I'm saying this program is putting a teeny, tiny band aid on a huge, gaping wound. Either it needs to be increased significantly to reach more girls or something else should be done.
The rewards program should reach more than just a handful of girls. Boys need to be involved in making better choices, too. Overall, it IS a good program but I think it could be improved upon.
I still say my sterilization plan is the cat's *** and would prevent lots of unwanted babies in the low income/drug sector.
Would you not agree that all ideas must start somewhere?
Maybe the women you hang out with. When I'm at a party, I'm there to party and have a good time.
The fact that you think a woman is going to behave in a voting booth the exact same way she would at a party is laughable and demeaning. Would you?
I believe a woman will behave like a woman no matter where she is, but none of this had anything to do with the voting booth, 100% of my comments were directed on the very small segment of women who have an unreasonable hatred of Sarah.
Not every woman in the world.
Oh, that's right. Only women "hate". Men "disagree". Whatever.
Well women do hold grudges more often than men do and also turn to emotional based reactions much, much faster than men do. Hate is based in emotion, being as women are faster to react to any given situation with an emotional response they are more prone to hate.
It's ok to admit you have ***** envy. It really is.
It is a proven fact that women tend to "fit" their mate. Small ***** or large ***** does not matter as long as the woman is faithful because she will feal fulfilled by who she is used to having.
Besides, another great side effect for women being so emotionally wired is their sexuality is also connected to their feelings of security and having a secure future, men who are successful are more likely to please a woman on a regular basis than a man who is not.
Again, please stop judging all women based on the ones you hang out with and "observe". We're not all so shallow and petty.
Again, I am not talking about all women, just the ones who have an unreasonable hatred of a great woman. You need to stop taking a small comment about a small group of women and trying to make it seem like I am applying that standard to all women because I am not.
Again with the "hatred". Did you ever stop and think that maybe they just don't agree with her views?
Some just do not agree with her, but even Chi is showing how she agrees with many of her views so based on Chi as an example.....why hate her?
I am only speaking about the women who call Palin ugly names and such, you don't behave that way unless you hate someone.
They DISAGREE with her because they are liberals and Palin is a conservative. Ummmm....DUH?
I am a conservative and I have never said any liberal man getting elected would be a massive step backward for all mankind. I do not make attacking the opposition a purely emotional thing. To me it is all about the bottom line, will this person help or hurt the things I cherish the most and that is it. I do not and never will hate Obama or any other person of a different party.
If anything i am faster to dislike people who claim to be conservative then move to the liberal agenda like Bush did in his last couple years in office, I honestly disliked him for that a lot.
Hardly a hateful statement. It's merely an opinion.
"If Palin gets elected, I hope that ***** DIES!" - Now that's unfounded hatred.
They have said that too but of course that statement is hateful. That her being elected is a massive step backward for "ALL WOMEN" is as hateful as it gets for mainstream news. They had to maintain a modicum of restraint for the press releases but I gurantee you that these same women were wishing Palin would die.
Just like a couple members of this forum who were attackinf how she dressed, and everything else that had nothing to do with her views.
Obama is a man. You don't like his stimulus package. Does that mean you clearly hate him? A + B - C x ***** envy = hate? Why the hate?
No saying Sarah would ba a massive step back for all women is hate, attacking her children is hate, calling her ugly names is hate, the out of control nature most of them display tword Sarah is because of hate.
I have never said Obama is a step backward for all men. I have never attacked his family or how his wife dresses now have I?
I do not like Obama because of his socialist agenda but I don't hate him. You can claim many women do not hate Sarah as well but the kinds of "PERSONAL" attacks proves a much different picture than your willing to admit to.