diana's journal

Well, I also don't like the taste of alcohol at all that's why I drink stuff like black vodka cuz you can't taste it that much...;)


Yesterday...we went to town...first to pub "Lampa"...then we wanted to go to Musicafe as always but the owner of it just simply decided he would pick up entrance fee...I mean, he's such an asshole! It was only 200 SIT (about 1$) but I won't pay just to get to a ****in pub that doesn't even have a decent dj... Just whatever, you know...
So we went to "Tamkoučiri" (translated: There as yesterday...cool, ha? :D )...and bla bla bla...
I came home at about 2.30 am...woke up at 7.45 am cuz I had to go to dancing lessons...it was pretty okay...fun, fun...:)

Oh, yeah, I haven't seen Rok yesterday...seems like he stayed at home or somethin... He's an asshole cuz...He greeted me at school only on Thursday I think...and we haven't talked at msn for a week now...and I won't start! Damn...
But, you know what?? I won't bother anymore...I still hope he's gonna do anything but...what the heck...

Anyway, that's it...
MrsBennington-Delson said:
yeah the change isn't really good... in germany the high prices came with the euro so...
Yeah, and I'm sure this will happen here also even though they're ensuring us it won't but...we all know how things go... Plus it's like that that 1 cent of euro is 2,4 SIT...which means that they will only be able to "operate" with that not with 1 SIT anymore...so the prices will rise...that's my thinkin though...
Di sorry I didn't reply to your MSN message I'd left it running while I was at work because I was sending Pete a video... Anyway my sweet...I'm glad that at least to an extent you realise that what I said to you the other day is true. You gave him more than a simple hint that you like him and he keeps ignoring you so the answer is simple... Don't bother any more... And trust me, when you stop pushing things love will come. :) *hugs*
Yeah, Jojo, hope you're right...but I've just made something stupid...lol...
Oh, and it's not a problem...you just weren't there... :thumbsup:

Paul...I'm okay...and you?


I wanted to take a nap at 6 pm...thought I'm gonna sleep for only an hour or so...so, what happened? I woke up at freakin midnight and now I'm here, lol... It has never happened before...ha ha...
I'll go back to sleep soon cuz my mum have to go to sleep...she just came home from a trip...

Anyway, what stupid thing have I done? I said hello to Rok just few minutes ago...of course he didn't reply...but I wrote to him: when we're both gonna be online, please start a convo cuz I got a question for you...
So yeah...damn, I'm so stupid! Grrr...
diana said:
Yeah, Jojo, hope you're right...but I've just made something stupid...lol...
Oh, and it's not a problem...you just weren't there... :thumbsup:

Paul...I'm okay...and you?


I wanted to take a nap at 6 pm...thought I'm gonna sleep for only an hour or so...so, what happened? I woke up at freakin midnight and now I'm here, lol... It has never happened before...ha ha...
I'll go back to sleep soon cuz my mum have to go to sleep...she just came home from a trip...

Anyway, what stupid thing have I done? I said hello to Rok just few minutes ago...of course he didn't reply...but I wrote to him: when we're both gonna be online, please start a convo cuz I got a question for you...
So yeah...damn, I'm so stupid! Grrr...

I feel better, thankies :)

haha, I've woken up many times in the dead of night and gotten online. Too bad I can't do that anymore...
Must be the day for it...waking up in the middle of the night...lol Same here...:p And Di, because I've been through the same **** and acted like you are acting now, I have to say this. I never listened to anyone...no one could make me realise that what I was after was simply wrong and could only end up hurting me more. I had to "fall down and hurt myself" to be able to see clearly. You SHOULD make mistakes so you can learn from them. The best advice from a friend cannot give us the experience that our OWN mistakes can...so don't feel bad, think positive and whatever happens, just move on...*hugs*
MrRandomGuy said:
I feel better, thankies :)

haha, I've woken up many times in the dead of night and gotten online. Too bad I can't do that anymore...
Good... :)

Well...I can't wake up in the middle of the night and come online cuz the comp is in the room where my mum and sis are sleepin...today was just an exception cuz my sis isn't at home and my mum wasn't either...so yeah, I was just lucky, I guess... :p

Jojo, I so totally agree with you! I'm just like that...I must realize something on my own and do my own mistakes, taste them on my own skin...cuz I won't listen to others just like that... I'm takin this as my good characteristic, even though I might burn really bad but at least I'll learn from it...
Thanks for remindin me about that, my sweety...^^ *squeeze hugs*



Ummm, I wrote somethin the other day...it was pretty depressing...so, here it is...no title...

"I'm standing in the dark
I can't see the light
I'm hiding behind my eyes
I'm safe

I step outside
Into the real world
The light burns me
I escape back inside

Again I'm hiding
In the safety of the dark
Won't somebody send me a ray of light?
Prepare me to this cruel life?"

So yeah, I guess I want you to tell me what you think about it...it just came out of me like that...without much of thinkin... Oh, and I wrote another one but it's not that good...
Okay, since it seems like nobody gives a **** about my journal, I guess it's time for an update...

So yeah, nothing much is goin on...I've just been studying and stuff...it sucked, of course...but better times are comin... Holidays starts on Friday!^^ *dances*
Actually it's like that that we are having lessons tomorrow and on Friday we're goin to the cinema...we're gonna watch "Holidays"...hope it's at least an okay movie...
So yeah, I'm all excited about Friday...uh damn, we're gonna be so drunk... :D :p Hopefully we'll also get some marijuana...well, we ordered it... ;)

Ummm, yesterday I finally talked to Rok at msn...it was great...I was all happy and stuff...lol... :eek: In the eve another surprise came...Zorzo started a convo! I was like shocked and happy about it also...:) So yeah, good day yesterday for me...

Anyway, that's it...