Flush a copy of the Koran down the shitter

The Qu'ran does make mention of punishments,only for those who deserve it.e.g murderers.
But it also states that if they repent and don't do it again forgive them and Allah will also forgive them.
I think that's fair.I mean if someone doesn't stop commiting a crime then they should definately be stopped.Don't you think?

I'd have to side with the Qu'ran on some penalties for crimes against children and murderers. My earier point was to try and point out that the bible can be seen as violent and barbaric. Contrary to what some x-tians will claim while taking shots at the religion of Islam.
Jhony5 said:
I'd have to side with the Qu'ran on some penalties for crimes against children and murderers. My earier point was to try and point out that the bible can be seen as violent and barbaric. Contrary to what some x-tians will claim while taking shots at the religion of Islam.

MRIH,keeps saying that Islam allows people to commit crimes such as murder.I doubt he has even read the Qu'ran.

MRIH here is a quote from the Qu'ran just for you:

'Because of that,we ordained for the children if Israel that if anyone killed a person not in retaliation of murder,or(and) to spread mischief in the land,it would be as if he killed all mankind,and if anyone saved a life,it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind.And indeed,there came to them our messangers with clear proofs,evidences,and signs,even then after that many of them continued to exceed the limits in the land!'
MRIH,keeps saying that Islam allows people to commit crimes such as murder.I doubt he has even read the Qu'ran.

MRIH here is a quote from the Qu'ran just for you:

'Because of that,we ordained for the children if Israel that if anyone killed a person not in retaliation of murder,or(and) to spread mischief in the land,it would be as if he killed all mankind,and if anyone saved a life,it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind.And indeed,there came to them our messangers with clear proofs,evidences,and signs,even then after that many of them continued to exceed the limits in the land!'

So it is your assertion that many muslims misinterpret the Qu'ran? ie. the Taliban.
Jhony5 said:
So it is your assertion that many muslims misinterpret the Qu'ran? ie. the Taliban.

YEAH,i guess they do.They need to sit down and really understand our religion before acting hastily.
Not many muslims just a few.
YEAH,i guess they do.They need to sit down and really understand our religion before acting hastily.
Not many muslims just a few.

As sad as it is, many Americans believe what the media tells them. The media rarely looks at the peaceful adaptations of Islam. Rather, they side towards the more sensational reports of brutality.
Jhony5 said:
Whats wrong with Mexicans? Do we not like mexicans?

No what I meant was you said americans believe everything the media tells them.so I was just pointing one mexican that fits in that catagory.(MRIH)
No what I meant was you said americans believe everything the media tells them.so I was just pointing one mexican that fits in that catagory.(MRIH)

Ohhhh. Hes mexican? Well how about that. I thought he was christian. Most mexicans are catholic. I'm confused. He seems awful bitter for a mexican.
'He seems awful bitter for a mexican.'

I know shocking isn't it.I thought he was american all along,until he said he was mexican,I was dumbstruck! :D

As much as he takes shots at your culture it would be pretty easy for you to take a few at his culture, huh. Me, i'm just a white bred Indiana redneck. Its kinda easy to take shots at me, but don't let that stop you. Go right ahead. :D
Jhony5 said:
As much as he takes shots at your culture it would be pretty easy for you to take a few at his culture, huh. Me, i'm just a white bred Indiana redneck. Its kinda easy to take shots at me, but don't let that stop you. Go right ahead. :D

Do mexicans actually have a culture?what is it?I just thought all they do is eat chilli day in day out.
No offence I love the crisps ''mexican chilli''.mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
We "MEXICANS" tend to be more deeply rooted in our religious faiths, (at least those who practice anyway). A majority of us are Catholics, and Catholicism is one of the sectors of Christianity that believes in a more strict following of the holy bible. Its the only religion that has the most accurate interpretation of the holy bible, and is not a spin off religion like the "LUTHERN, or BAPTIST, or Methodist" faiths are. These religions are spin offs with an interpretation that is a little different, and EVEN has chapters missing.

Martin Luther, who started the LUTHEREN religion is one of those who changed the words to suit other ideals.

This is one of the reasons you will find contradictions in the bible.

Humans have changed it over the centuries to suit there needs.

In Christianity, it has become acceptable to do so, while in Islam, this sort of change and reform is not allowed.

I guess I can respect that, UNLESS there is something written in the Qu'ran that gets interpreted wrong by Muslims which causes destruction to fellow man.

In which case, the religion should either reform itself for the good of mankind, or be eliminated all together.

But I think what the problem is with extremists, is the INTERPRETATION that they have is VERY misguided.

Those who are IGNORANT to the interpretations, have no alternative but to convince others that these interpretations are right... they do this by proclaiming there actions "IN THE NAME OF GOD"... this kind of destruction plays on the minds of the VERY DEVOUT Muslims.

Its like those ****ing retarded Christians in Texas, or wherever it was who dance around with ****ing rattlesnakes in there hands.


AIG if I was to come to your home, and kill your child and say GOD IS GREAT, while doing so, your anger towards me would be intensified by the fact I proclaimed your child was a sinner to ALLAH and he needed to be killed for Allah.

In Christianity, we feel we have NO RIGHTS WHATSOEVER to invoke the name of our lord in anybody's death.

Muslims fighting for there lands is one thing, its part of war, but when one justifies there killing by proclaiming GOD as a backer of there cause, that's where you run into problems.

I personally feel God does not take sides, so killing in his name, is self serving.

If insurgents want to fight with Americans, and other allies, then let them fight a hard battle. But WHY bring GOD into the picture ??
'I guess I can respect that, UNLESS there is something written in the Qu'ran that gets interpreted wrong by Muslims which causes destruction to fellow man.'

That's exactly what's happening.People interprete the Qu'ran in a wrong way,and say Allah says this and Allah said that.You are not allowed to kill someone without reason,If they fight you, fight back.If only MRIH could understand this,he's just too damn bitter,to understand.
hey that's my country too. burning a book and flag is both wrong.

but I rather burn a flag.

buring the koran is like buring our constitution.

you should **** on their flag.

don't you know, eye for an eye?
They could gives a damn about their flag. They care more about that damn book. If you wanna get someone good, you kick them in the balls and their book is just the right place. They piss in our Cheerios, we **** on their parade.

I know shocking isn't it.I thought he was american all along,until he said he was mexican,I was dumbstruck! :D

MRIH is mexican?


He is a member of the #1 welface race in the entire known universe and he's AGAINST PUBLIC MONEY?


MRIH is mexican?


He is a member of the #1 welface race in the entire known universe and he's AGAINST PUBLIC MONEY?


I was born in South Texas to Mexican parents.

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