm alright...you? :)


Ummm...where should I start...meh, does it even matter? :p
So, today I went riding...the hall was filled with horses so there was no way to work good in it...so I went outside...in rain...yup, in rain...well, it wasn't raining very hard but a little...before that I got rain-blanket for Randi so she didn't get too wet... :thumbsup:
Actually 3 of us were riding outside but I had the courage to do it first... :p

Tomorrow some of people from our riding-club are going to the place where they're having the first World Cup in show jumping in Slovenia! We're going just as visitors but I'm excited anyway. I'm gonna see all these excellent riders and horses...waaaa...awesome! :D It's just too bad that the weather sucks...it started to rain today and it's gonna be raining tomorrow too...it should stop on Sunday, though...
Yeah, so, we are gonna sleep there over night and I'll come home on Sunday evening...you're gonna see me online then.

Okay, the next thing...This year is my last year on high school. That's why it's a "tradition" that last-year students go on a trip for about 4-6 days...Our and 3 other classes and some classes from other school are going in Italy on Wednesday at midday next week...Most of the time we're gonna be in Rimini...First day we're gonna be in Mirabilandia...and then...I don't know...lol... :eek:
However, we should have some awesome time...mostly drunk, lol... :D
Oh, and I'm not gonna be back till Sunday at about midnight...so you're gonna see me online on Monday, 25. September...Yup, there's not gonna be diana here for 5 days...well, actually 4, cuz I'm sure I'm gonna be here on Wednesday morning... ;)

So, yeah...I think that's it...