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yeah planning to go on a holiday to china ^.^
lol woah Sammi you keep falling! what's the deal with that???omg not again! XD
lol it means "The ****** damned world suckes...but it can be good sometimes...kinda"
that's what it means :thumbsup:
24rth September
I woke up 9:00 and I got up to get ready cause me and my parents were going to the mall but before that I fell...again XD I just could'nt feel my feet!
meeh so got ready, went to the mall and same old stuff hapened. Mom started complaining about my selection and blablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablabal and more blablablabla...
So I decided not to buy anything and said I would never go out with her again...as I do everytime I go out with her =_=' Kind of tradition, I guess.
So I went to the candy store and bought looooots of candy and it costed only 11 crowns! that's cheap!! and I got rainbow coloured toesocks
Later on I went to this goth store, the whole shop is black..man I love it XP so I bought this pendant,there are 2 seahorses on it. I loove seahorses!^^
So later on mom started talking about how important it is to get married with someone in your own culture *cough indian cough* >< always! I'm so fed up of her "culture" talk so I told her that I'm gonna mary a guy called Sven Svensson XDD lmao
meeh we went home and um..oh I went to work. I had to do it all alone this time...yeaaah..so anyways came home, ate, took a shower and went online.
I waited and waited and waited but nope, no one was online ><
So me and Rebecca went for a walk and I just came home, she is so funny XDD
um..so yeah that was my day...yep..
I'm eating candy now and um...yep...
thanx for reading
lol...well I...uh...dont know, I always laugh alot tho so I dont mind falling XPMost of my freinds have that kind of relationship with their moms so yeah...maybe..
I dont know but whenevere Fredrik (my fav teacher) wants to give an example about a swedish guy, he chooses Sven Svensson.
edit: I wont update my journal today cause well I did pretty much nothing.
worked, went for a walk with Rebecca, complained about parents (which was the best part wheheh jk) and I think that's all I did.
so..not much to tell!
oh oh, while I was working, I saw this really cute baby with blue eyes!! omg he was like the cutest baby I've ever seen!!! and he had two tiny teeth XD
yep, that's it...
asta la vista
yeah lmao ...I'd definately read thathaha yea XDshe really has.
It would be really cool if she wrote a book with her "lang"
even if it would be about a poor child dying or something, I would be laughing my *** off XD
aww that does not sound good