Flush a copy of the Koran down the shitter


Yeah yeah,i think you cleared that one with each and every one of your posts,you still haven't answered my question.

OK, please enlighten us with your explanation since you definately can do ''better than the two books''.

Its ****ing hillarious when a bible beating x-tian fundie and a Qu'ran toting muslim argue over the merits and truths of these books. Both books are saturated with historical inaccuracies and bizarre tales that defy reason. Ancient man wrote these accounts to inspire fear and control. An ancient form of government crafted through lies and fiction. Stories of prophets and demons. All good when held in the context of entertainment. But when used to control millions and extort money with fear of retribution. Name a religion and i'll cite a horrible tragedy commited in the name of their god.

Why don't you tell me something good that comes from these books? Something real and tangible, not fruitless hope. Both of these "books" have been watered down and filtered over the ages to seem more reasonable to modern man. In their original interpetation they defy what science and reason tell us. Science is the strongest weapon against assertions made by peddlers of scripture. That is why christians, catholics, and muslims pursecuted those who wished to explain life and death through science, sentencing them to death and inprisonment for rational thought.
Question to MRIH

You are trying sooooooooooo hard to make others share your hatred.Come on we can all degrade and insult other religions but it goes against what we believe in.

Tell me does it go against christianity too,or is it acceptable?
Question to MRIH

You are trying sooooooooooo hard to make others share your hatred.Come on we can all degrade and insult other religions but it goes against what we believe in.

Tell me does it go against christianity too,or is it acceptable?
The question you posed is leading so I won't answer it directly... I'll rephrase it:

Question: Is it acceptable in Christianity to tell the truth?
Answer: I believe it is.
Don't skirt around my question.answer with a yes or no,and don't bloody re-phrase.
Your question is LEADING, dumb-ass.... here's a question for you... After you masturbate with the koran, do you also **** on it? now answer it yes or no!

Do you see what a leading question is now? That's why under english common law, these types of questions are illegal in court.

So, if you have a VALID question, then ask it.. otherwise go masturbate with the pig-**** book and fantasize about being a 6 year old virgin with mohammed(may piss be upon him) for the first time.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
The question you posed is leading so I won't answer it directly... I'll rephrase it:

Question: Is it acceptable in Christianity to tell the truth?
Answer: I believe it is.

Hmmm...Why am I not suprised that he would skirt around the issue when it pertains to his beloved Bible?
Sure seems like he's dipping and dodging to me... He's had better days... maybe he caught the same bug Jaffer had...

You are trying sooooooooooo hard to make others share your hatred.Come on we can all degrade and insult other religions but it goes against what we believe in.

Lets get one thing straight.
phreakwars said:
Sure seems like he's dipping and dodging to me... He's had better days... maybe he caught the same bug Jaffer had...

W-H-A-T--I-S--T-H-E--Q-U-E-S-T-I-O-N-?-?-? If one of you morons would pose the damn thing already, maybe I'd answer it!
'Your question is LEADING, dumb-ass.... here's a question for you... After you masturbate with the koran, do you also **** on it? now answer it yes or no!'


There i've answered your question,now it's your turn.Just pick yes or no.How hard is it.Come on MRIH just answer my question,you're looking like an idiot at the moment.
'Your question is LEADING, dumb-ass.... here's a question for you... After you masturbate with the koran, do you also **** on it? now answer it yes or no!'


There i've answered your question,now it's your turn.Just pick yes or no.How hard is it.Come on MRIH just answer my question,you're looking like an idiot at the moment.
So you do maturbate with the koran! I knew it! Islam is all about perversion, pedophilia, and death... you have proved my point!
Tell me does it go against christianity too,or is it acceptable?
This is the only "question" I have been posed.... without rephrasing, editing, or trying to figure out this incomprehensible blather of an inquiry, the answer is "halaal pork roast".
I've got an idea for the both of you religous followers of invisible beings. Take the Qu'ran and the Holy Bible and shove them up my ass so my colon can chew on them for while. Then I can **** them out and maybe the tangled remains will actually make more sense when covered in my bloody feces.

Two people argueing over ancient mans explaination of life and death is too much for me to bear without vomiting in my own mouth. Both books are wrong about so much its glaringly obvious to anyone with an education that they're both BULLSHIT.
Jhony5 said:
I've got an idea for the both of you religous followers of invisible beings. Take the Qu'ran and the Holy Bible and shove them up my ass so my colon can chew on them for while. Then I can **** them out and maybe the tangled remains will actually make more sense when covered in my bloody feces.

Two people argueing over ancient mans explaination of life and death is too much for me to bear without vomiting in my own mouth. Both books are wrong about so much its glaringly obvious to anyone with an education that they're both BULLSHIT.
JHony, Do you not see the difference between a Christian fundamentalist who will nag and preach at you for your beiefs and a fundamentalist muslim who will kill you for your beliefs? I really don't care what you believe, in the end we will just agree to disagree. On the other hand, islam is out for world domination and will trample and destroy anything and everything that will not conform!
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
JHony, Do you not see the difference between a Christian fundamentalist who will nag and preach at you for your beiefs and a fundamentalist muslim who will kill you for your beliefs? I really don't care what you believe, in the end we will just agree to disagree. On the other hand, islam is out for world domination and will trample and destroy anything and everything that will not conform!

I do see the distinction clearly. Christianity has evolved into morderness while indisputably Islam has maintained their present course of drifting about in the 12th century. Cristians forgive you for your sins (presumebly). Muslims will kill you for your sins (undoubtably). Name a muslim country and I betcha its torn apart with internal conflict, corruption, starvation, civil war, and barbaric practices that defy civilized man. Go on AIG, name the great muslim country you wish to raise your kids in? Only to watch them have they're hands chopped off for stealing penny candy.
Or have you forgotten the laws of the Qur'an.
'So you do maturbate with the koran! I knew it! Islam is all about perversion, pedophilia, and death... you have proved my point!'

NO I don't ''maturbate'' with the Qu'ran nor do i **** on it!
I didn't read you question proparly.
Stop being such a Jackass!You expect everyone to answer your questions but you can't answer my question.What's so hard about it?
Is it acceptable in christianity to insult other religions?
Why are you afraid of it.Are you afraid to come out as a hypocrite?Don't worry about that now,you've done a great job so far.

'This is the only "question" I have been posed.... without rephrasing, editing, or trying to figure out this incomprehensible blather of an inquiry, the answer is "halaal pork roast".'

What an idiot! You know what the whole question is as do all the people who've seen it.OK i'll make it easier for you,just admit you can't answer it and i'll ask other christians that actually have knowledge of their religion.
Jhony5 said:
I do see the distinction clearly. Christianity has evolved into morderness while indisputably Islam has maintained their present course of drifting about in the 12th century. Cristians forgive you for your sins (presumebly). Muslims will kill you for your sins (undoubtably). Name a muslim country and I betcha its torn apart with internal conflict, corruption, starvation, civil war, and barbaric practices that defy civilized man. Go on AIG, name the great muslim country you wish to raise your kids in? Only to watch them have they're hands chopped off for stealing penny candy.
Or have you forgotten the laws of the Qur'an.

What on earth are you on about?What's good about a religion that has modernised?The bible has changed so many times,yet they still say it's a book from God.Today it's one thing, tomorrow it's another.
I would have thought people would have the sense to know that a constantly changing book cannot be from God.
And then you're saying that the Qu'ran and Islamic way should be modernised,what the f ?

In Islam,we believe only God forgives sins not humans,but apparently in christianity the people do all the forgiving of sins.
I'm getting so tired of explaining that our religion has nothing to do with the actions of the lunatics that commit these crimes.
You're judging a religion that you don't know anything about.You only follow everything the media tell you!

Where would I raise my Kids?hmmmmmmmmm I guess Somalia.
It may not be such a rich country,but my kids minds would definately not be corrupted.
I've seen so many kids who have been brought to the U.K and they become so disrespectful toward their parents.
Yeah,and one more thing I don't understand,how the hell can people put their own parents in homes for the old to be looked after by strangers?
I think that is so wrong.Does christianity think this is acceptable?cause most of the people who do it are christians.

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