Help To Change LPF


New member
yea i agree with u ravenlee...i mean there are a lot of times we've tried to do fun things but people just dont wanna take part...and everyone looks to the mods, but we dont have a lot of power to do like the revolutionary things they want


New member

this might be abit out there

but perhaps look at another ailing LP-forum and possibly merger?

cause i wouldnt think theyd be talking about anything too far different to what we talk about, and be a good chance to get members/new people in general, and who knows...


Blue Sky Turtles

New member
And how about improving our updates on LP? I may haven't been around for a while but I've noticed that LPA is ahead of us on LP news updates.


New member
this might be abit out there

but perhaps look at another ailing LP-forum and possibly merger?

cause i wouldnt think theyd be talking about anything too far different to what we talk about, and be a good chance to get members/new people in general, and who knows...
thats not a bad idea, but im pretty sure everyones accounts would be deleted, and plus site owner would have to buy over the other ailing site and we see how eager he is to put a new layout let alone merge two sites good idea though



New member
hmm true...

and even if it didnt require a mod to buy out the site, transferring stuff we currently have(writers corner,uploads section etc) would be an absolute *****

abit of a change of that plan, since this site is fairly safe(in terms of the admin wont sell it for awhile-i think?) we should be looking to bring members over from other forums(those that are ailing) to join LPF, we could clear out the intro section completely to accomodate them and anything they bring over(cause ****, we dont get new members anyways, and tht place would be pretty cluttered up with spam as well as actual members)

affiliations would be great...i notice we arent affilited with ANYONE(other than random plugs for Lplive,LPA...etc they arent even bothering with us lol). forums for some bands have affiliations with other forums of other bands/artists, which broadens the appeal of the bands and boosts forum numbers, now i know some of you are one-eyed LP fans who have never listened to anything NOT LP/FM/chester/mike related.

this MAY work as LP has a huge number of bandwagon/long time fans, and itd be a good chance for them to get themselves possibly back into LP?

last but not least, LPF...well the actual NAME, we are/will always be affiliated with LP, and lets say LP do not stretch themselves a massive album, then we're going to be equally stuffed, perhaps(money/admin forbidding) we could change the nme to something thats still LP affiliated BUT at the same time could mean anything...then say if LP collapse, this forum may well survive

(oh...i spose it MAY have been mentioned a few times...but the layout...F.F.S. its f***ing depressing as ****)



New member
Tonz;583228']hmm true...
and even if it didnt require a mod to buy out the site, transferring stuff we currently have(writers corner,uploads section etc) would be an absolute *****

abit of a change of that plan, since this site is fairly safe(in terms of the admin wont sell it for awhile-i think?) we should be looking to bring members over from other forums(those that are ailing) to join LPF, we could clear out the intro section completely to accomodate them and anything they bring over(cause ****, we dont get new members anyways, and tht place would be pretty cluttered up with spam as well as actual members)

affiliations would be great...i notice we arent affilited with ANYONE(other than random plugs for Lplive,LPA...etc they arent even bothering with us lol). forums for some bands have affiliations with other forums of other bands/artists, which broadens the appeal of the bands and boosts forum numbers, now i know some of you are one-eyed LP fans who have never listened to anything NOT LP/FM/chester/mike related.

this MAY work as LP has a huge number of bandwagon/long time fans, and itd be a good chance for them to get themselves possibly back into LP?

last but not least, LPF...well the actual NAME, we are/will always be affiliated with LP, and lets say LP do not stretch themselves a massive album, then we're going to be equally stuffed, perhaps(money/admin forbidding) we could change the nme to something thats still LP affiliated BUT at the same time could mean anything...then say if LP collapse, this forum may well survive

(oh...i spose it MAY have been mentioned a few times...but the layout...F.F.S. its f***ing depressing as ****)
All the points above are correct but it would have to be a URL change also since LPF is could change it to :p it would be LPmF



New member
we could like make a new lp site: but do we have someone that can make a site?


Active Members
Tonz;583067']well, i have a life, i still frequent LPF, its about COMPROMISE :D
blame LP more for this than anything else, not many bands take 4-5 years to release anything and when they do they leech every cent out of the living fan, good music, not so great on the marketing...

school isnt really a problem, nor is uni/college, its just the atmosphere, sometimes its fun and what not, but generally its quite depressing, and having threads which FOCUS on those problems and the depressiveness of the forums dont really help in the member recruit drive...=S
Hi! Long time, no talk.

I have actually sat on my response to this...I wanted to think it over. Everything Hazi said above, I would like to say I have been thinking exactly. Took the words right outta my post. :)

Now, on to the original post (it's the 1st post on page 1)

Ya'll have a problem, and here it is in the friendiest way possible: LPF is fine. No, better yet. LPF is great.

I say this because we have a large active core group of members, many more casual members, and a hardcore dedicated staff of mods and admins. You are all really passionate about the site, and this is defenitly something we all need at LPF, kudos.

Everyone here, though, has a serious case of 'The Grass is greener!'.

1. Don't do a facelift unless it will actually help the site in terms of functionality. The current layout of our site was done for no good reason, didn't improve anything at all, just changed the colors and the layout. Make it better, or leave it be - that is what I have to say to anyone who is up for the job.

2. If we continue the LPF awards, they need to be re-vamped. My suggestions are...

  1. Revamp nominations and voting to be all by popular vote only. No "final mod" approval. This is how we did the 1st LPFA's. That may be alot of counting, but it is the fairest way. LPFA's are about the member base as a whole recognizing the best of itself.
  2. Expand categories. Our categories have remained the same in number and kind, while our core-group of users has expanded. We need more categories so that more users get recognition. The LPFA's are about celebrating the good, solid members of LPF...they are not an elite status symbol. More categories - more winners.
  3. Two awards per member. Yes. In case of a tie, only then, should "mod approval" be made. I'm sick of seeing one member win four awards. Two is plenty, and there are many other deserving members out there.
That's my biggest gripe. :p

What I said above still applies. We have a great forums with a great staff, and great members. I'm not sure what the problem is here...honestly. If LPF is really 'boring' to you, then obviously spend too much time on here. Go chill with some friends, read a book. Or just jam to some music![:-} There is such a thing as too much of a good thing, so go live your lives and have some fun. LPF will be here when you get back. I promise.



New member
see the problem isnt the core members, we will always be here with some form of numberage

but, and a big stress on but, everyone here, see a problem in that we are NOT getting any new core members to join, yes we get casuals, but casuals do not boost the numbers, nor does it change anything here, as the core members slowly get older-ie moving on, or, get axed/kicked/banned, we are losing core members, there isnt a large core group to start with, there may have once been, but there certainly isnt as big now, and it will only get smaller, because the decline is small, its hardly noticeable when you re a regular, but take those who randomly come back and notice..."oh so and so are gone...and so and so...and this person..." etc, just LOOKING at the old school roll call v2 thread, i realise that while we are the current generation and we do well for ourselves int erms of numbers, our numbers are easily dwarfed by those that have left that made an impact on other forum members on the LPF, and at the same time, we are hardly getting any new members, i can maybe see 3-4 people in the last few months who have intro'd themselves who know have over 50 posts

LPF is not fine, LPF isnt that great(anymore), and im sure in no uncertain terms most people can see that, thats why there has been countless threads and opinions on this, if there was nothign wrong...why the **** did we bother to even start this????



New member
Expand categories. Our categories have remained the same in number and kind, while our core-group of users has expanded. We need more categories so that more users get recognition. The LPFA's are about celebrating the good, solid members of LPF...they are not an elite status symbol. More categories - more winners.
We're definitely working on that one. The Summer Awards were kind of a teaser for the Big Winter Ones...Awards are going to definitely be something new and different this time around



Active Members
Tonz;583353']see the problem isnt the core members, we will always be here with some form of numberage
but, and a big stress on but, everyone here, see a problem in that we are NOT getting any new core members to join, yes we get casuals, but casuals do not boost the numbers, nor does it change anything here, as the core members slowly get older-ie moving on, or, get axed/kicked/banned, we are losing core members, there isnt a large core group to start with, there may have once been, but there certainly isnt as big now, and it will only get smaller, because the decline is small, its hardly noticeable when you re a regular, but take those who randomly come back and notice..."oh so and so are gone...and so and so...and this person..." etc, just LOOKING at the old school roll call v2 thread, i realise that while we are the current generation and we do well for ourselves int erms of numbers, our numbers are easily dwarfed by those that have left that made an impact on other forum members on the LPF, and at the same time, we are hardly getting any new members, i can maybe see 3-4 people in the last few months who have intro'd themselves who know have over 50 posts

LPF is not fine, LPF isnt that great(anymore), and im sure in no uncertain terms most people can see that, thats why there has been countless threads and opinions on this, if there was nothign wrong...why the **** did we bother to even start this????

The reason so many members have gone is because LPF has been in existence for four years. Alot happens in four years. I come back every once in a while, and while I don't see faces and names I knew from before, I always see that new people are rising up and filling that spot.

LPF's growth has always been on the rise, and it still is. We are always getting new members because we've had enough time to make a good impact on our little piece of the internet and people take notice.

I agree LPF may need some improvements, fo' sho'...but LPF is much more than fine. It is a healthy forum.



New member
most of those new members dont actually post, arent actually members, or are spam bots or only sporadically come on, there arent that many, if any, i cn only think of Littleblackstone of late whos shot from the ranks of newb to honorary member in such quick time

you know, its fine, if you think things are fine, so be it, we arent a naiive, and while in the short run things may look "ok", but some of us would like to not only secure its short term members but also long term, and improvements hafto be made to keep this place going,im sure the majority of us will keep going,trying to find improvements, coming on every now and then like you say and saying 'everything is fine', is hardly helpful the minute you rest on your laurels is the minute you lose

and right now, we are LOSING members, and yes some newbies will come and fill in, but they dont just instantly fill the gap, they may bring something different, but they cant replace whats lost, we need to not only bring something different in, but also keep whats been core to the LPF, its core members, and those are slowly declining, for instance i dont see hahninator on anymore, not to mention we just saw stenners implode, who on earth will fill those shoes? as much as people hated stenners, he at the least...well before he imploded, tried to be different, in a forum of one-eyed LP fans SOMETIMES(he was still a ****) it was refreshing to have someone tell things differently(though he could have been a tad less negative with everything that wasnt his own opinion)



New member
the truth is this board has always been mostly '04-'05 members and many have left we didn't really gain many '07 memebers and '06 memeberes never stayed around except a few people
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