New member heartlp.....your a dude?
I guess we'll never know.yeah except Alex ******* about her X =_=I dont understand girls lol seriuosly, they totally change when a guy is around...why? what's the big deal!
no offence lol
ah you got sick? I hope you get better soon...XD aww why do they bug you?I kinda think it's so cute see the old movies now cause everyone sounds so squeeky XD
he sure is! I mean Hagrid...well he doesn't sound squeeky o.0
but he and madam maxime are so cute!
*huggles back with mucho love*
well, I've been not here again..cause I got sick!
why? no idea >< I like..never get sick. Well I'm qúite good at chatching cold at times but not fever.
meh, anywho, today I have the strength to sit so here I am ^^ although I'm sweating like a pig (a detail I needed not to mention)
but I'm glad that I got sick now than later cause school starts soon and I cant wait! ^^
although, I'm having memory problems and having troubles to concentrate at one thing o.0
oho! I just realized that I cant ever live alone! cause then If something happens to me, who'll take care of me? o.o
o my gosh! I've gotta watch friends!
I dont quite remember why I wanted to update my journal anymore o.o
thanx for reading though.
Grandy loves
meeh screw sickness!ah you got sick? I hope you get better soon...hope school goes well too
silver line what? o.0meeh screw sickness!<3 cough medicine so there's the silver line (weird I know but I've always loved it )
thanx dear ^^
haha kez, that is indeed awsome and oh my gosh! you aunt, I wanna know her and follow her ><
I'm gonna be a nurse now! lolz
aww yea, he is! wouldn't he make a perfect oompa loompa?!
love ya =*
girls should be girly lol, well, that depends on what you mean by girly XDChristina- nope, A dudette
Kristján- guuuyss =_=
no jk lol
But girls get all girly, I hate that! ><
edit-oops...I mean cristina! nice name
aww thanks hon! you are sho shweet!sammi sweetie dont apologisde...i for one didnt feel uncomfortable..this is yoor journal and yoo can write anything yoo want...we may not know yoo vereh well but yoo are our friend<333i hope everything sorts itself out and i said ima always here for yoo...dont feel like yood be a burden realleh yoo wouldnt *huggles yoo*
haha i wont *zips mouth*omgawsh i always thought maybe dumbledore could like miraculously come back *cries* i luff him rawr she better bring him backs
hehe what more is there to say about his aunt 0.o shes boring haha
*huggles yoo again*