Heart LP´s Journal


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yeah lol it's funny cause I'm so clumsy :p

sometimes when it hurts bad I get ****** for a sec or 2 but I cant any longer than that XP

oh...yeah well crowns is weird...what if they would actually get 45 million "crowns" woaah....o_O

yep, cute cause they are my freinds. Specielly Angelica cause she is older than me but she barely comes up to my shoulder and she has always pink clothes lol too cute :p



New member
pfft...no need for apologies...I mean it's not like it's your fault you're going through a tough spell...

talking helps I think...and then the only thing to do is hope for the best...



New member
lol that's true :p

crowns? lol yeah that would be hilarious :D

but like in Icel that isn't the only meaning, it also means some other stuff I don't remember right now XD

short girl who wears pink?

don't think I've ever seen a person who wears pink ofter lmao



New member
Hey, Sammi! :D

Again long time no talk, ha?

Oh well, that's why I'm just stopping by to see if everything is alright... :)

Take care, hon...*hugs*



New member
lol she's really cute. she's like a...typical....girl! XD but not ridiculous :thumbsup:

yep, they would need alot of space for keeping the crows o_O



New member
Good news and some funny videos <---sounds like RHCP's song title o.0

Keza - I know, me too. Although, my friend told me before I read the book so ...>.<

but I cried more when Sirius died and I still do everytime I read it.

Dumbledore's death was more fo a shock for me. I couldn't except it untill when a few days ago J.K. declared his death was final ><

although, dont cry shweetie *huggles ya*

oh you're smart! >< lol

well, what if err, dudleykinns is a squib? o.0

neeeh, that would be too much work and stuff.

but I never thought of it that way!


Sarah - Hey sarah honey! Long time no see!

so I'm glad you dropped by ^^

well, not much just some family things but it's all fine.Thanx for asking ^^

Hope everything is rockin hon


Phranka - aww you're a sweetheart :)

that's true! and thank you for those kinda words. I really appreciate it!

*huggles tightly*

Fri - wow you sound so elderly XD

It does help but I dont wanna make anyone uncomfortable, you know?

that's for sure ^^

thank you sweetie!

Hope things are fine with you ^^


Diana - Hiya! :D

I know! >< honestly, what's up with that? I definetly have to make more effort by keeping in touch with you and actually the others here too. I've been really lazy =/

Thank you so much for stopping by hon. I'm really glad to see you here!

thank you so much,; You too


Good gosh I feel loved :p


Well, guess what guys?

Dad's home! ^^ awsome, eh? Well, he is here only for one night but he'll get the reports hopefully tomorrow so we can see if he can stay home longer or not. I keep my fingers crossed for that.

So, anywho, being in a good mood today, really awsome things happened. I won an award (graphic award), although I've an award before for the same icon yet in different category. It's for this icon:


AND I got nominated by one of my fav icon makers which is really big for me!

Then, this morning, I finally got my letter from gymnasium and school starts at 16th Aug as I thought it would. The only problem is that I've got dental appointment at the same day and I dont wanna miss anything of my first day there so hopefully I'll be able to rearrange it or maybe not.

ummm, yea so I stumbled upon this dude on you tube and he is soo funny! he has yhis bunch of videos called "The Wine Kone" and they are about different things. They are hilarious. Here's the link to all of his videos and I really recommend "u'r really hott" and "instant message progams". They are like 9 mins long but every min of it is worth watching :p

Yep, that's it. oh! I saw click yesterday and it was pretty good. Really sad but good.



Thanx for reading ^^

Mucho love

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New member
YW hunny

Good I'll cross my fingers for that too :) ah man I might sound like a kiss up now lol.

ah yeah you make icons,, pretty cool at that..

hehe I had a doctor's appointment on my first day of school 2 years ago too.. luckily we didn't do much that day... but yea these days you get ******* homework and tests in the first **** week >_<

hehe I'll check his vids out I guess.. I saw click too some day.. twas okay I guess :)



New member
btw dont forget to watch the "poisonous spider" who bit Chester is his *** XDD

oh..not crows...crowns..o_O

are'nt crows those black bird which are always in the rasmus' video? o_O



New member
o.0 lol I'll have to watch that! :p

lol yeah I knew you meant crowns, and yes they're black birds, and yeah I think that's in the Rasmus vid



New member
yea, click was bit..idk typical somehow but it wasn't bad.

you should! they are so physco-ish but in a funny way :p

exactly! argh >< I'm almost scared of going to school now o.o'

I dont like maths ><'

so yea...heh.. :rolleyes:

aww you dont sound like a suck up at all! you just sound exactly like a very sweet person who likes to care about other ppl :thumbsup:

and thanx hon ^^




New member
hehe yea twas okay..

and I will later I guess >_<

bleh I'm scared of school too.. once again I know no one and I'm a freshman.. bleh.. I don't make friends easy =( I've changed in the last 4 years though so maaaaaaybe it'll go easier as then.. but yea everything could happen.. people base everything on first expression too.. -.-

not really scared about the subjects haha just where to find the classes etc.. lol I sound like a 7th grader all over again :p

hehe thankshyou <3

glad I got to know you ^^



New member
no pressure! and no forcing either XD

ugh that sucks ><

changing school is quite horrible cause you have to start all over again.

and I agree that ppl do judge you by your first impression which really sucks cause that really is a bad thing for ppl like me :p

but yea I hope it gets easier =/

well, everytime you start at a new school it feels like you're a 7th grader so no worries :p

meh, I hope that tehre are ppl who can who you really are and I'm sure you'll get loads of friends ^^

aww *pinches your cheeks* (I cant resist ><)

I feel the same hon ;)



New member
*enters into Sammi´s journal*

Hmm you and Fribby are always having interesting convos in here(don´t know what u may be talking about xD).

*Listens to Sammi and Fri talking to each other while I stare at them as if I was listening to the convo 2*XDlol

Hii Sammi!!!I´m bored and I don´t know what 2 do =_=,although I have some h/w 2 do.

So wassup????How is your life doing?





New member
**** yeah! :D

ok mr, you've gotta watch the dvd before I tell you everything :p

I usually find it hard to keep quite about stuff like this *cough* :rolleyes:

Hey Vero!

no dont ust stand there and listen pfft

join us! :D

I'm bored too, well not bored but just really hyped but dont what to do,....very hard mhmm o_O

aww you have h/w? I'm sry! :( well, I have to work by myself this weekend, without Jennie but with all those crappy newspapers ><

lol idk why but this smiley---> >< , always reminds me of Cartman or Dr. Evil XDD



New member
no I'm not anxiuos well maybe but I ate many chocolates and icecreams and **** like that when mom was not home cause I do that when she's not home heeheihie




New member
awww *pinches your cheeks*

you're very sweet and I've prolly said that a couple of times now o.o

oh, I'm just fine, wth! things happen! all that matters is that right now things are fine.

and as you said, you've gotta hope for the best =)



New member
*gives you a snicker icecream*

omg omg when my mom finds out that I finished a packet of 10 in 2 days she'll kill me :eek:

woaah...I broke my won record! go me! :D



New member
heya sweetie

oh yea i do too haha...sirius was one of my fav characters as well as dumbledore so now theyre both gone its like a real downeramazing how a book can have sucha effect on yoor emotions<333

*huggles yoo* ima so glad about yoor daddi...good luck to him and yoor famileh sweetie<3333



New member
Fri - haha well that's good :D

thanx ^^

Keza - hiya! :p

i know! o.o

<3 hp

*huggles back* thanx hon ^^


oooh I've g2g. err..yea

umm bye ><



New member
LOL Phranka XD

well I had to go yesterday cause err...I stayed online a lill longer than I should have..heh.


8th August

My day started by waking up laughing my *** off. XD

that's like the first time that has ever happened. Apparently, I was dreaming something really funny and I remember waking up sometimes finding myself laughing at something but in the morning I was like laughing and I fell off my bed XD hahaha omg a great start!

so yea anyways I felt like reading a book so I went the library after breakfast and found this book called Fall out which was awsome really. So I like finished the book in the library o.o

Came out, took a shower, ate lunch and watched Desperate housewives. It's such a shame that I wont be able to watch it when school starts cause it comes like almost at midnight =/ so I have to catch up in holidays when they show marathons of previous episodes. Anywho, it was great! <3 Bree, she is so purdy and in some weird way I really understand her. She's way older than me and stuff but idk..

oh! that reminds me I should prolly call my dentist and change the time!

so I should prolly call now otherwise I'll forget again -.-'

Thanx for reading!

take care loves =*

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