Flush a copy of the Koran down the shitter

anti-allah said:
all who follow the koran are terrorist as islam is not a religion but a terrorist organization

Yeah no ****, thanks for clearing that all up for us, damn, guess that just summed up everything and we can all thank our new member for ****ing enlightening us with that very informative comment.
anti-allah said:
all who follow the koran are terrorist as islam is not a religion but a terrorist organization

Hey what's up,AIG here
you must have the best entrance ever!
I guess i scared you,calm down,it's just a word not a real bomb!

See you do have a sense of humor!
And if that's a picture of you, then yes I want to look under the Berka before I make my choice on which girl I would lust after first.

You were being too modest for us hiding under a berka. Now doesn
anti-allah said:
all who follow the koran are terrorist as islam is not a religion but a terrorist organization
I agree... Jesus said that youd know the tree by its fruit... The fruit of islam is death, carnage and terrorism. The fruit of Christianity is hospitals, food to the needy, homes for the homeless.

You decide, PW.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
I agree... Jesus said that youd know the tree by its fruit... The fruit of islam is death, carnage and terrorism. The fruit of Christianity is hospitals, food to the needy, homes for the homeless.

You decide, PW.

Have you actually given him/her a choice.You are christian,you don't know anything about islam.Speak of your religion.
I guess you've found someone that has the same wave length as you.

Your motto: Hate!hate!hate(just call it triple H)
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
I agree... Jesus said that youd know the tree by its fruit... The fruit of islam is death, carnage and terrorism. The fruit of Christianity is hospitals, food to the needy, homes for the homeless.

You decide, PW.

If that is true then why are only a FEW of these guys extremist ??

By your reasoning Islam wants us ALL dead.

So if the backbone of Islam is terrorism, then why are there not more terrorists ?? Muslims DO outnumber Christians after all. You would think this force that outnumbers us would live by the alleged words that you say they follow and try killing more of us... But its only a few MRIH, its only a few.
'See you do have a sense of humor!
And if that's a picture of you, then yes I want to look under the Berka before I make my choice on which girl I would lust after first.

You were being too modest for us hiding under a berka. Now doesn
phreakwars said:
If that is true then why are only a FEW of these guys extremist ??

By your reasoning Islam wants us ALL dead.

So if the backbone of Islam is terrorism, then why are there not more terrorists ?? Muslims DO outnumber Christians after all. You would think this force that outnumbers us would live by the alleged words that you say they follow and try killing more of us... But its only a few MRIH, its only a few.
Islam is terrorism, PW... Just because 90% are too scared to martyr themselves, join Al Queda, and run off to some mujahadeen group doesn't mean that Islam teaches that! Christianity teaches to "turn the other cheek" but only 10% of Christians would actually do it!
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Islam is terrorism, PW... Just because 90% are too scared to martyr themselves, join Al Queda, and run off to some mujahadeen group doesn't mean that Islam teaches that! Christianity teaches to "turn the other cheek" but only 10% of Christians would actually do it!

Oh **** man, look at the numbers you just quoted me. 90% are too scared to Martyr, but on the flip side only 10% of Christians would turn the other cheek...

Oh come on now... too scared ?? Or perhaps don't believe in it.

Surely they are not to scared to pick up a ****ing gun or just plant a bomb and still live, who says matyrdom is a requirement ... uh YOU....

As for the 10% of Christians who would turn the other cheek... are you now trying to tell me 90% of Christians are PRO WAR ?? I mean, to me, if one is not willing to turn the other cheek, then it means they would do the opposite and strike at people, that.... would make 90% of CHRISTIANS, EVIL !!
phreakwars said:
Oh **** man, look at the numbers you just quoted me. 90% are too scared to Martyr, but on the flip side only 10% of Christians would turn the other cheek...

Oh come on now... too scared ?? Or perhaps don't believe in it.[/QUOTE}Too scared, don't believe, too lazy, too stupid, etc, etc. take your pick,... the point is 10% are zealots from either religion.

Surely they are not to scared to pick up a ****ing gun or just plant a bomb and still live, who says matyrdom is a requirement ... uh YOU....
I said 10% are zealots and the koran most definitely promises an immediate paradise for "martyrs", so yes "I" say and the pig-**** koran says, and mohammed(may piss be upon) said, etc, etc.

As for the 10% of Christians who would turn the other cheek... are you now trying to tell me 90% of Christians are PRO WAR ?? I mean, to me, if one is not willing to turn the other cheek, then it means they would do the opposite and strike at people, that.... would make 90% of CHRISTIANS, EVIL !!
I gave you more credit for brains than that! Are you really suggesting that you can infer that 90% of Christians are pro war because only 10% would turn the other cheek? (hint: you ever hear of gray areas?) Don't be stupid! It's unbecomming of a mod!
phreakwars said:
If that is true then why are only a FEW of these guys extremist ??

By your reasoning Islam wants us ALL dead.
Yes, either dead or converted and I doubt they care which.

So if the backbone of Islam is terrorism, then why are there not more terrorists ??
I think there are plenty! I read abouyt a suicide bomber or car bomb or mass muslim inspired murder EVRY SINGLE DAY!

Muslims DO outnumber Christians after all.
Muslims DO NOT outnumber Christians! PW... you're just making **** up now!

You would think this force that outnumbers us would live by the alleged words that you say they follow and try killing more of us... But its only a few MRIH, its only a few.
It's the few who believe and practice their religion, it's not the ones who would rather leave or convert out but can't beacause they're afraid they'd be killed as apostates! It's not the muslims who never read their koran and claim islam just because mommy and daddy are muslims, it's not the muslims who actually think about th reality of what they're doing.... It's the real muslims, the ones who believe the koran, do what is expected of them per the teachings of the pedophile prophet(may piss be upon him).

Now wakeup and smell the coffee!
'It's the real muslims, the ones who believe the koran, do what is expected of them per the teachings of the pedophile prophet(may piss be upon him).'

Actually you idiot,every muslim believes in the Qu'ran,if they don't they are not muslims.So which brings us back to the fact that you believe all muslims are terrorists.Don't try and justify it by lying.

You say so many things that the Qu'ran says this and that,yet you have absolutely no understanding of it.You just want to guide people to believe what you believe,and for that you would do anything.(insult other religions,lie through your arse and mouth)

This is what the Qu'ran says about people like you:

'Say:'O people of the scripture!Why do you reject the ayat(verses,signs,proofs)of Allah,while Allah is witness to what tou do?'

'Say:'O people of the scripture!Why do you stop those who have believed,from the path of Allah,seeking to make it seem crooked,while you are witnesses?And Allah is not unaware of what you do.'

chap3 verse98&99

You are trying sooooooooooo hard to make others share your hatred.Come on we can all degrade and insult other religions but it goes against what we believe in.

Tell me does it go against christianity too,or is it acceptable?
Just wondering if they keep a copy of the Qu'ran in the nightstand at every hotel in the mid-east?
Also, if Mohamed burns in hell knows so much about the Qu'ran why then does he not know how to spell it?
Jhony5 said:
Just wondering if they keep a copy of the Qu'ran in the nightstand at every hotel in the mid-east?
Also, if Mohamed burns in hell knows so much about the Qu'ran why then does he not know how to spell it?
K-O-R-A-N is a valid spelling of the pig-**** book, however I prefer P-I-G-S-H-I-T is that better?
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
K-O-R-A-N is a valid spelling of the pig-**** book, however I prefer P-I-G-S-H-I-T is that better?
Yes it is.
I've never seen it spelled that way but then again I am legaly retarded. I get benefits in some states.
The Qu'ran and the bible both belong in the fiction section anyway. Ancient man did a real **** job explaining things. I can't decide which one has a more insane explanation of creation.
The Adam & Eve thing takes the cake though.
'K-O-R-A-N is a valid spelling of the pig-**** book, however I prefer P-I-G-S-H-I-T is that better?'

Yeah yeah,i think you cleared that one with each and every one of your posts,you still haven't answered my question.

'The Qu'ran and the bible both belong in the fiction section anyway. Ancient man did a real **** job explaining things. I can't decide which one has a more insane explanation of creation.
The Adam & Eve thing takes the cake though.'

OK, please enlighten us with your explanation since you definately can do ''better than the two books''.

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