Flush a copy of the Koran down the shitter

NO I don't ''maturbate'' with the Qu'ran nor do i **** on it!
Too bad, that's all it's good for!

I didn't read you question proparly.
Why am I not surprised? You have had problems with basic english comprehension since you've started posting on this board! That is OK, because English is a second language for you, right?

Stop being such a Jackass!
You obviously have rudimentary knowledge of the English language, but you still lack basic communication skills. Just callinng someone a "Jackass" with no explanation is silly... and if it weren't for the fact that you are one of the very few muslims who post semi-intelligently, you are probably imune from the idiot box. If I were a mod you'd have been there weeks ago!

You expect everyone to answer your questions but you can't answer my question.
I don't expect anything, especially from someone who has to commit intellectual suicide to follow her "religion".

What's so hard about it?
How about the fact that it didn't make any sense.

Is it acceptable in christianity to insult other religions?
WOW, finally the question came! ANSWER: I don't know, but I sure insult your pig-**** religion!

Why are you afraid of it.
I'm not afraid of your question! I just didn't understand it 'till now. I don't know the answer, my guess is that it is acceptable.

Are you afraid to come out as a hypocrite?

Don't worry about that now,you've done a great job so far.
Like you hating jews, but not understanding why someone might hate a muslim?

What an idiot!
I know you are but what am I? (JHony... I couldn't resist)

You know what the whole question is as do all the people who've seen it.
Yes, I do now... and I still don't know the answer. Like I said my guess is "YES" it is ok to call islam the "pig-****" religion.

OK i'll make it easier for you,just admit you can't answer it and i'll ask other christians that actually have knowledge of their religion.
Great, What's taking you so long? I'd like to hear the various opinions myself. Since you're too lazy, dumb, or incompetent to ask, I'll start a new thread for you.
'JHony, Do you not see the difference between a Christian fundamentalist who will nag and preach at you for your beiefs and a fundamentalist muslim who will kill you for your beliefs?'

Jhony,i hope you don't believe this crap,i think you're smarter than that.
MRIH,is trying so hard.The first thing he probably says to anyone he meets is ''Islam is evil,if you don't hate Islam i don't wanna know you at all''.(probably,stamps his foot)
MRIH,start telling people about all the wonderful things about your religion.Or are you finding it hard to find any.Your religion is full of confusion and the bible has sooooo many contradiction,but I can't blame it,ofcourse there will be contradictions when every Tom,Dick and Harry decide to write a new bible!

You may have noticed Jhony,that MRIH always gets angry and abusive when something is pointed out about christianity.
I mean there was once someone just quoted the bible and he threatend to put him on ignore.
What's wrong with you MRIH?Just take a closer look at your religion and you yourself will be confused about some things.

here is one:
christians believe,that Jesus is God,the son of God and Mary was the mother of Jesus and the mother of God!!!!

Whew,now try and make bloody sense of that!
'Why am I not surprised? You have had problems with basic english comprehension since you've started posting on this board! That is OK, because English is a second language for you, right?'

Hello,what's wrong with my english?I started learning english when I was 5 years old.
Have you seen the post on the thread ''tired of 9/11.Some american thought I was american since my english is good.(arrogant b )
What was your english grade in school dipshit(that's if you're not a drop out)

'You obviously have rudimentary knowledge of the English language, but you still lack basic communication skills.'
Say what?!

'Just callinng someone a "Jackass" with no explanation is silly... '


'I don't expect anything, especially from someone who has to commit intellectual suicide to follow her "religion".'

I'm so f baffled with this quote!You must have the biggest head but no brain to go with it.

'Like you hating jews, but not understanding why someone might hate a muslim? '

I do understand why people hate muslims,it's because muslims are potrayed as being killers by the media,and people with no common sense(MRIH) believe every word.

'Yes, I do now... and I still don't know the answer. Like I said my guess is "YES" it is ok to call islam the "pig-****" religion.'

My question said ''other religions'',not just Islam.
You aught to know what your religions says,I means you f act like you know everything about Islam!
MRIH,is trying so hard.The first thing he probably says to anyone he meets is ''Islam is evil,if you don't hate Islam i don't wanna know you at all''.
Well, you're either for sanity or against sanity...

MRIH,start telling people about all the wonderful things about your religion.
first of all, I'll "start" telling people whatever I damn well please! Secondly, Jesus Christ speaks for Himself! He has the power to save from hell. He doesn't need me to speak for Him! or kill in His name! or rape 6 year old girls! or stone adulterers to death! or pass judgement on any sin at all!

Or are you finding it hard to find any.
There's plenty. Do you need a lesson... OK here you ago. AIG, repent of your foul blasphemous religion and accept your forgiveness that God has provided you through Jesus Christ our Lord!

Happy now?

Your religion is full of confusion and the bible has sooooo many contradiction,
I'm sure some Imam will put me to death one day for it!

but I can't blame it,ofcourse there will be contradictions when every Tom,Dick and Harry decide to write a new bible!
Matthew, John, and Paul...

You may have noticed Jhony,that MRIH always gets angry and abusive when something is pointed out about christianity.
No, it's just that you try to high-jack every thread about islamic insanity and twist to another religion... Why don't you just start another thread when you want to change the subject? There's a nice thread out there entitled "Undeniable proof that Christianity is Evil" Go post your crap in that one!

I mean there was once someone just quoted the bible and he threatend to put him on ignore.
The only one I put on ignore was/is CrazyWambat because he can't make a coherent thought and his posts are stupid...!

What's wrong with you MRIH?
I'm Mexican? My farts smell? (they smell like beans)

Just take a closer look at your religion and you yourself will be confused about some things.
Like what? How about "Why don't we kill anyone who leaves the faith?" I'll ponder that one a while.

here is one:
christians believe,that Jesus is God,the son of God and Mary was the mother of Jesus and the mother of God!!!!

Whew,now try and make bloody sense of that!
It takes a brain! well at least 1/2 of a brain.
Hello,what's wrong with my english?
It's bad, your comprehension is next to nill.. and I don't blame you for it. In fact I respect your command of the language, but it is obvious that it is a second language for you.

I started learning english when I was 5 years old.
Well, I just lost some of that respect.

Have you seen the post on the thread ''tired of 9/11.Some american thought I was american since my english is good.(arrogant b )
some moron thought YOUR english was that good? Damn, they must of been as dumb as you!

What was your english grade in school dipshit(that's if you're not a drop out)
My English skills are apparent and open for all to judge, just like yours... any grade made by you or me is irrelevant.

'You obviously have rudimentary knowledge of the English language, but you still lack basic communication skills.'

Say what?!

'Just callinng someone a "Jackass" with no explanation is silly... '

Nice one! I feel so humiliated now!

'I don't expect anything, especially from someone who has to commit intellectual suicide to follow her "religion".'

I'm so f baffled with this quote!You must have the biggest head but no brain to go with it.
And a big dick too! Wanna ride?

'Like you hating jews, but not understanding why someone might hate a muslim? '

I do understand why people hate muslims,it's because muslims are potrayed as being killers by the media,and people with no common sense(MRIH) believe every word.
Like you believe every word about jews... just admit it... you believe people who lack common sense hate muslims, but you hate jews. Now take the next logical step. You have no common sense!

'Yes, I do now... and I still don't know the answer. Like I said my guess is "YES" it is ok to call islam the "pig-****" religion.'

My question said ''other religions'',not just Islam.
You aught to know what your religions says,I means you f act like you know everything about Islam!
But I don't want to insult other religions! Why should I have to? Mommy, no!!!! don't make me!!!!!
'first of all, I'll "start" telling people whatever I damn well please! Secondly, Jesus Christ speaks for Himself! He has the power to save from hell. He doesn't need me to speak for Him! or kill in His name! or rape 6 year old girls! or stone adulterers to death! or pass judgement on any sin at all!'

I didn't say anything about speaking for Jesus,or saving me from hell.Why are you getting so defensive,I just said tell us the wonderful things about christianity.When you are at a loss for words you get angry and twist my words.Which is so f annoying.

'There's plenty. Do you need a lesson... OK here you ago. AIG, repent of your foul blasphemous religion and accept your forgiveness that God has provided you through Jesus Christ our Lord!'

Again,I didn't ask you to preach to me.Just tell me what's so wonderful about christianity.You obviously don't know crap about your own religion.

'Happy now?'
NO.nothing you say makes anyone happy.I'm just getting bored with you,you were fun to debate with at first,when you didn't twist everything I said and actually tried(tried,not succeeding) to answer my questions.

'I'm sure some Imam will put me to death one day for it!'

Sure?Do you know the future MRIH?

'There's a nice thread out there entitled "Undeniable proof that Christianity is Evil" Go post your crap in that one!'

I'll post my ''crap'' anywhere I want to!

'The only one I put on ignore was/is CrazyWambat because he can't make a coherent thought and his posts are stupid...!'

Oh that's it,it was CrazyWambat.You put him on ignore for quoting from your bible and showing what a hypocrite you are.
You were screaming,muslim women are oppressed,blah blah,then with one stroke he shut you up by quoting those horrifying quotes from the bible(still feeling sick from reading them by the way.)
Then came the stupid excuse that he quoted from the old testament,there is a new one which we follow.
Which means that in the old days people followed these beliefs and commited many atrocities,but you still say the prophet Muhammed(pbuh) did this and that,which was in the past.Shows again what a f hypocrite you are!

from your previous post:
'Why am I not surprised? You have had problems with basic english comprehension since you've started posting on this board! That is OK, because English is a second language for you, right?'

your recent post:
'I'm Mexican? My farts smell? (they smell like beans)'
You people should see why I call MRIH a hypocrite.
In the previous post he was insulting my intelligence and my english by saying it's because english is probably my second language.
Then he says he is mexican.Isn't english also your second language?

'It takes a brain! well at least 1/2 of a brain.'

OH damn!I guess you're f on this one too huh
Someone help both MRIH and I understand this:

christians believe,that Jesus is God,the son of God and Mary was the mother of Jesus and the mother of God!!!!
OH I missed one.Here's another one,straight from the Hypocrites mouth

'It's bad, your comprehension is next to nill.. and I don't blame you for it. In fact I respect your command of the language, but it is obvious that it is a second language for you.'

Hello,Mexican.I'm from somalia.English is your first language right?Who would have guessed.
I support evolution. Can't go wrong there. No fairy tales, no unseen hidden beings that contradict themselves, no deities that tell you to kill something that he created in his name. At least the proof is right there in your face with evolution. Not to crap on you religious folks but now it seems like there is a big "MY GOD IS REAL YOURS IS FAKE AND WRONG!!!" war and it seems pretty asinine to me. That is like saying your imaginary friend is better than your brother's imaginary friend. Stupid? YOU BET IT IS!!! :D

But some serious questions for everyone here. Don't you think that some person crapped out an idea of a deity of some sort and used that ideology as some sort of control way back when with a few other individuals doing the same? Wasn't that the original intent of religion? Correct me if I am wrong but alot of wars were started because of religion, because someone thought their deity or God was better than someone elses. Who is correct? Who's God is the best? Or all they all on par with Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny?
I didn't say anything about speaking for Jesus,or saving me from hell.
You told me to speak about my Religion which I did! You didn't like it so act like you didn't ask, but you did. You are soon to be on my ignore list!

Why are you getting so defensive,
I have a low tolerance for stupidity!

I just said tell us the wonderful things about christianity.
Being saved from your sins is wonderful! I told you like it is!

When you are at a loss for words you get angry and twist my words.Which is so f annoying.
LOL... Who on this board has ever seen me "at a loss for words". That is a good one! (Hint, if I'm at a loss for words, I won't post anything)

'There's plenty. Do you need a lesson... OK here you ago. AIG, repent of your foul blasphemous religion and accept your forgiveness that God has provided you through Jesus Christ our Lord!'

Again,I didn't ask you to preach to me.Just tell me what's so wonderful about christianity.You obviously don't know crap about your own religion.
Being forgiven and the knowledge that you are saved is very wonderful (to me). English lesson for you: fact vs. opinion ... look it up!

'Happy now?'

Not surprising. That foul pig-**** religion you worship will never lead to happiness.

nothing you say makes anyone happy.
You know the hearts of evryone? Do you equate yourself with God?

I'm just getting bored with you,
and I with you! You are going on my ignore list after this post.

you were fun to debate with at first,
until you got a thourough thrashing! ... it's not your fault, Islam can't be defended. It is too inherently evil! I am a mediocre debator myself, and I find it so easy to trash islam. You said yourself that I am stupid. You claim English to be a second language for me (it isn't ... Spanish is a second language for me)

when you didn't twist everything I said and actually tried(tried,not succeeding) to answer my questions.
I haven't twisted anything nearly as much as you have... but I don't care anymore... ignore list sigh

'I'm sure some Imam will put me to death one day for it!'

Sure?Do you know the future MRIH?
No, just a guess... and I hope I'm wrong! but the possibility is there is it not, AIG?

'There's a nice thread out there entitled "Undeniable proof that Christianity is Evil" Go post your crap in that one!'

I'll post my ''crap'' anywhere I want to!
That's the attitude that'll get you barred!

'The only one I put on ignore was/is CrazyWambat because he can't make a coherent thought and his posts are stupid...!'

Oh that's it,it was CrazyWambat.You put him on ignore for quoting from your bible and showing what a hypocrite you are.
You were screaming,muslim women are oppressed,blah blah,then with one stroke he shut you up by quoting those horrifying quotes from the bible(still feeling sick from reading them by the way.)
Then came the stupid excuse that was the old testament,there is a new one which you follow.
Which means that in the old days people followed these beliefs and commited many atrocities,but you still say the prophet Muhammed(pbuh) did this and that,which was in the past.Shows again what a f hypocrite you are!
pure Fantasy, I liked your fantasy about being 6 years old with Mohammed(may piss be upon him) better than this one!

from your previous post:
'Why am I not surprised? You have had problems with basic english comprehension since you've started posting on this board! That is OK, because English is a second language for you, right?'
your recent post:
'I'm Mexican? My farts smell? (they smell like beans)'

You people should see why I call MRIH a hypocrite.
In the previous post he was insulting my intelligence and my english by saying it's because english is probably my second language.
Actually, I was being complementary. I respect people who can dominate a second language... you should just realise that you still have problems in English.

Then he says he is mexican.Isn't english also your second language?
My parents are from Pachuca, Hidalgo in mexico. I was born in Gonzalez, Tx. and now I live in Austin, Tx.

'It takes a brain! well at least 1/2 of a brain.'

OH damn!I guess you're f on this one too huh
Someone help both MRIH and I understand this:

christians believe,that Jesus is God,the son of God and Mary was the mother of Jesus and the mother of God!!!!
Now this makes perfect sense to me!

Jesus is God.
Mary is the mother of Jesus.

God came down from heavan, was born of the virgin Mary, and was made Man. His name is Jesus. Simple. If it is too much for your tiny brain, then go back to pig-****, pedophile, suicide bombing religion.

AIG... you are now on my ignore list.
'I support evolution.'

You mean that crap about people being apes in the beginning?
Speak for yourself dear.

And if apes evolved into humans,how come some apes are still un- evolved?
I mean these apes could be your anscestors.(creepy) :eek:
There is still a debate on the ape thing. But there is more than one type of evolution. Convergent and divergent. It depends on many factors such as ecology which includes food and the habitat itself. Evolution usually occurs when a change is needed to fill a niche. The apes you see these days had no real reason to evolve. As for humans, they were quite nomadic and several species have came to be until the humans you see have become the dominant species you see today due to high adaptability. Many factors contribute to such an occurance.

Certainly sounds more convincing than being made from a pile of ****ing dirt.
'Jesus is God.
Mary is the mother of Jesus.

God came down from heavan, was born of the virgin Mary, and was made Man. His name is Jesus. Simple. If it is too much for your tiny brain, then go back to pig-****, pedophile, suicide bombing religion.

AIG... you are now on my ignore list.'

So to you Jesus is God,and mary is mother of Jesus(God),
So who created Mary?It can't be Jesus cause Mary gave birth to Jesus.And you can't say God 'cause to you Jesus is God.Don't christians believe God created everything?So who created Mary?

Hmmmmmmmm I guess someone with sense should have a crack at explaining this.MRIH doesn't fit in this catagory.
I will miss you MRIH,I won't find anyone else with no intelligence to make fun of.oh tear
Outlaw2747 said:
There is still a debate on the ape thing. But there is more than one type of evolution. Convergent and divergent. It depends on many factors such as ecology which includes food and the habitat itself. Evolution usually occurs when a change is needed to fill a niche. The apes you see these days had no real reason to evolve. As for humans, they were quite nomadic and several species have came to be until the humans you see have become the dominant species you see today due to high adaptability. Many factors contribute to such an occurance.

Certainly sounds more convincing than being made from a pile of ****ing dirt.

I will never understand it,but still atleast you know what you're talking about unlike (whisper:MRIH! shhhhh).
Everyone has their beliefs. I may be an atheist but I try not to **** on anyone's religion unless they are being totally brutal with their beliefs. Evolution is just a science thing and I am all for science. The fight between science vs religion vs some other religion will not end until all humans are eradicated from the Earth in which I have reason to believe is what humanity will do to itself and is already in the process of...
phreakwars said:
I highly doubt your on his ignore list AIG, he enjoys arguing with you too much.

Damn, Phreak... You have figured me out! Seriously, I do enjoy AIG. I couldn't put her on my ignore list! CrazyWambat is though!
'JHony, Do you not see the difference between a Christian fundamentalist who will nag and preach at you for your beiefs and a fundamentalist muslim who will kill you for your beliefs?'

Jhony,i hope you don't believe this crap,i think you're smarter than that.
MRIH,is trying so hard.The first thing he probably says to anyone he meets is ''Islam is evil,if you don't hate Islam i don't wanna know you at all''.(probably,stamps his foot)
MRIH,start telling people about all the wonderful things about your religion.Or are you finding it hard to find any.Your religion is full of confusion and the bible has sooooo many contradiction,but I can't blame it,ofcourse there will be contradictions when every Tom,Dick and Harry decide to write a new bible!

You may have noticed Jhony,that MRIH always gets angry and abusive when something is pointed out about christianity.
I mean there was once someone just quoted the bible and he threatend to put him on ignore.
What's wrong with you MRIH?Just take a closer look at your religion and you yourself will be confused about some things.

here is one:
christians believe,that Jesus is God,the son of God and Mary was the mother of Jesus and the mother of God!!!!

Whew,now try and make bloody sense of that!

To be fair to AIG I must point out that the muslim faith is practiced in every bit as civilized manner as christianity in many parts of the world. The brutal translation of the more barbaric laws of the Qur'an are generaly practiced in the poorest and most politicaly challenged areas of the world ( ie.the Taliban ). Millions of muslims faithfully practice their respective beleifs inside of American borders everyday without any semblance of violence. These images we've seen posted of the horrific punishments handed down by islamic factions are only provided from the poorest and most uneducated areas in which islam is practiced.

Cristianity and the bible are, in their original interpitation, very much brutal and primitive. In the old testament in the book of Dueteronomy there are many primitive and ugly references to violent retribution in the name of the lord. One such entry exclaimed that "if a man were to commit adultry, let his privy be striken off with stones". There are many other bizarre and violent entries in the bible as well.

Most religions as practiced in the modern world are in fact watered down versions of their original interpetations. Allow me to use an analogy. Lets say I exclaim that I love raisin bread. Mmmm mmmm. Well, really I just like the raisins, not so much the bread. So i'll pick out all the raisins and I won't eat the bread.

Then why the **** do I say I like raisin bread? Why didn't I just get raisins and leave the bread out? You see, thats what has happened to most religions in the modern world. A bunch of folks picking out the raisins, just the parts they like. You can't play a sport and then pick and choose which rules that you want to follow. If ya want to play the game, then play by all the rules. But ah ha, thats the issue with the evolution of relgion. The rules have changed to accompany the needs, wants, and values of modern man.

So in effect, islam has, to a much larger degree, withheld more of the original interpetation of thier religous text. Catholics and christians are masters of redefining their original text to fit what civilized man wants from religion.
The contridictions and implausable facts stated in the bible are egrigious enough to inform any educated man/woman that they have doned the blindfold required in order to follow faitfully. Don't listen tio science when science proves your faith to be illogical. That would require you to remove your blind fold. Don't let you children watch Barney the dinosaur because that would be an omission in your part towards the bibles historical inaccuracies.

To make myself clear, I am not an atheist. Atheist are devoid of any consideration towards the paranormal. Atheism detracts any possibility of god/gods existing. I am one who simply does not believe what can not be proved to me. That is not to say that it is not possible for god/allah to exist, only unlikely. I am as open minded as I am skeptical.
'So in effect, islam has, to a much larger degree, withheld more of the original interpetation of thier religous text.'

Do you mean that something had been removed from the Qu'ran?

The Qu'ran makes mention of barbaric punishments for simple crimes, does it not? My comment was only ment to point out that islam, as practiced by more civilized people, tends to leave these practices in the past. Is this not true? Do you personaly believe in such harsh punishment as law of the Qu'ran?
Jhony5 said:
The Qu'ran makes mention of barbaric punishments for simple crimes, does it not? My comment was only ment to point out that islam, as practiced by more civilized people, tends to leave these practices in the past. Is this not true? Do you personaly believe in such harsh punishment as law of the Qu'ran?

The Qu'ran does make mention of punishments,only for those who deserve it.e.g murderers.
But it also states that if they repent and don't do it again forgive them and Allah will also forgive them.
I think that's fair.I mean if someone doesn't stop commiting a crime then they should definately be stopped.Don't you think?

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