diana's journal

diana said:
Thanks...and thanks...^^
Yeah, that's so true!! They are just so ****in stupid! :mad: :p
Maybe I'm gonna start just with: -.-
:eek: called me ****ing stupid BAD DIANA BAD!!!
:p so diana how is life treetin you?
havin n nice holiday?
GraDoN said:
:eek: called me ****ing stupid BAD DIANA BAD!!!
:p so diana how is life treetin you?
havin n nice holiday?
Well, I hope you're not ****in stupid, lol...:p
Meh, life's a bitch...like always...but let's say I'm used to it... :rolleyes:
Holidays are nice...but I can already see the end of it... :confused:

And how are you?

Syg...same to you even though it's a bit late... :)
And yeah, thanks for the info...lol... :D
diana said:
Well, I hope you're not ****in stupid, lol...:p
And how are you?
well im not that stupid tehe :D
im great we just had afeast and cricket is on (yes peterdea CRICKET *muhaha*) SA is playing India and its kinda even...
but life IS a bitch.. my dad is forcing me to take MORE math extra class BS in the holiday fo preperation for my final year is school :(
o well we are still going on vacation so no worries
diana said:
Nice to hear that...^^

Update comin up tomorrow cuz I gotta go now...hope it's gonna be an interestin night...it looks like it, though... :D
hey Di...how is everything going?...

I hope you are alright...

edit: Ok...I wait for that update...lol
Sygy said:
yes pls do update, it feels like an eon since i pried into your life :)
Yup yup, true true...:p

Jeez...here you have it...^^


Ummm, where to start? :rolleyes:
Yesterday Rok started a convo at msn...which was a big surprise for me! :eek: We were just chattin a bit...he asked me if I'm goin out in eve...and he asked me when I'll come to his place cuz he's home alone till Tuesday... ;) Anyway, we didn't arranged anything cuz I knew we're gonna see each other at Musicafe.
However, in the eve we went to town as always... In the whole night I drank about 0,5 l of black vodka...so, yeah, I was drunk...and it was great! :D
I met Rok in Musicafe...he was again drunk and high and ****...We got together not till about 3 am... My friends left earlier cuz they didn't felt really good...but I stayed cuz of Rok...and I can say it's worth it...^^ We went home together with taxi at about 3 am... He wanted me to sleep over at his place... First I didn't know if I'm gonna do it or not...but then I did...
I bet you're wondering if we had sex... :p
The answer is...no, we did not have sex. :)
We went to sleep at 4.30 am. We were cuddling a bit and just after about 5 minutes he suddenly fell asleep, lol...:D He started snoring cuz he has a cold so I moved to the living room on the couch but I couldn't sleep well (I never sleep well when I'm at some place new) so an hour later I moved to Roks room to his bed (he was in the bedroom of his parents). I slept very badly till 7.30 am but then I finally slept good till about 9.30 am...so yeah, not much of a sleep...
I woke him up...we cuddled till about 12.30h and it was so nice...damn, I almost melted...^^
After that we just watch tv...but it was strange cuz we were just lying there, each on each others couch till like 2.45 pm when my mum came to pick me up. He just kissed me goodbye and said ttyl...with a smile on his face...as usual... :)

Anyway, my mum didn't even asked me who I was with, lol...

Okay, gotta go...
MrRandomGuy said:
sounds like an awesome time
Jeezy said:
yeah..sounds like a nice time...
so...are you gonna date him again?...

I bet you do...
Yeah, it really was...^^
Well, we haven't talked yet...and I even don't think we will...but I hope I'll meet him somewhere in the eve/night in town...

Yeah, I'm gonna be in town at the new year eve...not for very long, though...at least I'm planning it that way...and who knows, maybe I'm again gonna sleep over somewhere else... :p

Okay, yesterday sucked so badly... :(

We came to town at about 11 pm...started to drink...watched the firework which lasted 10 minutes...it was an okay one...
After that we went to Music (Musicafe)...it was pretty crowded but not that much...just enough so we couldn't put our stuff anywhere... So we were hangin outside... Then I saw that Rok and his friends came...Rok saw me just for a moment but didn't react... Nina, Katy and me went outside in front of community cuz Katy was waitin for her parents to pick her up...so we spent about an hour there...just as much that, when me & Nina came back to Music, Rok wasn't there anymore...so, I was very sad cuz of it... :confused: I heard that he was walking inside and outside the club pretty often...so I'm hoping he was even lookin for me...but, Idk...
Anyway, I couldn't even get drunk cuz my stomach didn't handle it... :confused: Then my sis and I went home at 3.30 am...my sis had a nice time...unlike me...good for her, though...

So, today Rok has written at msn this: "broken jaw, yay!". I hope it's not too serious... :confused: But I won't click him! Damn, he's so...damn...

Yeah, I'm depressed today...the weather is awful...it's dark in the middle of the day...it's not raining, it's just so cloudy and depressed... :(

What a start of a new year for me...
That doesn't sound like a good start at all...

I hope it's gonna be better soon...

and he really broke his jaw? damn that must hurt...

well, see ya soon
take care...
Jeezy said:
That doesn't sound like a good start at all...

I hope it's gonna be better soon...

and he really broke his jaw? damn that must hurt...

well, see ya soon
take care...
No, it doesn't...and I hope it too...

Well, Idk...he has that written at msn...hope he didn't broke it, though...but, I'm afraid he did...

diana said:
No, it doesn't...and I hope it too...

Well, Idk...he has that written at msn...hope he didn't broke it, though...but, I'm afraid he did...


Do you think he has been in a fight or did he just fell on the floor or something?

well...doesn't really matter, right?
Jeezy said:
Do you think he has been in a fight or did he just fell on the floor or something?

well...doesn't really matter, right?
Well, Idk...I hope he even don't have a broken jaw...but, I hope I'm gonna find out soon about the whole thing...hopefully tomorrow...

Sygy said:
broken jaws are pretty shitty. when my dad beat up my mum he broke her jaw and it still acts up and hurts her eventhough it liked happened 3 years agos
Uh, sorry to hear that...and yeah, I believe that's the way it is...