diana's journal


Ummm, I forgot to tell you that I started to like one guy while we were in Italy...here's a pic:


He's the left one...lokks kinda funny on this one but...oh well...emmm..and yeah, the right one is not bad either... :eek:
However, I just got his msn address and I hope I'll get to talk to him soon... He's also from my school so I can actually see him every day...

Anyway, I have to go now...
Sygy said:
which way is left??? im confused!!!!
LOL, Syg...ummm, the guy with curlly hair...now you know? :p
And yeah, I know he looks funny on this pic but...it's something on him that I like...I think I like his personality...ummm, he's a pretty calm person...but the only big problem is that he smokes marijuana way too much and that's definately not good... :(
i like the other one........:(...anyways who cares if he smokes weed! everyone does it..i do it and im fine....jeez did it!!!!!!! and wow his hair is really just.....interesting?

ok il stop being mean..if u like him then thats fine but are u shore that he is just not calm bc he doesd all the herb
Well, I don't know...but you know, he smokes weed like really too much! SO much that he's is hardly going through school and stuff...It's **** cuz he has these friends and they all smoke weed too much...I think this will have to end! Somebody/something will have to stop them!

And yeah, I know...the other one is not bad...I said it... :p
MrsBennington-Delson said:
u both have curly hair.... and somehow you look alike...... dunno!?
Ha ha...maybe, lol... :D

I just spoke to my friend...emmm...wait, how much have I told you about Zorzo (the guy I like_his nick name)? *looks back* Okay, nothing much...so, here we go...
Errr, so, I started to like him when I met him on the trip in Italy...at that time I couldn't get to close to him cuz he liked another girl...the girl that I spoke to 5 minutes ago. I asked her if she likes him and she said that only as a friend...and that's some great news! I told her that I like him and she'll mention him that one girl likes him and wants to meet him. Isn't she sweet? She also gave me his mobile phone number... I think things are going pretty well for now. :)

And her's another thing...we're having a dance in January...just final-year-students... We're gonna start with dancing practice next Friday and I still don't have anyone to dance with. Maybe, if I'm lucky, I'm gonna ask him to dance... We'll see what's gonna happen...
Wish me luck! ;)