diana's journal

Hi Di what's been happening? Sorry I haven't had access to the net...well to this site..it's been a while..
Happy late new years! I kinda don't remember mine, I kinda got drunk and the last thing I remember was hugging a complete stranger on the road who treated me as though I was her daughter and we and my friend ran around with sparklers in our hands....ut was fun..
woodyloveslinkin said:
Hi Di what's been happening? Sorry I haven't had access to the net...well to this site..it's been a while..
Happy late new years! I kinda don't remember mine, I kinda got drunk and the last thing I remember was hugging a complete stranger on the road who treated me as though I was her daughter and we and my friend ran around with sparklers in our hands....ut was fun..
Yeah, it's really been a while...
Happy new year to you also!^^
Ha ha ha...you lucky thing...you got drunk... :D And you were doin some stupid things...that's so cool, lol... :p I hope I'll get drunk soon... :D But the new year for me was bad...it sucked as hell...but, whatever... I'm glad to hear you had fun, though... :thumbsup:

MrRandomGuy said:
hey, hope everything gets better!
Thanks...I do also... :)
How are you doin?

GraDoN said:
heeeeeey diana how are u?
just came home from holiday.
I'm okay, let's say...you know, school started again...and it sucks...but doesn't matter...How are you?
How was your holiday?


Well, today was the first day of school in this year...it was nothing special...lol...

Anyway, I talked to Zorzo at msn and I found out that Rok is at hospital...he really has a roken jaw and he had an operation today...or yesterday...Idk...
How did it happen? Well, on new year a group of those stupid Bosnians and other people of southern countries (we always have problems with them...I already ran away from them...the hate between Slovenians and "southerns" will always be present...) attacked Rok and one other guy. Well, I suppose they were lookin for some troubles cuz others were okay... If you're crazy, you're just crazy...can't help it...

I sent him message over the cellphone...I asked Zorzo for the number...and he hasn't replied yet...I hope he will, though...cuz if he does, I'll probably ask him if I can come to visit... :)

Oh well, that's it I think...I'll tell you if anything new happen...;)
GraDoN said:
****... school started? damn thats gotta hurt its another 2 weeks till our scool starts again. good luck with school :thumbsup:
What?!? Really?!? OMG... :eek:
But I'm sure you don't have as much holidays as we do in summer or somethin... :p
Anway, thanks about the good wishes...^^
diana said:
What?!? Really?!? OMG... :eek:
But I'm sure you don't have as much holidays as we do in summer or somethin... :p
Anway, thanks about the good wishes...^^
ya your summer vacation is when its winter here then we only get 1 month vacation :(
ya good wishes indeed
HAPPY 2007 :D
GraDoN said:
ya your summer vacation is when its winter here then we only get 1 month vacation :(
ya good wishes indeed
HAPPY 2007 :D
Oh yeah...forgot about that thing...lol...winter yeah...in summer we have more than 2 months of vacation...:) This year I'm gonna have 3...:D
Anyway, same to you!!*hugs*
Good luck with school and everything...

I also hope Rok will be better soon...that must really hurt....

Do you know if his mouth is wired up?...he probably can't talk or eat that much with a wired mouth...poor dude
Jeezy said:
Good luck with school and everything...

I also hope Rok will be better soon...that must really hurt....

Do you know if his mouth is wired up?...he probably can't talk or eat that much with a wired mouth...poor dude

Well, I don't know...I think his mouth is not wired up...probably they give him some kinda lamella in his jaw...they did this to one of my buddies when the similar thing happened to him not that long ago...
I hope he's gonna be fine soon also...

Oh, and when I said that I sent him a message...I sent him mms...and I'm not sure he even got it...so, now I don't know what to do? Should I sent him sms or call him...or what?? If Zorzo's gonna be online in the eve, I'll maybe ask him when he's goin to visit Rok...and maybe I'll go with him...cuz I have time tomorrow after school....we'll see...
diana said:
Ummm...I probably won't do anything about Rok...cuz on the other hand...he could do somethin for a change! Damn...I don't know if I can do this...I can't live in such a doubt...:(
It's maybe better for you to leave him alone...
Jeezy said:
It's maybe better for you to leave him alone...
Yeah...I will as much as I can...but I have some news... :)
GraDoN said:
im confused.. whos Rok?
Rok is...well...the guy I like...and I think he likes me also at least for a bit cuz he started the...hmmm...he made the first move...and we were kinda just makin out at fridays a bit...he's from our school...same age as me... If you want to know more about him, just take a look at my previous updates :thumbsup: ...it all started more than a month ago...


So...I came home today after school...and guess who was at msn?!
Yup, he already came from hospital...he has like 6 screws and 2 metal plates in his jaw...poor guy... :(
And after a lil while, he started a convo!^^
He thanked me for message I sent him and said he didn't reply cuz his cell-phones batery was very low...
Anyway, we weren't talkin long cuz he had some other things to do... He'll sue somebody...I think that those guys who beat him up...Idk...
We then again talked a bit...and now he's not by his comp...as I'm assuming...

So yeah...pretty good news, I guess... :)

Oh, today I didn't go to the dancing lessons cuz my dancing partner went skiing...but, we'll go tomorrow morning...at 8.30 am...
damn did Rocky fight him cause he had to get pretty much owned to end up like that..
well im happy things are good between you.. lets hope you dont taste metal when you kiss ><
GraDoN said:
damn did Rocky fight him cause he had to get pretty much owned to end up like that..
well im happy things are good between you.. lets hope you dont taste metal when you kiss ><
Idk...they're just stupid...lol...
Yeah, I hope the things are good...seems like it, though...but, we'll see...
And yeah, lol...I hope that either... :p But, I don't know when he's gonna be able to even kiss again... :confused: