Kristján- yep, well no..Idk lol think she has blonde streaks now as in Since you've been gone, but I think the blonde hair in my avy is edited by some program. Can be PS :thumbsup:
Numb_Girl25 - thanx girl! ^^ I wuv it too
Love the lyrics! XD
September 22nd
I got up 7:00 but actually had to get up 8:00 =_= anyways I tried to sleep and after I fell asleep again, I dreamed that Rawah was crying and then I hugeed her but she could'nt see me, suddenly she killed me
woaah...freaky, eh? *shakes head* so I woke up when I realized that I died *lmao* and went to school..late...again =_= I had persian as my first class, it was ok...Then I had Tema and I did pretty much nothing cause I started to feel sick and had headache so for the reast of the day, I had Tema, so I went home. I ate lunch, got online..made sigs..burned "breakaway" by KC which rox *^^* yeah....wayched Everybody loves Raymond...then I had to go to band practice. ****, it sucked! Well , Alex told me that Niklas had broke up with her so I thought he would'nt come, however he did. Alex was soooo idiotic. She kept on telling how "helpless" she is and was acting all girly (cause of Niklas) meeh later on me and Niklas were just talknig about snowboarding (I love it!!) and she got mad at me
that continued and she just left when Niklas asked if we could hang out sometime which was like totally freindly!!!. I have'nt done anything here. I mean, it's so stupid cause if a guy and a girl just are freinds and have things in common, everyone are just like "aww how cute, they like eachother" -_-
meeh I left and then I met Rebecca! XD I love that girl (as a freind >_>
she is so funny! meeh we talked, she's here right beside me, staring at me which is really freaking me out o.o *cough*
meeh thanx for reading. I'm gonna have fun now lol