But you still view those women as immoral. Immoral = bad.
*** for money is immoral, do you not agree?
Absolutely 100% false. I said no such thing. At no point have I ever said that women should be absolved of their responsibilities in an unplanned pregnancy
No, you try to make it sound like there is an equal responsible for both men and women to control the woman's reproductive system. You have never said it is 100% the woman's body and as such, 100% her responsibility to control it.
Your always trying to make women and girls sound like helpless puppets of men, like your claim **** is men taking advantage of women, well can't women be taking advantage of men to get their money as well? It is more along the lines of both taking advantage in one way or another.
Semantics, TJ. Semantics.
No, not really, your trying to make my point about you offering nothing but excuses to mean something else. I said what I meant, you offer misdirection away from blame on women who do not control their own reproductive system.
Women are not asexual creatures.
Never said they were Ali.
A woman's drive is 100% mental, a man's drive is some mental and heavy chemical. Two completely different things. That is why a man who can be angry at his wife will still feel sexual interest in her but with women their *** drive is the first thing to dissapear when they are unhappy with their man.
No, I don't want to blame the men. I'm placing the blame on irresponsible PEOPLE.
People do not control your reproductive system Ali, you do. Women are in control of their reproductive system, not men.
BULLSH!T!!!! Both men and women have varying degrees of sexual appetites within their genders. There are women out there with very high *** drives, TJ. Trust me...I know!
Again, that is mental, not chemical.
Women do not have anything close to a man's testosterone reaction. Did you watch the movie I posted? Same head, same heart, same person but low testosterone and a man has no interest in *** at all. Testosterone therapy and suddenly the man is wanting *** again.
The fact that we have developed into such a "throw away" society. People don't feel the pressure to remain in long term relationships anymore so that leaves us with a lot more single mothers out there having babies.
Do I think that's a good thing? No.
Again, one has nothing to do with the other. Yes, in days gone by women needed men to take care of them, especially during pregnancy but today they no longer need the man, they have the court system to get child support so survival through a long term relationship is no longer necessary.
Sexuality leading to unwanted babies should not be a problem, simply use protection and have all the *** you want. My question to you was why no protection?
Today's kids are used to getting everything they want...fast.
One example: When we were young, we had to wait until Christmas to watch such show like "Rudolph" and "Frosty the Snowman". Now kids just click a button on the computer or dvd player and whatever they want to watch is there. They have no concept of having to wait for anything anymore because pleasures and luxuries are handed to them so freely.
Why should they feel any different about ***? Especially when it's glorified in the media that they are exposed to every day?
But all that is fine but having *** and getting pregnant is two different things. You can't tell me that a 15 year old girl does not know how babies are made and how to avoid getting pregnant.
Kids don't understand the significance of long term consequences for their actions because parents aren't instilling these values into them. It all boils down to good and responsible parenting.
Well like I said above, I cannot believe the kids do not know how babies are made or how to avoid making them. Most kids in broken homes are living with their mother so why are women not teaching their girls to use protection as a matter of responsibility?
Huh? Insecure about what?
Okay, the long version:
Many people say that Obama has a bigger pressure on him as a Black man because if he fails, he will paint all blacks with his failures where white guys do not have to face that same standard.
I believe you feel the same way about issues that effect women. You feel a need to defend women in all things and make excuses or at least try to "dirty up the water" on the discussions.
My guess is a lot of them come from broken homes where the single parent is working long hours to provide for their family so they feel neglected. Girls are looking for love...in all the wrong places...but ultimately they're trying to find love and acceptance through ***.
Fine, I accept that as a given, but it is easy to have a very energetic *** life and not make a baby. This is my point.
Premarital *** isn't a new concept. Back in the day, if it happened the man was obligated to step up and marry the girl he knocked up. Now boys don't feel that pressure so they remain free to impregnate another girl...and another...and another...
lol, there you go again blaming men for what women do. All the boys are just runnign around bedding poor innocent girls and the girls cannot say no right?
Your right, premarital *** did happen, but the women were very careful to not get pregnant without a father and husband. These days having a father and husband are no longer important to the women.
Have you ever heard of "nesting"? Women used to set up an environment for raising their children. It included a home, and even a "hope chest". Both of my sisters had a hope chest. Both have husbands and life long parenting success.
I am no female, but I believe losing that 'goal' has done a lot of damage to women in general.
I really think kids today are emulating what they see on tv and in the movies. *** sells! *** is cool! Consequences be damned!
Again, *** is cool, but there must be a reason some girls do not use any protection.
No, I don't think things are ok and that is why I have repeatedly said that something must be done to teach BOTH GIRLS AND BOYS how to take responsibility for themselves!
If you tell me one more time that "all I ever do is try to blame men for what women do", you are going to **** me off and things are going to get really ugly around here. This is my final warning: STOP!!!!
Ali, leave the threats out of it, you cannot bully me, I can care less if your angry, your anger shows that your the one with the problem, not me.
Again you make referance to teaching both girls and boys about controlling a girls reproductive system, why do you put girls in such a out of control assumption over their own bodies Ali? Less educated girls from 100 years ago could do it, but your saying better educated girls are now incapable of controlling their reproductive system?
None, but I'm not a teenager. Isn't that what we're debating here? Teenage pregnancy?
True, and again, when you were a teenager were you a brainless robot doing anything a boy told you to do even not using birth control because a boy told you not to?
HUH? I'd prefer to see men and women working together for the sake of children...planned or not. And again, women are not asexual beings.
Again, you're pinning opinions on me that are not mine.
No that is the other way around. I never said women were asexual, just that they do not have a *** hormone, men do. Women's *** drive is 100% mental.
Great, you agree the rule "no glove, no love" is a good one, so why can't girls use the pill or this rule to keep from getting pregnant? Girls are better educated these days right? You can't place the blame on ignorance.
Nothing is 100% except abstinence. When two parties are involved in ***, the split of responsibility becomes 50/50.
Women have 100% of the control. Men do not control a woman's reproductive system. A woman can keep her use of protection from a man, or even lie to a man and tell him she is using protection when she is not.
I was not saying contol measures were 100%, just that the woman had 100% of the decision making in her hands to use, or not use the protection in question. Or to even have *** in the first place.