Help To Change LPF


New member
I'd donate! Maybe have a few more mini competitions like a GH Contest, or a Song Contest or remix contest something along like the SOTW things, more polls.

things we can get rid of

is like

Noob Flamers, since it always scares them away in my opinion! lol

Flamers period, it creates so much hostility...



Active Members
LPF should get tickets to the Project Revolution Tour, and give them away in some contest.

The LPF awards usually don't award those deserving. It doesn't work with such a larger community and as such, should be scrapped.



New member
Hehe.. Where you from? Australia?
Yep the good old Down Under.

I agree with Gradon, at least with the forum layout, and new mods elites admins etc. Put all the inactive people into a new group, like honourary members or something, and give people who actually contribute to the site the credit they deserve.

And I'm going to start the SOTW up again if enough people want it..



New member
well. okay. let's rephrase that. oops. sorry jojo. didn't know.

I can only look at that banner only a number of times until I think, hey, we need a new competition to make another banner (and hopefully another version of LPF) for the sake of having some interesting competition.

We need like another poetry competition as well. The last completely died because no one bothered to put up their entries and Rissa didn't bother to check the entries.



New member
Like sloganizer?

haha. That's an awesome idea. But would it eat all of our RAM up?

This is my home page and my most visited page in my cookies/history. That's how incredibly how much I love LPF. And besides the fact that I've been on since 04.



New member
And none of that changes the basic problem with the site - it's just putting a new face on an old problem - literally.

Bottom line we need more contributions and interaction from members. Banners and visual aids are good visually but even if we had them, or six rotating banners, or however many you care to have, it's still just window-dressing isn't it?



New member
Call it what you want, but the forum is old and tired at the moment and unless it gets revamped the members will get tired of coming here. So it might just be window-dressing, but without it there's pretty much nothing else to do.


New member
Call it what you want, but the forum is old and tired at the moment and unless it gets revamped the members will get tired of coming here. So it might just be window-dressing, but without it there's pretty much nothing else to do.
That's exactly my point. I even mentioned that fact myself at my earliest post. Yes the place DOES need a revamp. I've been a member for like 4 years too and I get bored with the visual aesthetic of it, anyone would. Point is there has to be more too. Okay so we all mostly agree we need a new look. Do you all remember when this place changed hands and I think Coredump got it? The site did get a new look and for the most part we all liked it. Did it change much else? Not really. I'm just making you all aware of the fact that we've been down this road before and it didn't really work then either.

Feel free and suggest whatever else you think would help but bottom line a fancy banner won't make bored members want to come back after they've seen the same 6 banners rotated a few times... get the picture?

On a side note I think a great step in the right direction would be to move this thread to the home page and bring it to the attention of everyone instead of the curious few. The more we get people to notice the more they may want to contribute some suggestions some of us might not have thought yet - rather than stare at the same what, LPF sessions thing there? :confused: (Sorry, I sort of ignore that part anyway, like I said, seen it a few times my eyes sort of glaze over and I hit the forums button).

And yes someone did bring this point up earlier - who are the mods and such now and where are they? Who's left? I'm just curious is all to see who's technically left in charge etc. Once upon a time I thought I knew everyone, now I don't know who's still here, who's gone, or who's in the process of crossing into virtual anonymity ;)

A bit of clarity wouldn't hurt, especially for the new members too. Just a thought.



New member
I don't know why everybody keeps saying 6 banners? I was thinking more along the lines of getting as many members as possible to contribute a banner, that way there would be upwards of 20 or so banners to keep it interesting.

And I agree with the mod thing. That's why I suggested another group, for people who aren't active anymore. That way they still gain the recognition they deserve, but it clears the way for new active people to take over.



New member
To start my post off I'll explain my absence. I've been busy with keeping myself and Ash out of trouble recently + Today I had surgery on my toe (which hurts like a *****) so I was more thinking of that rather then this website.

The reason I didn't think to come here is the lack of fun. There was a time where I had shitloads of fun here. I got payed out for being logged on here every moment of every day. Now I come here and just do nothing. Pointless hey?

When I left there were members really ****** at each other, as entertaining as that was, it isn't the best way to attract new members.

LPF Awards = Waste of time, it's not fun, it's just vote, win, over. It's lame.

What I think we need is something that really draws people here. Attempt to set up exclusive interviews with members of Linkin Park, do whatever it takes to get them. People would come join for sure if that could be arranged. Maybe not only Linkin Park, keep up to date with other things as well. Be it music, politics, film, world controversy or anything. We need something interesting like that.

As well as that, we could try hyping the LPF Sessions way more then usual. It is usualy heard by a few of us, a few of our friends and may6be a few myspace users. The more people that hear it, the more chance there will be that a lot of people will like and and want to get involved.

I'd say more, but the pain is too much lol. Think about it!



New member
combine everything, get sotw going, hype the lpf sessions, have a banner contest, do something big and serious lp related...

that should work. and if not I guess the place is doomed...sadly

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