diana's journal


We got our results of final exams up on the internet today at 5 am...and mine are:

Slovene: 4
Maths: 4
English: 5
Economics: 4
Psychology: 3

Overall: 4, I guess...

(1-the worst, 5-the best...at the normal level)

I was shocked!!:eek: I never ever dreamed of results like those!! Oh my god...that's just...wow...and I did the psychology the worst, ha ha ha...just shocked...especially about the maths and slovene...like wtf?! I really did that good? Wow...

Okay, I'm gonna shut up now...:D

At 10.30am we're having the granting for final exams...:)
Thanks you two...
Yes, this year was the 1st time that we have them online...of course each had it's own code plus we have to put in our personal number...

Actually, I found out that I did the best in our class...lol...
Thanks you two...
Yes, this year was the 1st time that we have them online...of course each had it's own code plus we have to put in our personal number...

Actually, I found out that I did the best in our class...lol...

wow high technology...lol

You are the best in class?

that's pretty cool

congrats again:D
Thank you all!^_^

Jeez...hell yeah...very high, lol...:D

Ha ha, I'm the best cuz others suck that hard, lol...:p But yeah, we were all surprised by my results...

Ah, damn...I should go to sleep...I slept for only 8 hours from saturday on...lol...awesome...:rolleyes:
Well advanced english is different to standard english.

Basically in an essay, for every one page a standard student writes.

We are meant to write four or five.

If we don't know what to say, we are meant to make it up...Just so we have those pages.

So basically my classmates will write eight pages, i will write four or a little bit more then that.
Wow! congratulations on your grades!!! :D awesome work ^_^
Thank you!^^
Well advanced english is different to standard english.

Basically in an essay, for every one page a standard student writes.

We are meant to write four or five.

If we don't know what to say, we are meant to make it up...Just so we have those pages.

So basically my classmates will write eight pages, i will write four or a little bit more then that.
Ah, yeah...advanced english...that would be too hard for me...I rather stick to the basic...;)
Heh, and I'm bad at making up things also...I lack imagination...badly...
who with?



Ha ha...well...Idk...yourself?:p