Heart LP´s Journal


New member
Fri- ooh ok, yeah lol all 3 :p

Sis- lol yep, I did :p

oh btw yep, that's the dream lol it's my fav one lmao

ohw lol ok :p

PSP X is the 10th version of PSP, it's almost the same as PSP 9. Onlu contains some more programs :thumbsup:

I'm in a hurry hon, LOST is on :D

*hugs and kisses back*

love you ^^



New member
a bucket *grunbles* i think thats a bit hard to get*goes in search of one*

if i cant find one does that mean yoo wont come? *looks all sad*
weeell, *sigh*


ok! :D

I mean, I'll come o.0

*sits on a couch*

so..now what? XD



New member
I...err...Chewbacca! >.>





*gives you a bucket of icecream*

omgosh I just confused myself XD



New member
Kristján- yep, well no..Idk lol think she has blonde streaks now as in Since you've been gone, but I think the blonde hair in my avy is edited by some program. Can be PS :thumbsup:

Numb_Girl25 - thanx girl! ^^ I wuv it too :D Love the lyrics! XD

September 22nd

I got up 7:00 but actually had to get up 8:00 =_= anyways I tried to sleep and after I fell asleep again, I dreamed that Rawah was crying and then I hugeed her but she could'nt see me, suddenly she killed me o_O woaah...freaky, eh? *shakes head* so I woke up when I realized that I died *lmao* and went to school..late...again =_= I had persian as my first class, it was ok...Then I had Tema and I did pretty much nothing cause I started to feel sick and had headache so for the reast of the day, I had Tema, so I went home. I ate lunch, got online..made sigs..burned "breakaway" by KC which rox *^^* yeah....wayched Everybody loves Raymond...then I had to go to band practice. ****, it sucked! Well , Alex told me that Niklas had broke up with her so I thought he would'nt come, however he did. Alex was soooo idiotic. She kept on telling how "helpless" she is and was acting all girly (cause of Niklas) meeh later on me and Niklas were just talknig about snowboarding (I love it!!) and she got mad at me o_O that continued and she just left when Niklas asked if we could hang out sometime which was like totally freindly!!!. I have'nt done anything here. I mean, it's so stupid cause if a guy and a girl just are freinds and have things in common, everyone are just like "aww how cute, they like eachother" -_-

meeh I left and then I met Rebecca! XD I love that girl (as a freind >_>) she is so funny! meeh we talked, she's here right beside me, staring at me which is really freaking me out o.o *cough*

meeh thanx for reading. I'm gonna have fun now lol




New member
wtf is a chewbacca 0.o

yea yoo highly confused me too


yey a bucket of ice cream *shares with sammi*



New member

chewbacca is a character from starwars


^ chewbacca ^^

lmao oppsie!

awww noo, it's all yours.

*stares at you eating*

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New member
Woah I was like, wow, chill out people!

Why my name all of the sudden? :p

she killed you? o.0

And lol I think you're the first Indian girl I know that likes snowboarding XD

that reminds me of a qoute:

<Night-hen-gayle> I gotta go. There's a dude next to me and he's watching me type, which is sort of starting to creep me out. Yes dude next to me, I mean you.
lmao that crackes me up every time :p



New member
o0o0o right

so were yoo calling me that *points to hairy cousin it like thing*


nooo have somes!!! its nicely<33



New member
Cause we all love your name! :D

specielly when Rebecca says it! lmao

yeah, I hug her and that's what I get! pfft XP

I've always loved snowboarding...not a huge of fan of ski tho..

lmao!! quite similair to what just happened :p

thank ***, she's gone o.o naw jk



New member
oh nooo my dear, I didn't know what to say and at that moment chewbacca was the first things that popped into my mind.

cute isn't it? XDD

although a hairy oompa loompa is cuter XD


*takes a large scoop with hand*



eeek! cold! ><

icecream headache!!



New member

Just stopping bye at your yournal :p

Don't have much to say ghehes :)

Your new sign is coowl *even if i don't like kelly clarson :$ *

Uhms take care and hugs Mnoe



New member
Cause we all love your name! :D specielly when Rebecca says it! lmao

yeah, I hug her and that's what I get! pfft XP

I've always loved snowboarding...not a huge of fan of ski tho..

lmao!! quite similair to what just happened :p

thank ***, she's gone o.o naw jk
You all? Wait......somebody knows about it? *looks around suspiciously*


it's all good, lol I'd like to hear how she says it :p

well basicly you say it just like the English version, except the second vowel is like a german "au" instead of the english "a" :thumbsup:

I used to ski all the time when I was like 6-9, or something, I loved it.

*looks back* oh I remember when there was snow in Iceland *sigh*

lol it was? that must have been quite funny indeed XD



New member
Mnoe- hej hej!^^

Glad to see you here!

Thanx hon. Well, I like her :p

Thanx for dropping by ^^

thanx, same to you


Kristján- Are you talking about your first name? and if you are, then dont like "everyone" know about it? :p

woah you dont have in Rejkyavick (I tried my best spelling it XD)? O__O you must be kiddin me!

Well you see, In India, it's...hot! lol very very hot and then suddenly I see snow o_O woaaah I'll never forget my first winter in Sweden. It was amazing ^^



New member
Are you talking about your first name? and if you are, then dont like "everyone" know about it? :p woah you dont have in Rejkyavick (I tried my best spelling it XD)? O__O you must be kiddin me!

Well you see, In India, it's...hot! lol very very hot and then suddenly I see snow o_O woaaah I'll never forget my first winter in Sweden. It was amazing ^^
lol I guess


you almost got it right, it's Reykjavik :p

well, sometimes we have, but it's not much when there is any. what I meant though is that there is no snow on the skiing zones, so no one can go skiing anymore

I can imagine, like, what's all that white stuff? o.0 :p



New member
haha righties..w.as gonna say i dunno wether to be offended to be called hairy thing like that 0.o rofl><

oo no that was silleh *sigh and hands yoo a spoon*

yoo got brain freeze?

deary deary





New member
lmao white stuff!! neeh I was really nexcited to "feel" snow and then I learned how to make angels XP

aww I remember my first snow ball fight. I kept on falling down =_=

ohww well when we have snow...we got plenties!! otherwise we just have ice, which is not fun! it gets even colder =/



New member
well I think they're cute so it cant be an insult now can it my dear?

that's it! brain freeze! ><

*falls on the floor*

thank you ^^



New member
yeah, snow can be awesome ;)

lol yeah it's slippery :p

well yeah when it comes (parts outside reykjavik) it comes heavy and hard

we have lots of avalanches

yeah the lakes are often covered with ice, isn't that right?



New member
rofl...noo can never never be a bad thing *smiles*

aww dont *helps sammi up*

dont hurt yoorself now deary hehe<333



New member
thanks you ^^

well, somehow it's hard not too o.0

idk why but I feel...bad. It's the same feeling I had before I left LPF for a while and prolly the same reason too.


I need to read something.

any suggestions? :p



New member
do you mean the slippery thing or Vättern being ice? :p

well he did go on water so...´lol I can go too XD

****, I'm so stupid. :p



New member
aww why do yoo feel bad sweetie??

id recomend my books i read...but theyre all quite ghey ahaha




New member
I meant bad with Vättern being iced, cause you put a " :confused: " with it

oh you mean that? well that's true

you're not stupid lol

how can you get that idea? :)



New member
naww c'mon tell me! :p

well i kinda dont know. I'm feeling something that I should not be feeling and that disturbs me.

meeh, it's all complicated and has a looooooong story :p



New member
oh yeah, well it's cold so definetly bad :p

well, I somehow just..mehh screw it!

I hope the blooper video gets uploaded b4 I've to go. My vheeks hurt from laughing so much XD



New member
well ima not tired..so if yoo can be bothered i twill listen...well read cuz yoo cant tlk to me as such haha

well mon favourite books are harry potter hahaha<3 luff dumbledore haha

and these books by an author called jill mansel...if yoo ever see one theyre soooo amazing...ermm and i like true life stories like...about people writting about their childhoods>.<

yoo ever read/ seen teh film sleepers

omg thats sooo sad

yea ima babbling

i'll shush



New member
but I am o.o

naww jk :p thanx dear. I really appreciate it but it's something that I need to except and forget about.

ooh I love HP ^^

my fav is Hagrid :D he's awsome!

but soo dumblydore lol

oh i just read a good book about a person's life called dreaming in color and it was awsome! I also loved speak.

i'll keep that name in my mind ^^

noo you're not babling and even if you are, I asked for it :p

anywho, i'll be going now hon.

Not really sleep as I cant sleep these days -.-'

I enjoyed talking to you again!

loads of love! *huggles*

g'night =*



New member
yeah except Alex ******* about her X =_=

I dont understand girls lol seriuosly, they totally change when a guy is around...why? what's the big deal! :p

no offence lol



New member
aww okies hon

well i'll ttyl then

omgosh they sounds like awesomely books


and hagrid is sooo luffly isnt he? i prefere the books to the films, the films bug me more...>.<


x x x x x


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