Flush a copy of the Koran down the shitter

hmm, a charity, a t-shirt business, a Koran, and other religion, items company, think about it guys, we could start a GF company ;) anyone got some startup money?
'Ok.....just to where we can make it even I am willing to stand down my faith, and approve .....The Holy Bible Toilet Paper.

We could call it....Holy **** Toilet Paper!

That's right...Holy **** Toilet Paper....for a wipe so soft, it made even Jesus say his father's name in vain!'

This goes to show the difference between muslims and christians.A muslim would never ''stand down his/her faith'' just to get a few laughs.
I don't think there is a point for me to insult the bible,seeing as you are doing it for me.

'which reminds me, Jesus' crap musta been holy **** ;D'

Great way to speak of your so-called God!

'you never see any pictures of Jesus taking a **** do ya?

How about one flipping everyone off?


Now I am going to hell!'

It's called not taking everything so GODAMNED seriously AIG!

Once again, you prove another point. You and your ilk take **** way too ****ing seriously! No wonder you ****ers are responsible for 85% of the hotspots on the planet!

You can't take a joke, you can't make a joke, and you condemn all that don't see **** your way!

I can't respect ANY group that takes themselves too seriously!

Get a life, get a grip, and gain some ****ing humour in life! You need it something bad!!! :mad:
Yes, I agree with Spleefman. This was the Non-Muslim American Metaphorical terms I spoke of once that Muslims don't quite understand.

Maybe in your language would work, don't be a FUTA BOL head.

AIG your pathetic, get a sense of humor, and come back when religion doesn't control you like a ****ing puppet
Spleefman said:
It's called not taking everything so GODAMNED seriously AIG!

Once again, you prove another point. You and your ilk take **** way too ****ing seriously! No wonder you ****ers are responsible for 85% of the hotspots on the planet!

You can't take a joke, you can't make a joke, and you condemn all that don't see **** your way!

I can't respect ANY group that takes themselves too seriously!

Get a life, get a grip, and gain some ****ing humour in life! You need it something bad!!! :mad:

What's wrong if I respect my religion(alot)?It may be OK with you people to insult your ''God'' then worship him.Have some bloody respect for your religion.
And I definately didn't think your joke about Jesus was funny.
'Yes, I agree with Spleefman. This was the Non-Muslim American Metaphorical terms I spoke of once that Muslims don't quite understand.

Maybe in your language would work, don't be a FUTA BOL head.'
I'm beginning to lose the little respect i had for you phreak.... not all somalians are dumb,fool!

'AIG your pathetic, get a sense of humor, and come back when religion doesn't control you like a ****ing puppet'

NO actually you're pathetic!what's the point of defending your religion when you insult it yourselves.

'Come one AIG tell me you didn
I am so about to put this bitch on my ignore list! :mad: If it wasn't for the fact that my mind keeps egging at me..."What is this dumb **** going to say next???"

I didn't call Jesus a fag, or found it funny that he was crucified! In fact...if a bunch of ****ers crucified me after I was trying to save their sorry asses and give them eternal life....I would have flipped them all off too! :mad:

Yeah...I have a sense of humour, and it keeps me from being so damned miserable as yourself. Oh yeah...I know...you're not miserable. Maybe not to yourself......but to EVERYBODY else here on this board, and probably anyone around you!

You are indeed pathetic, and showing to all EXACTLY why people have a problem with alot of Muslims! I did say alot...not all! Deffinately the one's that are in your freaking category!

May Allah strangle you with your burka!
NO actually you're pathetic!what's the point of defending your religion when you insult it yourselves.

your gonna need to direct religious insults to someone else, because i don't believe in god, and people like you, who are dominated by your religion, make me wonder if it is ligament belief, or just some crazy cult, bent on using the thought of a 'higher power' to control you
As in the great words of M.R.I.H.....may piss be upon her! :D

Hey **** it, I tried to be civil and just discuss issues with this moron! The "verbal" gloves are off from here on out! :p
Even a Muslim lover like me needs to concur. Muslims DO need to lighten up a bit and see things in a more humorous tone then what they do. Being offended by us CHRISTIANS for cracking a joke about our own religion, is silly.

I mean SURE religion is a serious issue that leads alot of our lives, but not embracing some of the lighter sides of it will only doom you to a life of servitude to your religion.

Not that its a bad thing, but in Christianity, we do not let ourselves be led into this servitude. While Muslims DO.

THIS is one of the freedoms of America that muslims like. They can practice there faith, yet ALSO think on there own free will without needing a book to guide them in life.

Being a Muslim, its FINE by me that you choose to follow the teachings of the Qu'ran and live your life by its teachings.

But being a FELLOW HUMAN, you should also know that you have a right to follow your path in life by your own free will, and that all of lifes answers ARE NOT answered by a book.

Maybe thats your problem "AIK" you just need to put the book down for a minute or 2, and LAUGH a little .
Spleefman said:
I am so about to put this bitch on my ignore list! :mad: If it wasn't for the fact that my mind keeps egging at me..."What is this dumb **** going to say next???"

I didn't call Jesus a fag, or found it funny that he was crucified! In fact...if a bunch of ****ers crucified me after I was trying to save their sorry asses and give them eternal life....I would have flipped them all off too! :mad:

Yeah...I have a sense of humour, and it keeps me from being so damned miserable as yourself. Oh yeah...I know...you're not miserable. Maybe not to yourself......but to EVERYBODY else here on this board, and probably anyone around you!

You are indeed pathetic, and showing to all EXACTLY why people have a problem with alot of Muslims! I did say alot...not all! Deffinately the one's that are in your freaking category!

May Allah strangle you with your burka!

Actually I've a great sense of humour about everything,but when it comes to religion I think it's wrong to blaspheme someone's religion or your own.
Sorry you just didn't tickle me to laugh with these jokes.That's just me.

As for the insults and putting me on your ignore list,well whatever rocks your boat spleef..!
Vote for Satan.... Fullauto '08! Reality Party!

I can solve these problems and many like it in 2 year!

Fullauto --- Reality Party ! !

(All hail Enki)

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