diana's journal

Thanks, Syg...who's david?
Jos...meh, you're gonna be okay...*hugs* :)
Jojo...thanks...I hope I'll have some great time...and the weather is looking good... :thumbsup: *squeeze hugs back*
Chanty...thanks...*blows kisses back*

So, yeah, this is the last goodbye...

GOODBYE, SO-LONG, GET LOST, **** OFF! [Murderdolls's line... :p ]

Take care everybody! :D
Sygy said:
david is the naked guy statue thingy
Oh, I see...haven't take a pic of him...sorry...


Ummm...so, yeah, I'm back...let me tell you how it was...kinda...

Wednesday: driving by bus Celje - Rimini. This lasted about 9 hours. We arrived, had supper at the hotel and then went to on club. Had pretty nice time there, dancing and stuff...but we got bored quickly...so we went back to the hotel at 2 am...some kept on drinking but I went to bed...

Thursday: woke up at about...errrr...8 am. [Every day we had breakfast between 7.30 and 10 am.] After breakfast we went to the beach but me and my 2 friends haven't stayed long so we went to look around at the shops and stuff. [Oh, we haven't had lunch at the hotel...only breakfast and supper.] In the afternoon we went to see "Italy in miniature" or something like that...pretty nice stuff...beautiful, actually...I took some pics but my camera is now not working... :confused:
This time I drunk 0,5 l of vodka after the supper before we went to the club at 11 pm. There I had about 4 more double shark-vodka drinks and that's how I got drunk... Yup, it was pretty funny...but it felt so good! :D I was just sitting there with some buddies in front of the teachers...sometimes they just took a look at me and laugh... Just try to imagine: I was sitting there, was in funny movement, drinking, smoking...haha...rofl!
Again we went home at 2 am...as soon as I arrived in the room I run in the bathroom and vomited like ****! LOL! I vomited again later...and then hang out with some guys...it was cool... :)

Friday: We had an afternoon off...at noon we went in San Marino. It's a pretty nice place, interesting. There are only shops everywhere…I don’t know how some people can even live there! I really couldn’t.
Anyway, I bought this mini sword for my ex-boyfriend Tomaž…well, I promised him something…
In the evening we went to club but this time a different one. I didn’t like it that much, though…the music was mainly techno… But the thing that bothered me the most were the Italians. Gawd, they can be sooo annoying on the dance floor! I hardly got rid of some, lol… Oh, and I couldn’t even smell the alcohol after that Thursday night…:p

Saturday: At 10 am we went to Mirabilandia, arrived there at around 11.30 am…and it was so freakin cool! Here are the most cool stuff on which I took a ride:
thundering sierra
When I went on katun for the first time I was screaming like I never did before in my whole life! I haven't even realised that I can scream like that! OMG, it was so awesome! :D :D :D
This night I stayed at the hotel cuz I was too ****ed up...I wasn't the only one, though... That's how me and my 2 room-mates were in bed at midnight sleeping like babies, lol...

Sunday: We had to wake up at 7 am...but Nina & me simply ignored the alarm and keep on sleeping... Luckily our class teacher knocked on the door at 7.30 am... We left the hotel at 9 am and drive in Venice...we stayed there for like around 4 hours...I was so exhausted! My feet hurted...and I was sleepy...bleh...
I bought 2 necklaces there...one with "Korn" pendant and the other with these needles I always wanted...I'm gonna take a pic of it and show it to you... ;)
We arrived back in Celje at around 10 pm...and that was it!

However, camera died on Saturday and I don't know why...so now I can't upload pics...*cries* :( I hope I'm gonna figure that out soon... But I have some pics anyway...from my school-mate Mojca camera:

nina & me
This was the night when I got drunk...you can see it... :D
me & mojca
nina, mojca & me
Love this pic...I was a bit tired...
me, špela & nina
Ha ha...got to love it! :p
me, nina & katy
Funny one...damn, me & my fat belly...-.-
živa, me, nina & katy
Now, this is a hilarious one! I look so drunk on that one...but I wasn't...lol...
romana, nina, me & živa
Meh, this was taken in Venice...you can see how ****ed up we were...

Errr, so yeah, I think that's it...sorry for bullshit talkin... :p
Seems like a nice holiday....those pics are cool....

Did I ever tell you that you are really good lookin' ?
Wow I envy you!! Well, in the best possible way of course my sweet!! Sounds like you had so much fun in Italy!!! *heavy sigh* I LOVED it when I went there myself I'd really like to go again sometime!!! I've been to Venice too it is awesome!! And Syg... I have pictures of David!!! lol As for the photos I just have one comment; You look magnificent!!!! Great holiday!!! Glad you had fun! *squeeze hugs*