Heart LP´s Journal


New member
XD aww why do they bug you?

I kinda think it's so cute see the old movies now cause everyone sounds so squeeky XD

he sure is! I mean Hagrid...well he doesn't sound squeeky o.0

but he and madam maxime are so cute!

*huggles back with mucho love*


well, I've been not here again..cause I got sick!

why? no idea >< I like..never get sick. Well I'm qúite good at chatching cold at times but not fever.

meh, anywho, today I have the strength to sit so here I am ^^ although I'm sweating like a pig (a detail I needed not to mention)

but I'm glad that I got sick now than later cause school starts soon and I cant wait! ^^

although, I'm having memory problems and having troubles to concentrate at one thing o.0

oho! I just realized that I cant ever live alone! cause then If something happens to me, who'll take care of me? o.o

o my gosh! I've gotta watch friends!

I dont quite remember why I wanted to update my journal anymore o.o


thanx for reading though.

Grandy loves



New member
yeah except Alex ******* about her X =_=I dont understand girls lol seriuosly, they totally change when a guy is around...why? what's the big deal! :p

no offence lol
I guess we'll never know.

I change too when a pretty or a sweet girl is near, no idea why.

Christina, Sammi's a she XD



New member
Oh, hey, girl! :D

We haven't talked for ages! :eek:

Anyway, I'm sorry you got sick...but that's how the things go, right? :p

However, I hope you'll be feeling well soon... :thumbsup:




New member
haha I never get sick either.. I got a cold in april and I was like WTF **** no this wasn't planned lmao.

how can't you wait.. I can wait :( wanna trade?

lol.. wtf



New member
Christina- nope, A dudette :p

Kristján- guuuyss =_=

no jk lol

But girls get all girly, I hate that! ><

edit-oops...I mean cristina! nice name :p



New member
wells its not so much they annoy me...just lyke...teh books are better, and i had all these mental images of what they all lked like...and the film totally threw me off lol...cuz they dont look like i thought they would ¬.¬

i luff hagrid i think (apart from dumbledore) hes my fav character heheaww yoo got sick...ima hoping yoo feeling nicleh nows *huggles yoo*

and yoo want to update yoor journal because we all like reading it...duh sammi!




New member
Diana - Hey love!

lolz I know and yes unfortunately things do choose to go that way *shows fist at things*

Well, I already do ^^

Thank you hon for dropping by.

It's truely always good to hear from you =)


Phranka- well, I usually dont "plan" to get sick either. I dont really bother to write it up in my calender or something XD

hm...things to do:

- Go to the dentist.

- Laundry.

- Get sick!

oh my gosh lmao

sure! why not?! but then you'll get only 16 more days left..good enough? :p

Keza - lol yea, I've heard that often; Although for me it was vice versa. Specielly in the third movie. It was kinda freaky cause I imagined that the demetors and some rooms (leaky cauldron) would look like that and it was exactly the same in the movie! 0.0

yea me too! I mean dumbledore and Hagrid. ooh Hermione too. She reminds me of me very often :D

aww thta's so shweet fo you! I wish I could rep you but I have to spread around more rep before that XD

mucho loves!




New member
XD aww why do they bug you?I kinda think it's so cute see the old movies now cause everyone sounds so squeeky XD

he sure is! I mean Hagrid...well he doesn't sound squeeky o.0

but he and madam maxime are so cute!

*huggles back with mucho love*


well, I've been not here again..cause I got sick!

why? no idea >< I like..never get sick. Well I'm qúite good at chatching cold at times but not fever.

meh, anywho, today I have the strength to sit so here I am ^^ although I'm sweating like a pig (a detail I needed not to mention)

but I'm glad that I got sick now than later cause school starts soon and I cant wait! ^^

although, I'm having memory problems and having troubles to concentrate at one thing o.0

oho! I just realized that I cant ever live alone! cause then If something happens to me, who'll take care of me? o.o

o my gosh! I've gotta watch friends!

I dont quite remember why I wanted to update my journal anymore o.o


thanx for reading though.

Grandy loves
ah you got sick? I hope you get better soon...

hope school goes well too



New member
realleh! thats so awesomeleh lol!!

well im lking forward to teh new movie (my aunt is a nurse and shes working on teh set while they make it, incase like something happens shes there) ima sooo jealous haha<3

oo i luff thems..and i <3 ron hehe hes so cutleh<3333

aww thankyoo sweetie, thats realleh cutleh of yoo hon<333

*huggles yoo*



New member
yeah lol Like today I had this shirt that matched and my freind is like "woaah you've learned"

But it's not like I wear totally weird clothes lol

but you know, some girls are like "pink, pink. blue, blue" disgusting :thumbsup:



New member
ah you got sick? I hope you get better soon...hope school goes well too
meeh screw sickness!

<3 cough medicine so there's the silver line (weird I know but I've always loved it :eek: )

thanx dear ^^

haha kez, that is indeed awsome and oh my gosh! you aunt, I wanna know her and follow her >< :eek:

I'm gonna be a nurse now! lolz

aww yea, he is! wouldn't he make a perfect oompa loompa?! :D

love ya =*




New member
haha yoo gonna follow her *****!!!

i will tell her:D:D hehe

omgawsh he sooo would!! thats so cutleh!


take care sweeties and hope alls gdly





New member
woah you like HIM?

they rock!

I love rip of the wings of butterfly. actually had an anime sig which matched the lyrics :p



New member
meeh screw sickness!<3 cough medicine so there's the silver line (weird I know but I've always loved it :eek: )

thanx dear ^^

haha kez, that is indeed awsome and oh my gosh! you aunt, I wanna know her and follow her >< :eek:

I'm gonna be a nurse now! lolz

aww yea, he is! wouldn't he make a perfect oompa loompa?! :D

love ya =*

silver line what? o.0



New member
Haha. Him rocks. I may just go see them at the Hammerstien ballroom in NY. Why? Cause you can find me at any kick *** concert. MUAHAHA!

wait no....scratch that... i wont be going to that slipknot concert...curse my parents.



New member
silver line:

every cloud has a silver line = every situation contains atleast one positive thing.


Well, as this is the only place I feel comfortable to write my personal feeling at, I'm gonna go ahead.

Um, my dad just went to the hospital and his one half got paralized. I think it has something to do with brain hamerage (sp?) but I hope *** isn't that cruel.

I mean, enough is enough you know!

2 by-pass, so many mini surgeries, and it's always something with that man!

he was so athletic that it's impossible for him to get nay physical issues but he always has something. He was even close to die once. And the whole family is constantly worried. Specielly my mother. She has always something to take care if and I'm sick of seeing her like that. She is a human being too, she deserves some credit but she doesn't get that kind of time. After all this, what does my older bro do to help? Nothing. He drops out of school as a great thanx to my parents for dedicating their lives to us.

I try to be calm but I just cant. You pray and pray and pray and this is what you get?!

I've never for once believed that I should stop believing in *** even though my family has been through so much but it's just never enough.

And me being under age cant do a single **** for 'em. Not one thing.

A part of me jsut wants to give up and just idk..give up!

but then this other part of me kepps on telling me that giving up would be the most pathetic thing I could do.

I've got so much to say yet nothing at all.



New member
cool! ^^

can you believe this, I've never been to a rock concert in my life? =_=

Either no good band come in Sweden or I dont get teh chance to go :(

hm...well have fu at the concert ^^

I've g2g now so I''ll ttyl



New member
omgawsh im soo sorry sweetie<3 *huggles yoo*

i hope everything works out for the best and ima always here for yoo...anytimes *mwah*

this isnt fair:(


x x x x x



New member
Christina- nope, A dudette :p
Kristján- guuuyss =_=

no jk lol

But girls get all girly, I hate that! ><

edit-oops...I mean cristina! nice name :p
girls should be girly lol, well, that depends on what you mean by girly XD

oh yeah, sorry about that Cristina



New member
Well by girly I mean how stupid they get!

for instance, they get really childish o_O

for instance Alex was like "Hey Niklas, *twirls hair* I'm so glad that you came *giggle* [plus *insert puupy eyes face all the time*]


I know girls should be girly but not...ridiculous o_O



New member
Thank you guys. I really apprecriate your sympathy.

Now, I would like to apologize because of posting that. I mean, sure I really needed to get things of my heart but that does not mean that I bother you gus with my problems. So, I'm really really sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable.

Although, thank you very much for replying. I dont know what to say! I dont even know you all that good to bother you with things like that and yet you still are there for me. That's very kind of you! I dont know how to put it in words but I'm very thankfull to have friends like you :)

So, again, thank you.

Keza, I'm so sorry I didn't reply to last post. I honestly did not see that :rolleyes:

and err, *whispers* dont you dare tell her, woman! ><

you know what? J.K. Rowling's fav character is Hagrid! ^^

isn't that awsome?!

and well, she's not gonna do anything about dumbledore in the 7th book -.-'

although, the readers will receive more info about aunt petunia ...o.o

can't wait! ><

I think the book is coming on 7th July. Next year ofcourse :p



New member
Oh yeah I totally get what you mean, they get all silly and stuff XD

that's funny :D

lol I just pictured that scene with Niklas and twirling the hair

lol! :p



New member
sammi sweetie dont apologisde...i for one didnt feel uncomfortable..this is yoor journal and yoo can write anything yoo want...we may not know yoo vereh well but yoo are our friend<333

i hope everything sorts itself out and i said ima always here for yoo...dont feel like yood be a burden realleh yoo wouldnt *huggles yoo*

haha i wont *zips mouth*omgawsh i always thought maybe dumbledore could like miraculously come back *cries* i luff him rawr she better bring him backs

hehe what more is there to say about his aunt 0.o shes boring haha

*huggles yoo again*




New member
*gets a pair scisscors and cuts Alex's hair* there! ****, I feel better :p

Woah I just heard that Britney spears and Kevin gets 45 Million Crowns just to take pics and movie of their new born son, Preston. :eek: wtf?!

23rd september

I woke up at 8:00 and could'nt get up so I went to sleep again :p so I woke up after 15 mins, got ready and went to school. Today was PE day so I had to walk 3 miles! O.O I was like wtf? we're not machines lol but it was not that bad. Me, Louice, Marcus, Angelica and Lena were togther. Angelica was telling how she was scared of snails (tells that story everytime but she's still cute XD) then we got to see where the vikings lived, it was pretty cool! Like in cartoon network ^^ ok, not exactly like that lol but nice place XP Later on we had to go thro this forest called "Trollskog" which means Goblin Forest and everyone were like really quiet. after som while I shouted "oh look, there's one" and evryone are like "where where?" lmao Idiots! XDD

We had to cross this lill river stream thing and there was only a tree in between so we had get on the tree to get over the other side. Louice was the first one to go and she was like "oj" which means woah and then the person after her : "oj" and that way it continued so everyone was like "oj, oj.." so typical Swedish :p

meeh we went on and I killed a snail :( it was still a baby...but it was gross ><!! so rip baby snail o_O *cough*

We ate lunch in the forest and Angelica called Martina so that we could talk to her! She skipped school today XD

meeh Louice and Angelica got tired and kept on pushing me while I was talking to Lena about how dumb they were when they actually believed me XD

I turn my back and look at them and omg! poor girls were so tired, they were in a whole different world. They were fighting over something and I heard Angelica shout for the first time! She is just too cute to shout at someone XP

Well, as we kept on walking, we got to this place where we could see whole Jönköping...wow Sweden is so beautiful! lol I actually felt like being in Europe for the first time :p I wish I had a camera with me ><

Then we had to go home so I took the buss with Lena, came home um...went to sleep lol I just woke up and idk why but I'm listening to blues o_O

my day so far was just awsome! I'm tired like **** cause when I was about to get up from my bed, I fell right on the floor! lol

thanx for reading ^^



New member
sammi sweetie dont apologisde...i for one didnt feel uncomfortable..this is yoor journal and yoo can write anything yoo want...we may not know yoo vereh well but yoo are our friend<333i hope everything sorts itself out and i said ima always here for yoo...dont feel like yood be a burden realleh yoo wouldnt *huggles yoo*

haha i wont *zips mouth*omgawsh i always thought maybe dumbledore could like miraculously come back *cries* i luff him rawr she better bring him backs

hehe what more is there to say about his aunt 0.o shes boring haha

*huggles yoo again*

aww thanks hon! you are sho shweet!

*huggles tightly*


yea well, so did I. You know like Obi-wan if you have seen star wars. But she declared that Dumbledore was definetly dead! *tear*

**** snape and his dodgy voice ><

well that's kinda it! she said that there was more to her than we knew. I mean, she did receive a howler from Dumbledore once. You know what would be uber cool? If she was a witch too but then her parents decided to raise her as a muggle but that would be waaay beyond than weird :p


mucho love




New member


45 million Crowns? what do you mean?

lmao like "look, there's one!" -"where?" XDD

ugh falling from the floor must hurt, but I guess this good day made up for that, eh?



New member
i meants it hon<33


rawr hes dead...omg i cried so much now ima cry some more:( :(

wow that would be like uber coolness seeing as shes sucha prude and so vernon

wouldnt dudley be like a wizard type person then though?






New member
lol yeah, such idiots! XD cute idiots tho. :p

well, I mean crowns as in Swedish currency...you know...kronor... SEK:p

yeah, I just laughed at myself when I fell lol

I do that all the time :p



New member
cute idiots? lmao

yeah I know what it is, we have the same name here, Króna lol

just didn't recognize it cause you translated it to english :p

lol I do that sometimes, like hurt myself bad, and just start laughing insanely XD



New member
haha this is your journal honey.. you can post what you want.. I'd be devestated if anything happened to my dad.. so why not share your feelings and get it out..

anyways I hope you, your dad and the rest of your family are all fine

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