Help To Change LPF


New member
and the LPF awards can work, with more categories and maby a new voting system so thats its 100 fair :>


New member
I dont think I wouldve said this two years ago, but a direct democracy on all voting might be something at least most people would be happy about, if it goes down that is to sya


New member
I like the idea of the awards but yeah, some fine print needs to be ironed out first. After some drama of the previous years it too is in need of a revamp, at least to it's flagging reputation ;)


New member
i think a fresh influx of members is always best, it just adds that much more to LPF, and i dont just mean "new members", i mean people who eventually end up being as sad as us and post 1000+ posts and contribute and be part of the community

we need some form of fresh approach too,, to avoid losing more and more of the members that have been here along time, retaining+ recruiting

competitions and stuff would be ok...but theyre just pass by fads, they dont really get people too interested for too long before theyre cast away or theyre not really interested in them in the first place



New member
Tonz;566247']i think a fresh influx of members is always best, it just adds that much more to LPF, and i dont just mean "new members", i mean people who eventually end up being as sad as us and post 1000+ posts and contribute and be part of the community

Yeah. Like people who've been on since Yr 9 and is currently attending Uni.


Good members (not say all of them) have left. Shahfire, Vero, (sadly I'll admit it despite our personal differences *cough* stole ex bf from me *cough* ex-bestfriend *cough* stupidsoul1 aka Fiona,) I wish Snipervirus didn't get banned, nor Treeves, good blokes, I wonder where the **** Rissa (Shadowed Heart) went. Chainer was good, yeah, when we were going out! Lpp aka Beck was just a crazy deluded ******, hate to put it that way. But seriously she has issues!! Still !! Spike1412 I think it was, was funny *** guy ^^ Linkinparkbabe87 was an awesome mod, Suicide King as well, and Shinoda Bear.

Hate to say it, but we have too many teenie noobs on here (and who's currently downloading Vanessa Amorosi stuff lol?)

But I have to say we still have some LPF veterans still on. I remember when Jeezy came on! That's how old I am on here! I remember a shitload of people who've got over a thousand posts. I remember Rav's noob thread, I remember Fribby's noob thread...But hey like I said before, we've got LPF veterans, Sygy, Frabjorn, Jeezy, me...Fiona said that on a comment on myspace, that LPF got too lame for her liking, despite the fact she holds the most post...stuff her seriously. I seriously don't remember Vash being on when I was a noob. I remember Azem being on because he thought I was a guy...Hahninator, and many more!


I'm 19 at the end of this month and already I feel so old.



New member
Enjoy that stroll down memory lane did you? Brought back some names AND some memories for me too mind you ;)

Bottom line - we need more activity. How do we do that? We as a group can't. We as individuals can. With so many people in varying ages with varying interests its inevitable people are going to get bored, you can't please everyone all the time. Attracting new members is fine providing you can get the one's you've already got here want to stick around too. How do you please both?


I reiterate, if its that big an issue in this place get it out there instead of hiding this away in a back alley thread. Put it in everyone's faces, just like those three little letters above, and get your point across, or those that are content to lurk and do their usual one post a day ritual are going to keep doing just what they've always done and nothing will change.



New member
LPF can be interesting by joining my marketing campaign for demo :p j/k

It is getting rather



New member
I can say we can get a group of people together on things like Xbox 360 and PS3, even though I think only 1 member here has it as far as I know. Like maybe start up an LPF Clan or something XD THAT WOULD be interesting. Maybe having an LPF Band..that'd be different, having a bunch of artists Guitarists, Drummers, Singers etc all team up and make an LPF Band. I dunno what you all think, it's just an idea.

so all in all

-LPF Clans on like 360 and PS3

-LPF Bands, combining musical talents.



New member
if i remember correctly the band idea has been tried. I say we try to make 2 bands and maybe have competitions between them?
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